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[Other resourcebasicstampmodule

Description: 介绍basic stamp module在机器人设计领域的应用
Platform: | Size: 2746879 | Author: 陈明明 | Hits:

[Other resourceprogrampratice.py

Description: 反编译basic stamp 2单片机字节码的源代码,已经成功实施在工程应用上. 介绍: www.ohyee.net
Platform: | Size: 7430 | Author: 罗治凡 | Hits:

[Other resourcetempreature_LTC1392_with-PIC16C84

Description: Use of an LTC1392 10-bit Temperature, Vcc and Differential Voltage Monitor - Basic Stamp 2 and PIC16C84
Platform: | Size: 5075 | Author: li hengyi | Hits:

[Software Engineeringbasicstampmodule

Description: 介绍basic stamp module在机器人设计领域的应用-Introduce basic stamp module design in the field of robot application
Platform: | Size: 2746368 | Author: 陈明明 | Hits:


Description: 反编译basic stamp 2单片机字节码的源代码,已经成功实施在工程应用上. 介绍: www.ohyee.net-Decompile basic stamp 2 Singlechip byte-code source code has been successfully implemented in engineering applications. Introduction: www.ohyee.net
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 罗治凡 | Hits:


Description: Use of an LTC1392 10-bit Temperature, Vcc and Differential Voltage Monitor - Basic Stamp 2 and PIC16C84-Use of an LTC1392 10-bit Temperature, Vcc and Differential Voltage Monitor- Basic Stamp 2 and PIC16C84
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: li hengyi | Hits:


Description: 《什么是微处理器?》主要是讲述机器人控制器BASIC STAMP 2的书本- What is microprocessor? The main thing is about the robot controller BASIC STAMP 2 books
Platform: | Size: 4093952 | Author: joseph | Hits:


Description: 用java编写的邮资问题,根据其基本思想通过java工具编写代码解决问题-Postage prepared using java issue, in accordance with its basic idea of a tool through the java code to solve the problem
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:

[Game Enginesumo

Description: basic stamp program for sumo bot robot kit from paralax
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: gligor | Hits:

[Windows Developcolordemo12

Description: BASIC Stamp program to demonstrate TCS230 RGB Color Sensor This program is for use with the Debug window or Windows Hyperterminal- BASIC Stamp program to demonstrate TCS230 RGB Color Sensor This program is for use with the Debug window or Windows Hyperterminal
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: zft | Hits:


Description: basic stamp code-basic stamp code..............
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: Niranjan | Hits:

[Windows DevelopPDFStampDemo

Description: PDF file stamp maker
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: deepak | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: cristian | Hits:


Description: How to RFID Enabled Deadbolt using basic stamp microcontroller.
Platform: | Size: 855040 | Author: kiwironnie | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMCUApplication

Description: MCUApplications: This application note presents a program in PBASIC that enables the BASIC Stamp to operate as a simple user-interface terminal.-MCUApplications
Platform: | Size: 162816 | Author: 禾斗人 | Hits:


Description: The Basic Stamp 2, PBasic code for testing a Nokia 3310 LCD. The code is PBasic which is kind of Basic and very easy to understand and redefinde.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: mreza | Hits:

[Software EngineeringBASIC_Stamp_Manual_v2-0

Description: BAsic Stamp manual 2.0 For Beginners
Platform: | Size: 1777664 | Author: theinventor1972 | Hits:


Description: BASIC STAMP HOMEWORK BOARD結合MMA7455三軸加速規,取得XYZ軸的加速度-BASIC STAMP HOMEWORK BOARD combined three-axis accelerometer MMA7455 obtain XYZ axis acceleration
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 詹先生 | Hits:


Description: Basic Stamp MCU Quick Start material
Platform: | Size: 2083840 | Author: jacktau | Hits:

[Windows DevelopvcPPstrings

Description: VC/C++源码,字符处理,字符转换   一 NMAKE和Makefile   字符编码   字符转换   关于字符转换的使用方法:   使用方法:   1 将要转换的字符串,传递给函数,从返回值中获取转换后字符串的长度。   2 分配字符串空间   3 再次调用函数,并将分配的空间传递给函数,获取结果      基本语法规则:    window.exe:window.obj // 依赖行    cl.exe window.c /c // 命令行    link.exe window.obj user32.lib       window.exe的依赖项是window.obj,如果    window.obj被重新改写,window.exe将重新    生成.    通过时间戳(time stamp)判断程序是否需    要重新编译链接,如果当文件修改最后时间    与时间戳不同,将会重新编译链接. -VC/C++ source code, character handling, character conversion An NMAKE and Makefile Character encoding Character conversion Use character conversion: How to use: 1 to convert the string passed to the function, the return value for the length of the string after the conversion. 2 allocated string space Again call the function passed to the function, and the allocation of space to get results Basic grammar rules: window.exe: window.obj// dependent line the cl.exe window.c/c// command line link.exe window.obj user32.lib dependency of window.exe is window.obj, window.obj rewritten, window.exe re Generation. By time stamp (time stamp) to determine whether need To to recompile link the last time when the file modification With timestamp, will be re-compiled and linked.
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: 肖敬帅 | Hits:
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