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基于图像处理的相机自动调焦系统-camera auto focus system based on image manipulating
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 91kb Publisher : 林方

这是《精通Visual C++数字图像处理技术与工程案例》光盘源代码,共包含9个完整用例(含源代码、完整设计流程图、原理介绍):人脸检测、牌照自动识别监控、运动人体跟踪、细胞识别统计、文字识别、相机自动调焦、计算机集成数控、运动检测、车牌定位。书中含图像和视频资源,不需自行搜集。此外还有对于数字图像处理基础知识、工程使用中涉及的基本技术的介绍。-This is《proficient in Visual C++ digital image processing technology and engineering case》source code, contains a total of nine complete use case (including source code, complete the design flow chart, the principle of introduction): Human Face Detection, License Plate Recognition monitoring exercise to track the human body , cell recognition statistics, language identification, auto-focus camera, computer integrated CNC, motion detection, license plate location. Book containing images and video resources, do not need to collect on their own. In addition have the basic knowledge of digital image processing, engineering involving the use of basic technology introduction.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 14.09mb Publisher :

这个源代码是一套比较专业的基于运动物体检测技术的摄像监控安保系统。系统不是很大,但运用的技术很强,比如摄像采集部分使用了微软自带的AviCap32.dll 动态链接库进行摄像数据采集,保存的图像资料使用完全源代码的JPEG、Bitmap类进行图像的快速存储以及剪裁拼接,甚至文字插入等GDI编程。 以上只是这个源代码的技术说明,功能上系统支持对摄像头的一些参数设置,如感光度调节、自动对焦时延、帧速率以及监测到水平运动物体之前马上激活摄像头,这个是这个软件的一大特色可以识别运动的物体,并生成没有物体活动及有物体活动的几张拼接对比图和日期。 源代码还支持录像记录,可以调出任意所选时间段的录像资料查看,并可以查看对比、播放等。 该源代码对于正在编写监控安保及对摄像头操作的网友可以提供很好的参考学习。 源代码没有采用第三方控件,完全代码。-The source code is a set of more specialized technology-based moving object detection camera surveillance security system. System is not great, but the use of the technology very strong, such as video capture part of the use of Microsoft s own dynamic-link library AviCap32.dll camera data acquisition, preservation of image data using the full source code of the JPEG, Bitmap class A Fast storage and tailored stitching, or even insert text such as GDI programming. These are just a technical description of this source code, functional system-on support to some of the parameters of the camera settings, such as sensitivity adjustment, auto focus delay, frame rate and monitoring to the level right away, before moving objects to activate the camera, this is the software a major feature of the movement can be identified objects, and generates no objects are objects, events and activities of several splicing comparison chart and date. The source code also supports video recordin
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 133kb Publisher : 说不得

这是一个用于摄像机自动调焦软件的源程序代码-This is an auto-focus camera for the software source code
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 73kb Publisher : 彭石

DL : 0
这个源代码是一套比较专业的基于运动物体检测技术的摄像监控安保系统。系统不是很大,但运用的技术很强,比如摄像采集部分使用了微软自带的AviCap32.dll 动态链接库进行摄像数据采集,保存的图像资料使用完全源代码的JPEG、Bitmap类进行图像的快速存储以及剪裁拼接,甚至文字插入等GDI编程。 以上只是这个源代码的技术说明,功能上系统支持对摄像头的一些参数设置,如感光度调节、自动对焦时延、帧速率以及监测到水平运动物体之前马上激活摄像头,这个是这个软件的一大特色可以识别运动的物体,并生成没有物体活动及有物体活动的几张拼接对比图和日期。 源代码还支持录像记录,可以调出任意所选时间段的录像资料查看,并可以查看对比、播放等。 该源代码对于正在编写监控安保及对摄像头操作的网友可以提供很好的参考学习。-The source code is a set of more specialized technology-based moving object detection camera surveillance security system. System is not great, but the use of the technology very strong, such as video capture part of the use of Microsoft s own dynamic-link library AviCap32.dll camera data acquisition, preservation of image data using the full source code of the JPEG, Bitmap class A Fast storage and tailored stitching, or even insert text such as GDI programming. These are just a technical description of this source code, functional system-on support to some of the parameters of the camera settings, such as sensitivity adjustment, auto focus delay, frame rate and monitoring to the level right away, before moving objects to activate the camera, this is the software a major feature of the movement can be identified objects, and generates no objects are objects, events and activities of several splicing comparison chart and date. The source code also supports video recordin
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 133kb Publisher : zhy19771226

一个基于图像处理的相机自动调焦系统,自动调焦中的图象处理与反馈控制方法等程序源码.-A camera based on image processing automatic focusing system, auto focus in image processing and feedback control methods such as program source code.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.2mb Publisher :

一种基于图像处理的相机自动调焦系统,自动调焦中的图象处处理与反馈控制方法等愿程序源码 -Auto-focus camera based image processing system, auto-focus image at dealing with feedback control methods is willing to program source code
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.2mb Publisher : 认可

android手机自动聚焦、拍照、拍摄照片缩放至标准大小的完整实现。本人源码,欢迎下载。调试心得见: phone auto-focus camera, taking pictures zoom to the complete implementation of the standard size. I have the source code, welcome to download. Debugging experience:
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 151kb Publisher : yanzi1225627

DL : 0
二维码扫描源码是一个基于Zxing的精简扫描例子源码,扫描的时候可以自动聚焦、竖屏、不拉伸,扫描速度也是一如既往的快,不过我测试的时候如果过长时间不扫描二维码界面有点假死的表现,项目编码GBK编译版本4.0.3,需要更多关于二维码扫描的源码可以点击网站的条码扫描分类。-Two dimensional bar code scanning source code is a zxing streamline scanning example source code based on and scan can auto focus, vertical screen, tensile, scanning speed is always fast, but when I tested the if long time not scan the QR code interface has suspended animation, project GBK encoding compiled version 4.0.3, need more about scan two-dimensional code source code can click on the site of the bar code scanning classification.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2mb Publisher : guanfeng

一款强大的识别率很高的安卓名片识别项目源码,可以自动对焦拍照并且使用OCR(图片文字识别)自动识别名片图片上的信息,主要代码封装在SO文件里面直接调用就可以了。-A robust recognition rate is very high the Android business card recognition project source code, you can auto focus camera and use OCR (optical character recognition) automatic identification card image information. The main code package in so file directly inside the call can be.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6.77mb Publisher : zhch29

芯片AN41908的驱动自动聚焦镜头的驱动源码(Chip AN41908 driver, auto focus lens driver source code)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 16kb Publisher : chengyinbing
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