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Description: 本程序是一个java小游戏,上方是两个总点数已定的色子,下面是你可以通过点击右边roll按纽进行随机摇点数的。-this program is a small java games, the top of the point total of two has been scheduled for the Boson, below you can click the right button roll random shake counts.
Platform: | Size: 6226 | Author: 张华 | Hits:

[Game Programot

Description: 本程序是一个java小游戏,上方是两个总点数已定的色子,下面是你可以通过点击右边roll按纽进行随机摇点数的-this program is a small java games, the top of the point total of two has been scheduled for the Boson, Now you can click the right button roll random shake the points
Platform: | Size: 12511 | Author: 程颖 | Hits:

[Other resourceDice

Description: 一个简单的色子游戏+开发文档说明。 包含MFC和Jsp两种代码。是我的一个课程作业。enjoy!-a simple game Boson + files note. MFC includes both code and Jsp. Yes, I work in a course. Enjoy!
Platform: | Size: 399406 | Author: 曾欢欢 | Hits:


Description: 这是运行在BOSON软件上的组网实验源码.仔细揣摩.内涵实验要求.-BOSON software running on the network source experiment. Carefully figure. Content experiments.
Platform: | Size: 425813 | Author: 何理想 | Hits:

[Other resourcegame_Majiang

Description: 用C++开发的中国麻将游戏(单机版),可以做为学习的范例。 —————————————————————————————— 游戏的基本运行 ——————————————————————————-———— 运行前会先洒色子,根据色子与庄家给各玩家初始化手中的牌 1.初始化(根据庄家和色子数给每个人发12张牌) 2.牌墙发牌给庄家(m_nActive活动状态给庄家) 3.根据活动状态玩家是否是出牌状态(m_nState==1):如果是电脑,让其思考最差的一张牌并出牌,如果是人就让其自行选择(相应时间内没出牌就自动出刚抓的新牌(m_nNewPai)) 4.根据玩家出的牌判断各玩家的优先级,优先级最大的玩家操作并把活动状态给他,(如果是人就等待其是否操作,时间内没响应就自动弃权) 5.如果有玩家操作了就返回第3步,如果没有玩家操作就进行第6步 6.如果没有玩家对刚出的牌操作就牌墙发牌给下一玩家,再返回第3步。 7.如果有人胡牌就统计分数,如果牌墙剩余的牌不到10张就流局,分数不变,游戏也结束。-C development of the Chinese game mahjong (single version), the study could serve as an example. ------------------------------ The basic operation of the game --- ---------------------------- first before running onto Boson. According Boson dealer to the player's hands initialize a license. Initialization (according to several bankers and Boson issued to each person 12 Licensing) 2. Wall licensing licensing Makers (m_nActive activities to the state Makers) 3. According to state player of activities whether the card is the state (m_nState == 1) : If the computer Thinking the worst allow a licensing and out licensing, If people let their choice (no corresponding time card is automatically out just grasping the new licensing (m_nNewPai) ) 4. According to the player judged by licensing th
Platform: | Size: 3951549 | Author: 杨振 | Hits:


Description: 一个用C++做的小游戏-赌博游戏,很简单.有SHOWHAND,玩色子等.对初学C++的人,希望能帮助你们更好的理解运用C++的基础知识-C do a little game-gambling games, is very simple. SHOWHAND there, Boson playing such. C novice pairs who wish to help you better understand the use of basic knowledge of C
Platform: | Size: 3611 | Author: 羊羽 | Hits:


Description: 计算机网络课题:浙江平湖中学校园网。程序运行于Boson环境下-computer network topic : Zhejiang Pinghu School Network. SU runs on environment
Platform: | Size: 77338 | Author: 白黎 | Hits:

[Ftp Clientftp

Description: 有2个内容,一个位网络组件配置路由器的实验演示了在Boson Netsim仿真软件环境下路由协议的配置方法,IP地址的规划方法等等,另一为SOCKET编程实验,用JAVA语言实现了一个FTP客户端的功能
Platform: | Size: 184201 | Author: 蒋志成 | Hits:


