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delphi有着无与伦比的可视化所见及所得的程序设计优势,delphi与IntraWeb的结合使得可以用delphi的优势扩展到了Web编程上,如果你以前是写c/s结构的程序员,如果你想学习b/s开发。如果你熟悉delphi的windows开发,如果你知道vcl,那你一定学会了web-unparalleled visual observation and the process design, delphi with IntraWeb combination of technologies can be used delphi extension of the advantages of Web programming, if you used to write c / s of programmers, if you want to learn b / s development. Delphi If you are familiar with the development of the windows, if you know VCL, then you must learn how to web
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.52mb Publisher : 向天扬

最新delphi2005的b/s程序设计-b / s Design
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 332.54kb Publisher : 任鹏帅

DELPHI写的B/S程序,有演示,方便大家参。没有密码-B / S procedures, it demonstrated to facilitate participation. No password
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.52mb Publisher : 田顺平

本文以制作一个《论坛》为例,简单地介绍了delphi 2005 的B/S程序设计方法。数据库:SQL 2000,编程:delphi 2005 ARCHITECT-paper for the production of a "forum" for example, to brief the delphi 2005 B/S process design methods. Database : SQL 2000, programming : delphi 2005 ARCHITECT
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 141kb Publisher : 杜长城

最新delphi2005的b/s程序设计-b/s Design
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 332kb Publisher : 任鹏帅

DELPHI写的B/S程序,有演示,方便大家参。没有密码-B/S procedures, it demonstrated to facilitate participation. No password
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.52mb Publisher : 田顺平

delphi有着无与伦比的可视化所见及所得的程序设计优势,delphi与IntraWeb的结合使得可以用delphi的优势扩展到了Web编程上,如果你以前是写c/s结构的程序员,如果你想学习b/s开发。如果你熟悉delphi的windows开发,如果你知道vcl,那你一定学会了web-unparalleled visual observation and the process design, delphi with IntraWeb combination of technologies can be used delphi extension of the advantages of Web programming, if you used to write c/s of programmers, if you want to learn b/s development. Delphi If you are familiar with the development of the windows, if you know VCL, then you must learn how to web
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.52mb Publisher : xty

Delphi2005 BS程序设计技巧集 (1-3) 现在delphi 2005 B/S的书籍资料太少,几乎没有可参考的资料,这在一定程度上限制了delphi 2005的使用,相反C#,ASP的书籍资料到处都是。通过几个月的学习也算是总结了一点经验,从现在起我将陆续将ASP和C#的例子、技巧翻译到delphi 2005下面,希望对大家的学习和工作有帮助,毕竟.Net是一种发展趋势。我将不定期写新的内容,同时,如果你在工作或学习中有什么问题,我也会将问题加入本篇文章,另外,一个人的能力毕竟有限,也希望大家共同来解决问题。 宋雨炫-Delphi BS program design skills sets (1-3) now delphi 2005 B/S books so little information, almost no reference to the information, This, to a certain extent, limit the use of Delphi 2005, C# contrary, ASP information books are everywhere. Through several months of learning is also summed up the experiences that from now on I will continue, ASP and C# example, delphi translation skills to below 2,005, we hope to study and work there to help, After all. Net is a development trend. From time to time I will write the new content, and if you work or study any problem, I will also take the issue into this article, in addition to the ability of a person is limited, I hope we can jointly to solve the problem. SONG Xuan
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 325kb Publisher : bbbbb

Delphi2005 B/S程序设计技巧集(12-14) 现在delphi 2005 B/S的书籍资料太少,几乎没有可参考的资料,这在一定程度上限制了delphi 2005的使用,相反C#,ASP的书籍资料到处都是。通过几个月的学习也算是总结了一点经验,从现在起我将陆续将ASP和C#的例子、技巧翻译到delphi 2005下面,希望对大家的学习和工作有帮助,毕竟.Net是一种发展趋势。我将不定期写新的内容,同时,如果你在工作或学习中有什么问题,我也会将问题加入本篇文章,另外,一个人的能力毕竟有限,也希望大家共同来解决问题。 宋雨炫 -Delphi B/S programming skills sets (12-14) now delphi 2 005 B/S books so little information, almost no reference to the information, This, to a certain extent, limit the use of Delphi 2005, C# contrary, ASP information books are everywhere. Through several months of learning is also summed up the experiences that from now on I will continue, ASP and C# example, delphi translation skills to below 2,005, we hope to study and work there to help, After all. Net is a development trend. From time to time I will write the new content, and if you work or study any problem, I will also take the issue into this article, in addition to the ability of a person is limited, I hope we can jointly to solve the problem. SONG Xuan
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 588kb Publisher : bbbbb

本文就采用面对对象的方法以UML为建模语言,使用PowerDesigner这个case工具分析设计一个分布式的B/S结构的基于COM+和XML的网络考试系统。并使用Delphi、VBScript、ADO、XML、HTML等编程工具、语言和技术实现了这个系统。-paper on the use of object-oriented approach to UML for modeling language, PowerDesigner use this case a tool for analysis and design of distributed B/S structure of the base COM and XML in the network test system. And the use of Delphi, VBScript, ADO, XML, HTML, and other programming tools, language and technology of this system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 319kb Publisher : 靳国荣

