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Description: Bloom效果(附代码), 很酷的一个效果,效率不算高。互相交流一下。看看吧!-Bloom effect (with code), a cool effect, efficiency is not high. Exchange about. Let' s see it!
Platform: | Size: 259072 | Author: huqiong | Hits:

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Description: 用matlab编写程序实现百花争艳的效果,你可以发挥自己的创意,Matlab program to realize the effect of flowers bloom, you can develop your own creativity
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 阳光 | Hits:


Description: 利用MATLAB程序演示烟花的美 如墨的夜空,烟花(礼花)朵朵绽放,瞬间绚丽至极,迸射出璀璨夺目的光彩。只是还来不及在脑海中印上花魂,她已昙花一现般的消逝了。多少人痴迷于烟花的美,痴迷于她飘忽不定的幻影。 -MATLAB program demonstrates the use of fireworks in the United States If ink sky, fireworks (fireworks) blossoming bloom, extremely brilliant moments, projection out dazzling brilliance. Just had a chance to spend printed in my mind soul, she had vanished like a flash in the pan. How many people obsessed with fireworks in the United States, obsessed with her erratic Mirage.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 光辉 | Hits:

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