Description: 关于路由器配置方法的介绍 属于使用方法的学习介绍 可利用软件Boson Router进行虚拟配置 弄懂了你就会发现路由器原来是这么简单的玩意-on the router configuration is introduced using methods of learning can be introduced using software Boson Virtual Router configuration understood you will find the router is so simple toy
Platform: | Size: 838530 | Author: 文武 | Hits:

[Modem programModemTechnology

Description: 利用Boson模拟器进行设计实施及测试: 某校有本科生宿舍5座,每座4层,每层10间房,每间房2个学生,。要求对学生宿舍的网络进行设计规划,设计时需满足下列要求:在宿舍区提供一个学生服务器机房,供学生社团放置各类服务器;在学生服务器机房,设置一个代理服务器供同学们使用学校分配了1段C类IP地址给该学生服务器机房,IP地址为202.116.187.0/24。;拟保证每个学生有一个上网端口;学生机器采用私有IP地址,通过代理服务器上校外网。设计时尽量能够减少广播风暴; 请根据以上环境和设计要求设计该网络,完成下列工作并撰写相关文档: 选择相应的网络设备(以Cisco品牌为蓝本,写出参数和数量);写出设计方案、画出网络拓扑结构、并阐述设计理由.
Platform: | Size: 521033 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 计算机网络组成与建设中的ospf配置,在boson下经过实现的。-computer networks and the construction of OSPF configuration, under the scattered through the country.
Platform: | Size: 879 | Author: 陈颖 | Hits:


Description: 关于路由器配置方法的介绍 属于使用方法的学习介绍 可利用软件Boson Router进行虚拟配置 弄懂了你就会发现路由器原来是这么简单的玩意-on the router configuration is introduced using methods of learning can be introduced using software Boson Virtual Router configuration understood you will find the router is so simple toy
Platform: | Size: 838656 | Author: 文武 | Hits:


Description: 计算机网络组成与建设中的ospf配置,在boson下经过实现的。-computer networks and the construction of OSPF configuration, under the scattered through the country.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 陈颖 | Hits:


Description: 本程序是一个java小游戏,上方是两个总点数已定的色子,下面是你可以通过点击右边roll按纽进行随机摇点数的。-this program is a small java games, the top of the point total of two has been scheduled for the Boson, below you can click the right button roll random shake counts.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 张华 | Hits:


Description: BOSON NETSIM是目前最好的路由器模拟软件,说是路由模拟有些片面,因为它不仅可以模拟路由器,同时可以模拟交换机,当然像3550这样的它是不可能模拟出来的,但用它来准备NA及NP的考试,是再合适不过的了,甚至有些IE的实验,通过它的自定义网络拓扑功能都可以实现,可以说功能强大之极,其他的模拟器无可与之相匹,当然了,除了CISCO专门为IE准备的CIM,那个就不是我们要讨论的范围了。 由于BOSON的加密技术比较厉害,想要破解它非常不易,所以,要找它的破解过的最新版十分困难 。这里我便分享一下我用了一个学期的BOSON NETSIM希望能给你们带来帮助。-err
Platform: | Size: 8173568 | Author: li | Hits:


Description: 我的大学综合设计,一个VLAN配置的实例,在交换机上实验成功,可以通过boson软件来模拟,所有过程都记录下来了-My University of integrated design, a VLAN configuration examples of successful experiments in the switch, you can Boson software to simulation, all processes are recorded down
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: 付伟 | Hits:


Description: Boson+NetSim入门进阶,有兴趣的可以下载来看看,可以帮到想学的人!-Advanced Boson+ NetSim entry, are interested in can be downloaded to see, you can help people who want to learn!
Platform: | Size: 1609728 | Author: zdh | Hits:


Description: Boson NetSim入门进2,学习计算机网络课程,用到的Boson的教程。-Boson NetSim Getting Started Advanced 2, learn computer network courses, used Boson tutorial.
Platform: | Size: 928768 | Author: wangqiuyun | Hits:


Description: boson netsim 7.0破解程序。不是真正的破解。但是能在demo下执行所有的命令-bosn netsim 7.0 crack
Platform: | Size: 25650176 | Author: xiehong | Hits:


Description: BOSON使用详解,详细描述了BOSON的基本使用状况和技术,能帮助开发者尽快掌握.-Detailed use BOSON
Platform: | Size: 654336 | Author: wxm | Hits:
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