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[Other resourceAstrogatorTrainingSlides

Description: Trajectory Design and Maneuver Planning with STK / Astrogator
Platform: | Size: 4400828 | Author: 陈鑫 | Hits:


Description: Trajectory Design and Maneuver Planning with STK / Astrogator - Trajectory Design and Maneuver Planning with STK/Astrogator
Platform: | Size: 4400128 | Author: 陈鑫 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringArticulationAutomation

Description: STK astrogator launch example ,vdf formate -astrogator launch example
Platform: | Size: 29448192 | Author: yangyuxiang | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSTK(Astrogator)

Description: STK 专业版(顶级航天、卫星仿真):,STK的全称是Satellite Tool Kit(卫星工具箱),STK轨道机动模块(Astrogator)介绍-stk pro technical
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: dalatang | Hits:


Description: 属于stk二次开发,通过matlab调用stk中astrogator模块,实现轨道转移-Belonging to the stk secondary development, matlab call stk in the astrogator module, orbital transfer
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 李悦 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringSTKaAstrogator

Description: 系统的介绍了STK中Astrogator模块的使用情况,并对STK软件进行了一个全面的介绍,是stk学习的一份好资料-STK & Astrogator
Platform: | Size: 1928192 | Author: 于之音 | Hits:


Description: matlab与stk连接实例,主要是matlab调用stk的astrogator模块-Trans-atmospheric Vehicle Design stk/matlab
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 李悦 | Hits:


Description: STK实现的卫星轨道机动程序,开发环境STK8.1-STK achieve orbit maneuver program development environment STK8.1
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: zhangyang | Hits:

[transportation applicationsAstrogator-Object-Model-Moon-Mission

Description: 在STK中用于深空探测的源代码,主要是地球到月球的机动的源程序,包括中心天体的建立-STK progress
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 谭宗曦 | Hits:

[transportation applicationsCircling-trajectory-design

Description: 利用STK的Astrogator中的backward sequence模块,实现两个卫星之间的绕飞轨道设计。-Circling relative trajectory design between two satellites by backward sequence of Astrogator in STK.
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 刘世勇 | Hits:


Description: 利用STK的Astrogator中backward sequence进行绕飞轨道设计的详细步骤说明。-Detailed methods for circling trajectory design by backward sequence of Astrogator in STK
Platform: | Size: 729088 | Author: 刘世勇 | Hits:

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