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Description: 物流系统是指在一定的时间和空间里,由所需输送的物料和包括有关设备、输送工具、仓储设备、人员以及通信联系等若干相互制约的动态要素构成的具有特定功能的有机整体。随着计算机科学和自动化技术的发展,物流管理系统也从简单的方式迅速向自动化管理演变,其主要标志是自动物流设备,如自动导引车(AGV-Automated guided vehicle)、自动存储、提取系统(AS/RS-Automated storage/retrieve system)、空中单轨自动车(SKY-RAV-Rail automated vehicle)、堆垛机(Stacker crane)等,及物流计算机管理与控制系统的出现。 -Logistics system is in a certain period of time and space, from the requirements, including delivery of materials and related equipment, transportation tools, storage devices, communication links, as well as a number of interrelated elements of dynamic constraints with a specific function of the organic whole. With the computer science and automation technology, logistics management system from a simple way to automate the management of rapid evolution, which was marked by automated logistics equipment, such as automatic guided vehicle (AGV-Automated guided vehicle), automatic storage, extraction system (AS/RS-Automated storage/retrieve system), automatic air monorail car (SKY-RAV-Rail automated vehicle), stacking machine (Stacker crane), as well as logistics management and control of computer systems there.
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