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这篇论文介绍了一种有效的3D笔刷模型,模仿中国毛笔的写字方式,能够运用于各种程序。-This paper presents a novel 3D brush model consisting of a skeleton and a surface, which is deformed through constrained energy minimization. The main advantage of our model over existing ones is in its ability to mimic brush flattening and bristle spreading due to brush bending and lateral friction exerted by the paper surface during the painting process. The ability to recreate such deformations is essential to realistic 3D digital painting simulations, especially in the case of Chinese brush painting and calligraphy. To further increase realism, we also model the plasticity of wetted brushes and the resistance exerted by pores on the paper surface onto the brush tip. Our implementation runs on a consumer-level PC in real-time and produces very realistic results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 635kb Publisher : li
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