DL : 0
B/S架构的图书馆管理系统 界面清晰美观,功能强大-B/S structure of the library management system interface clearly beautiful, powerful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 699kb Publisher : 苏峰

IntraWeb电影程序 B/S类型的演示 Delphi+Internet 开发的电影服务器 系统登录电影网站的用户名和密码都是admin 观看电影的最低要求: 请确保你的系统已经安装媒体播放器9.0和RealOne播放器并且得升级浏览器为IE6.0以上,且系统比较支持COOKIE. 程序占用了90端口.在运行时请确保此端口没被其它程序占用.-IntraWeb film process B/S types of presentation Delphi+ Internet server system developed film movie site login username and password admin are the minimum requirements to watch movies: Please ensure that your system has been installed media player 9.0 and RealOne player and a to upgrade your browser to IE6.0 or above, and the system to support the COOKIE. procedures take up to 90 ports. In the run-time, please ensure that the ports are not occupied by other programs.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.16mb Publisher : 终极鱿鱼

电脑公司销售、财务管理子系统 本文重点研究的是电脑公司管理信息系统,此系统实现了对电脑公司各部门各项工作的管理,其中包括人事管理子系统、仓库管理子系统、销售与财务管理子系统、客服管理子系统等几个主要模块。系统采用B/S结构与C/S结构相结合的形式,在后台数据库中使用了一定量的存储过程、触发器和视图,这在数据库访问量特别大,或者是查询频率相当高的时候,能显著地提高系统性能。-Computer sales, financial management sub-system in this article focuses on the management of computer information systems, this system of computer companies and departments of the work of management, including personnel management system, warehouse management system, sales and financial management subsystems, such as customer service management subsystem several main modules. System uses B/S structure and C/S structure of the combination of form, in the background database used in a certain amount of stored procedures, triggers and views, which is particularly large amount of database access, or very high frequency inquiries when can significantly improve system performance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.95mb Publisher : das

BusinessSkinForm.v6.15汉化版支持delphi和BCB 一套支持Delphi的VCL库,帮助你创建可换skins的程序,支持包括窗体、提示、许多标准和数据控件。你可以用专用的编辑器创建自己的skins-Chinese Version BusinessSkinForm.v6.15 support a set of delphi and BCB in support of Delphi' s VCL library help you to create skins for the program and support, including the form, tips, and many standards and data control. You can use a dedicated editor to create your own skins
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 639kb Publisher : 杨记航

DL : 0
开发工具:Visual Studio .NET 2005 + Server2005 项目描述:OA办公系统基于B/S架构设计。 包括文件管理、共享下载、消息管理、公文流传、通知管理、内部论坛、人力资源管理、资产管理 等。 文件管理:接收文件 传送文件 文件操作记录 共享下载:查看共享 上传共享 管理共享 消息管理:接收消息 发送消息 部门群发 发送记录 我的群组 公文流转:接收公文 发送公文 发送记录 通知管理:查看通知 发布通知 通知管理 新闻管理:浏览新闻 发布新闻 内部论坛:查看帖子 发布帖子 头像管理 工作日志:提交日志 日志记录 批阅日志 日志汇总 日程计划:撰写日程 我的日程 撰写计划 我的计划 工作总结:撰写月总结记录.管理撰写年度总结记录.管理总结分类 审批管理:提交审批 办理审批 申请记录 人力资源:在线考勤 考勤记录 所有考勤 部门考勤 通讯录:单位通讯录 提交办公通讯录 电子邮件 发送邮件 资产管理 资产列表 -sorry!I dont known english
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23.25mb Publisher : abclililove

看到很多手写控件,注册一下要1000。。。 于是找了很多很多网站,花了很多很多时间,终于找到了这个东东安装好 ink 目录中的 ink.dpk 后,运行 支持库 目录 中的 注册.bat,里面有delphi的例子-MSHW090408
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.38mb Publisher : super

DL : 0
基于单片机的水温控制系统 一升水由1kw的电炉加热,要求水温可以在一定范围内由人工设定,并能在环境温度降低时实现自动调整,以保持设定的温度基本不变。 2.主要性能指标 a. 温度设定范围:30-90℃,最小区分度为1℃。 b. 控制精度:温度控制的静态误差≤1℃。 c. 用十进制数码显示实际水温。 d. 能打印实测水温值。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 415kb Publisher : 傅正

Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing management system source code sharing, C#.Net ERP easyUI mvc4 project program code, B/S framework, using web easy UI development framework the website, completely open source without any encryption, can be used directly or two times the development of, MVC architecture development ( + web + easyUI MVC API)w2323ss
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 87kb Publisher : java-nick

Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing management system source code sharing, C#.Net ERP easyUI mvc4 project program code, B/S framework, using web easy UI development framework the website, completely open source without any encryption, can be used directly or two times the development of, MVC architecture development ( + web + easyUI MVC API)232423wss
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 612kb Publisher : java-nick

Delphi开发B_S数据库应用系统教程(The course of Delphi developing B_S database application syste)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.94mb Publisher : wgh_gohome
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