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设计DS-CDMA一种具体的码分导引辅助的信道估计方法,接收机分别采用等均益合并、最大比合并。用Simulink进行仿真,测量BPSK的误码率性能,画出比特信噪比与信道估计均方误差的关系曲线,画出比特信噪比与误码率的关系曲线-Design of DS-CDMA code at a specific guide-assisted channel estimation method, the receiver, respectively, the combined use of all benefits, maximal-ratio combining. Using Simulink simulation, measurement BPSK BER performance, draw-bit signal to noise ratio and channel estimation mean square error curve, draw-bit signal to noise ratio and bit error rate curve
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 292kb Publisher : 华建

DL : 1
it is a code in MATLAB for calculation of bit error ratio vs signal to noise ratio , for multiuser code division multiple access .. usually in any communication system calculation of BER is very important to know the performance of system .. so in this program multiuser CDMA system is used ,, spreading is done using HADAMARD matrix .. or WALSH code .. and BER vs SIGNAL to NOISE ratio graph is computed-it is a code in MATLAB for calculation of bit error ratio vs signal to noise ratio , for multiuser code division multiple access .. usually in any communication system calculation of BER is very important to know the performance of system .. so in this program multiuser CDMA system is used ,, spreading is done using HADAMARD matrix .. or WALSH code .. and BER vs SIGNAL to NOISE ratio graph is computed
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : hassan

DS-CDMA的MMSE算法程序,给出了不同信噪比下的BER性能比仿真曲线。-DS-CDMA of the MMSE algorithm program are given under different signal to noise ratio curve of BER performance than emulation.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : 杨俊炜

this code on not finished, but almost 80 done, the code based on the study of : --------------------------------------- "Performance Analysis of Downlink Power Control in CDMA Systems"-this code on not finished, but almost 80 done, the code based on the study of : --------------------------------------- "Performance Analysis of Downlink Power Control in CDMA Systems"
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 127kb Publisher : soufiane

它是基于matlab的CDMA通信仿真,包含白噪声加入的整个物理链路过程,还有瑞利衰落分析、信噪比分析和误码率分析。 -It is based on the matlab CDMA communication simulation, including white noise to join the whole process of physical link, and the Rayleigh fading analysis, signal-to-noise ratio analysis and ber analysis.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 75kb Publisher : allen
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