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Telerik公司的著名产品RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX控件的完整源代码(C#),这是最新的2008Q3版。
Update : 2009-02-27 Size : 20.67mb Publisher :实现无刷新动态曲线图-Asp. Net VML XMLHTTP free refresh dynamic curves
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 46kb Publisher :

ASP.NET AJAX学习书籍,讲述关于AJAX最新知识。-ASP.NET AJAX learning books on the latest knowledge on AJAX.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 89kb Publisher : wanghaibo

我的第一个chat room 是用ASP 3.0写的。 程序比较简单,两个text box, 用来处理页面上每秒刷新的信息。那时候,要想建一个真正的chat room,要用到Java Applet 或者 ActiveX control。基于HTTP的chart rooms都面临着一些跟我第一个chat room一样的问题。这些问题包括页面刷新导致的屏幕闪烁现象。但这个问题已经被AJAX解决了。 AJAX是JavaScript和 XML异步调用的结合。现在在server端用一些JavaScript代码就可以实现一个真正的chat room了。这篇文章不会介绍Ajax,并假设你已经对Ajax和ASP.NET的运用有一定了解。只是介绍如何用Ajax技术来创建一个基本的chat room。 -My first is a chat room with ASP 3.0 writes. Procedures are relatively simple, two text box, used to handle pages of information per second set. At that time, if we want to build a real chat room, have to use Java applet or ActiveX control. Based on the chart HTTP rooms are faced with something like my first one chat room asked the same issue. These issues include pages to refresh the screen flicker. However, this problem has been solved AJAX. AJAX is Asynchronous JavaScript and XML called the combination. Now the server side using some JavaScript code can achieve a real chat r the oom. This article will introduce Ajax, and the assumption that you have to Ajax and ASP.NET use a certain understanding. Only how to use Ajax technology to create a basic chat room.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 柳军

DL : 0 中的 ajax 实例 , VS2005.-Asp. Net of ajax example, the VS2005.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 128kb Publisher : 郭佰胜 ajax 的应用,还有一些关于 ajax的一些控件的应用-Asp. Net ajax applications Some of the Asp. net ajax Control Application
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.86mb Publisher : myt结合的简单代码,该代码可以使你体会到最新技术的先进程度。 ajax simple combination code, the code can make you feel ajax the sophistication of the latest technology.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 35kb Publisher : wyz

ASP.NET AJAX基础示例代码,如何在ASP.NET中实现一个最基本的AJAX。-ASP.NET AJAX based on sample code, how to ASP.NET in the realization of a basic AJAX.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 微尘众

DL : 0
本卷从最易于理解和使用的部分入手,介绍ASP.NET AJAX框架中能够与传统ASP.NET无缝对接的服务器端部分,包括服务器端ASP.NET AJAX Extensions与ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit。这部分内容不需要读者任何的客户端开发知识,只要在Visual Studio中拖拖拽拽即可实现强大的客户端Ajax功能,例如局部页面更新、异步回送、拖拽、动画等,非常适合为现有的ASP.NET 2.0应用程序添加少量的Ajax特性,或是基于ASP.NET 2.0的一些简单Ajax功能的实现。-The present volume, from the most easy to understand and use some to start, introduce the framework of ASP.NET AJAX can be docked seamlessly with the traditional ASP.NET server-side part, including the server-side ASP.NET AJAX Extensions and ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. This part of the contents of readers do not need any client-side development of knowledge, as long as the Visual Studio drag drag drag can realize powerful Ajax client-side functions, such as partial page updates, asynchronous loopback, drag and drop, animation and so on, very suitable for the existing ASP.NET 2.0 application to add a small amount of Ajax features, ASP.NET 2.0 or based on some simple Ajax functionality realized.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.66mb Publisher : ty

ASP.NET,PHP,Javascript,Ajax教程 新版本,英文原版,非扫图版,是一切排版原汁原味,AJAX与ASP编程精品收藏!-ASP.NET, PHP, Javascript, Ajax Tutorials The new version, the English original, non-扫图version, all original layout, AJAX and ASP programming fine collection!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.41mb Publisher : xu 的好例子,值得学习 ajax good example, it is worth learning
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : guichuan ajax编程,可以做到局部刷新,用户体验和关心增加 ajax programming, partial refresh can be done, the user experience and increasing concern.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 36.79mb Publisher : wuzhx

ASP.NET.AJAX基础教程视频.rar给各位苦于在为界面刷新而烦恼的朋友提供一点帮助!-ASP.NET.AJAX Video Essentials. Rar to you suffer from interface refresh for friends to worry about providing a little help!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48.65mb Publisher : 范永林

ASP.NET Ajax technologies based on the mail system -ASP.NET Ajax technologies based on the mail system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.63mb Publisher : wangjunchao ajax的例子,可以直接適用 ajax example, can be applied directly
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 277kb Publisher : phinex AJAX 入门与案例详解一书的配套源代码,学习 AJAX时可将参考此源码资料。 -Introduction to AJAX book with detailed case supporting the source code, learn AJAX can be used as reference data for this source.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18.09mb Publisher : 刘丽

DL : 0
This presentation gives a short introduction of ASP.NET AJAX.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 546kb Publisher : naveen kumar AJAX开发从入门到精通的pdf学习资料。包括三部分:初识 AJAX,AJAX control ToolKit中文本文件的使用,给于AJAX中电子邮件的处理。 AJAX development from entry to master the pdf study materials. Consists of three parts: first met AJAX, AJAX control ToolKit Chinese use this document to the e-mail address in AJAX.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.55mb Publisher : qiufeng

In this book, Adam and Joel focus on providing a beyond-the-basics drill down of the inner workings and extensibility of the ASP.NET AJAX framework by covering the programming patterns established by the script framework, the architecture, and the techniques to create AJAX-enabled server controls. They also cover advanced but still relevant topics such as localization and error handling. By providing a conceptual guide to understanding and extending the framework, this book is sure to serve any application or component developer who is looking to unlock the true potential of ASP.NET AJAX.include the book Source Code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.87mb Publisher :

ASP.NET AJAX web chat application
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 403kb Publisher : testkathi
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