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层次分析法(AHP)的VB实现-Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in VB.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher :

AHP层次分析法计算判断矩阵的最大特征值、权系数向量及权重总排序,简便实用。-AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process to determine the calculation of the maximum eigenvalue matrix, the weight coefficient vector and the total weight sorting, simple and practical.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : 高昕

DL : 0
层次分析法建模,包括内容:一、层次分析法概述 二、层次分析法的基本原理 三、层次分析法的步骤和方法 四、层次分析法的广泛应用 五、应用层次分析法的注意事项 六、层次分析法应用实例 -Analytic Hierarchy Process modeling, including content: 1, 2 an overview of analytic hierarchy process, AHP of the basic principles of three-level analysis steps and methods IV AHP five widely used, the application of AHP Note 6 , AHP Application
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 593kb Publisher : li

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AHP 层次分析法 层次分析法概述。层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process简称AHP)是美国运筹学家T. L. Saaty教授于70年代初期提出的, AHP是对定性问题进行定量分析的一种简便、灵活而又实用的多准则决策方法。它的特点是把复杂问题中的各种因素通过划分为相互联系的有序层次,使之条理化,根据对一定客观现实的主观判断结构(主要是两两比较)把专家意见和分析者的客观判断结果直接而有效地结合起来,将一层次元素两两比较的重要性进行定量描述。而后,利用数学方法计算反映每一层次元素的相对重要性次序的权值,通过所有层次之间的总排序计算所有元素的相对权重并进行排序。该方法自1982年被介绍到我国以来,以其定性与定量相结合地处理各种决策因素的特点,以及其系统灵活简洁的优点,迅速地在我国社会经济各个领域内,如能源系统分析、城市规划、经济管理、科研评价等,得到了广泛的重视和应用-The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for dealing with complex decisions. Rather than prescribing a "correct" decision, the AHP helps the decision makers find the one that best suits their needs and their understanding of the problem
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.58mb Publisher : billten

DL : 0
用EXCEL做的层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,简称AHP法) -EXCEL to do with AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process, referred to as AHP method)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 25kb Publisher : Andrew

DL : 0
层次分析法实例,包含层次分析法算法,及详细的步骤说明,还有实例-Examples of analytic hierarchy process (ahp)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 128kb Publisher : dawei

DL : 0
NP是美国匹兹堡大学的T.L.Saaty 教授于1996年提出了一种适应非独立的递阶层次结构的决策方法,它是在网络分析法(AHP)基础上发展而形成的一种新的实用决策方法。其关键步骤有以下几个: 1 确定因素,并建立网络层和控制层模型。 2 创建比较矩阵。 3 按照指标类型针对每列进行规范化。 4 求出每个比较矩阵的最大特征值和对应的特征向量。 5 一致性检验。如果不满足,则调整相应的比较矩阵中的元素。 6 将各个特征向量单位化(归一化),组成判断矩阵。 7 将控制层的判断矩阵和网络层的判断矩阵相乘,得到加权超矩阵。 8 将加权超矩阵单位化(归一化),求其K次幂收敛时的矩阵。其中第j列就是网络层中各元素对于元素j的极限排序向量。 -NP is a professor at the University of Pittsburgh TLSaaty presented in 1996, an adaptation of non-independent Hierarchy of decision-making method, which is the analytic network process (AHP) formed on the basis of the development of a new and practical decision-making method . The key steps are the following: A determining factor, and a network layer and control layer model. 2 create a comparison matrix. For each of the three types of indicators in accordance with normalized columns. 4 find the maximum for each comparison matrix eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvectors. 5 consistency test. If not satisfied, then the comparison to adjust the corresponding matrix elements. 6 will each feature vector units of (normalized), to determine the composition of matrix. 7 to determine the control layer and network layer to determine matrix matrix multiplication, to be weighted super-matrix. 8 of the weighted super-matrix units of (normalized), seeking the powe
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4kb Publisher : chen

本代码是数学建模中常用的方法层次分析法的常用程序,对解决评价模型是十分重要的模型。-This code is commonly used mathematical modeling methods commonly used analytic hierarchy process, evaluation of the model is very important to solve the model.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 冬冬

对数据进行层次分析,求出各个变量的权重,主要用于求最优方案-The data analysis hierarchy, work out the weight of each variable, mainly for the pursuit of the best scheme
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : sun

matlab编写的层次结构算法,将一个复杂矩阵分解为多个准则,得到多指标的若干层次,通过定性指标模糊量化方法算出单排序(权数)和总排序。-hierarchy algorithm, Matlab written in a complex matrix is ​ ​ decomposed into a number of criteria, multiple indicators at several levels to calculate the single-sort (weights) and the total ranking of fuzzy quantification method by qualitative indicators.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : renxueshi

利用层次分析法建模,获取确定的决策方法,并举例实现-Use of the analytic hierarchy process modeling, access to determine the method of decision-making, for example to achieve
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : 刘胡

使用图例讲解层次分析法,方法简单易懂,便于理解和初次使用-Use the legend explain the Analytic Hierarchy Process, straightforward
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 254kb Publisher : 戴鹏睿

包含几个经典层次分析法,matlab程序及其代码-Contains several classic analytic hierarchy process, matlab program code
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : 朱添田

层次分析法和两种matlab实现方法,利用matlab编程用俩种方法实现了层次分析法,并且有实例进行分析和验证。-Analytic hierarchy process (ahp) and two matlab methods, the paper achieve the analytic hierarchy process (ahp) by using matlab programming with two kinds of method, , and a instance is analyzed and validated.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 30kb Publisher : zhiwenshu

层次分析法的几篇文献,讲的比较详细,有参考价值-Analytic hierarchy process (ahp), a few documents about more detail, with reference value
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5.51mb Publisher :

层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,简称AHP)是将与决策总是有关的元素分解成目标、准则、方案等层次,在此基础之上进行定性和定量分析的决策方法。-AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process, the AHP for short) is the elements related to the decision is always broken down into objectives, principles, scheme, such as level, on the basis of the decision-making methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4kb Publisher : 熊晓玲

利用层次分析法解决方案层对准则层和目标层的权重并相应的做出决策。-Using the analytic hierarchy process (ahp) solution on criterion layer and target layer and the corresponding weights of decision-making.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : 小强

层次分析法的Matlab实现,参考MATLAB高效编程技巧与应用‰ ˆ -Analytic Hierarchy Process in Matlab
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : 张敬信

模糊层次分析法引入模糊一致矩阵,无需再进行一致性检验,同时使用幂法来计算排序向量,可以减少迭代次数,提高收敛速度,满足计算精度的要求- The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is introduced into the fuzzy consistent matrix, and it is not necessary to carry out the consistency checking, and the power method is used to calculate the ranking vector, which can reduce the number of iterations, improve the convergence speed and satisfy the requirement of accuracy.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 125kb Publisher : chensi

层次分析法,对于多传感器的最后判决问题,给予一定的分析与取舍问题。-Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), for the final decision of multiple sensors, to give a certain analysis and choice.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 340kb Publisher : 若风
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