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[WEB Codetot-asp-scan

Description:   本程序可以扫描服务器上的所有指定类型(asp,cer,asa,cdx)的文件,查出可疑的木马程序。系统采用扫描程序与病毒库分离的形式, 以后升级只需像杀毒软件那样升级病毒库就可以了。目前可以查杀所有流行的ASP木马程序。   系统提供了全站扫描、按文件夹和指定文件扫描三种扫描方式,如果网站文件比较少的话,推荐使用"全站扫描",如果文件比较多,推荐 使用按文件夹扫描。扫描过程,系统会记录被扫描过的文件列表,同时对怀疑是木马程序的文件以列表的形式展现,为了便于比较最近有可能 被上传过ASP木马程序,系统特别对当前时间7日内修改、创建的文件以加红显示;系统会对怀疑是木马的文件作出"级别"判断,并加以颜色区分 ;建议对级别为"一般"的程序作手动检查后,再作处理,对级别为"严重"的文件,可以点击"文件名称"下的文件链接,一般打开后木马程序都会 有一个登录提示,这时就点击"文件名称"下的"删除"链接,直接将文件从服务器中删除即可。如果担心会误删除,可以先点击"下载"将文件备份。-The program can scan all of the specified server type (asp, cer, asa, cdx) files, to identify suspicious Trojan. System uses scanner and virus database in the form of separation, Just like anti-virus software after the upgrade as upgrade virus database on it. Can now killing all the popularity of ASP Trojans. System provides the station scan, according to the specified file folders and three kinds of scan mode scanning, less if the site files, then recommended "full stop scan", if the file is more recommended Use by scanning the folder. Scanning process, the system will record a list of files to be scanned the same time, is suspected of Trojan files in the form of a list showing, in order to facilitate during the recent You may ASP Trojans are uploaded, the system in particular, within 7 days of the current time changes, create the file to add red display system suspected to be the Trojan file will make "level" to judge and make color-coded Recommended level is "normal"
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