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用C++完成的双链表源代码-completion of the C-List source code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.97kb Publisher : link

这是一个c++的list控件使用的源代码,可以-This is a list of c controls the use of the source code, s
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : jiangnan

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 268.98kb Publisher : 凌风

C# List View 高级编程示例,完整源码,可以自己定制的List View!
Update : 2011-06-07 Size : 18.93kb Publisher : pad007

用C++完成的双链表源代码-completion of the C-List source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher :

带头尾指针的list,从list的尾部插入,可以方便的删除list上的任意位置的节点-lead the list tail pointer from the list, insert the rear, can easily delete the list of arbitrary location of the node
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher :

程序C++双链表算法代码-procedures List C-code Algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 刘锐

常用的C++数据结构算法,包括队列、堆栈、链表...等.以模板类型式实现-C common data structure algorithms, including queue, stack, etc. List .... To achieve template-type
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 新康

学籍管理系统!利用C语言实现! 在构思基本模块时,订立了“读取文件到内存形成链表,对链表的操作,将内存的链表内容保存到文件”三大基本块。 读取文件:在main函数里完成。原理是,先检查文件指针是否在末尾,若否,则在内存开辟一个单位长度,在文件中读取单位长度数据入该空间中,并彼此构成链表。采取带参数的主函数,以保证保存文件的多样性。 对链表的操作:可分为插入(建立),删除,查找,修改,排序。五大基本功能。分别用五个函数完成。这里不一一描述。其中,删除,查找,修改都是要用到查找一个数据的操作。所以,在编写查找函数时,兼顾了删除,修改操作所需的元素。在删除中,尝试书中原始方法,而修改操作则保留我原有的引用。排序函数中,设想对已有的各项排序,因此按照每项再另建函数。通过代码量上的增加来确保运行的一次可行性。每次运行完都返回一个head值。再通过主函数的数据显示循环显示结果。 保存操作:关闭已打开文件。用“写”的形式建立同名的(同时自动删除原有的),将内存中的链表完全输出到文件中。-expulsion management system! The use of C language! The basic module concept, the setting of the "read files into memory formation Chain, Chain operation, the memory contents of the List to preserve documents" three basic block. Read documents : the main function was completed. Principle is that the first checks whether the file pointer at the end, and if not, in the memory unit opened up a length in the document read data into the unit length of the space, and with each other constitute List. Parameters taken with the main function, to ensure preservation of diversity. List of the operation : to be inserted into (building), delete, search, modify, sort. The five basic functions. Five were used to complete the function. January 1 is not described here. Which, delete, search, modi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 247kb Publisher : 叶兆源

.X语言词法分析程序的设计 目的:设计、编制、调制一个具体的词法分析程序,加深对词法分析原理的理解。 要求: (1)通过理解正规式、有限自动机原理,根据下面的X语言的说明编制一个X语言的词法分析程序。 (2)提交实验报告,报告内容如下: 目的要求、DFA、程序清单(带注释)、测试样例及结果-. X language lexical analysis procedure is designed to: design, preparation, modulation of the lexical analysis of a specific procedure, deepen understanding of the principles lexical analysis. Requirements: (1) through the understanding of the formal ceremony, finite automata theory, in accordance with the following X-language description of the preparation of an X language lexical analysis procedures. (2) submitted to the experiment report, which reads as follows: The purpose of the requirements, DFA, the list of procedures (with Notes), the test sample and the results
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : 萧飞

对于链表的基本操作 包括建立,插入,删除-List for the basic operation including the establishment, insert, delete
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 周萍

List Control来显示数据,同时能在控件中作一些简单编辑,可以上下移动某个选定的列表项-Control List to display the data, which can control some simple editing, can move up or down a list of selected items
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher :

这是一个简单的多媒体控件:Image List Control。原代码用的是标准C。用意于系统编程的朋友们可以看看。-This is a simple multimedia controls : Image Control List. The original code used in standard C. In System Programming intention friends can see.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 游嘉龙

这是一个质量特别特别高的软件,支持list控件的编辑,改变颜色,鼠标捕捉,截获消息,里面嵌入了进度条等。为了中国的软件事业,好东西拿出来改大家,希望改变我们的程序员的小气心理。-This is a particularly high especially in the quality of software, supports the editorial control list, change in color, mouse capture, intercepted information embedded inside of the other progress. To China's software industry, to show the good things we changed, we hope to change the programmer's stingy psychological.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.05mb Publisher : tw

所谓链表,就是用一组任意的存储单元存储线性表元素的一种数据结构-so-called List, a group is using an arbitrary memory cell storage element linear form of a data structure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 尹科华

LZW压缩算法简介 作者:宋成 描述:一篇关于LZW压缩算法简介的文章,通俗易懂,值得一看! 备注:该文章整理自软件报1998年合订本上册。 LZW压缩算法是一种新颖的压缩方法,由Lemple-Ziv-Welch 三人共同创造,用他们的名字命名。它采用了一种先进的串表压缩不,将每个第一次出现的串放在一个串表中,用一个数字来表示串,压缩文件只存贮数字,则不存贮串,从而使图象文件的压缩效率得到较大的提高。奇妙的是,不管是在压缩还是在解压缩的过程中都能正确的建立这个串表,压缩或解压缩完成后,这个串表又被丢弃。 -LZW compression algorithm brief Authors : Song Description : one on the LZW compression algorithm brief article, accessibly, an eye-catcher! Note : The article reported software collated since 1998 on the consolidated list. LZW compression algorithm is a new compression method by Lemple- Ziv-Welch, the three work together to create and use their names. It adopted a series of advanced non-compressed form, each of the first series on a string form, with a string of figures to show that compressed files only digital storage, not storing strings, thus the document image compression efficiency significantly. Magically, whether it is in compression or decompression process can correct the establishment of this series table Compression or decompress after the completion of the series table also
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 邓海波

这篇文章主要是介绍一些在复习C语言的过程中笔者个人认为比较重点的地方,较好的掌握这些重点会使对C的运用更加得心应手。此外会包括一些细节、易错的地方。涉及的主要内容包括:变量的作用域和存储类别、函数、数组、字符串、指针、文件、链表等。一些最基本的概念在此就不多作解释了,仅希望能有只言片语给同是C语言初学者的学习和上机过程提供一点点的帮助。 -this article is to introduce some major review of the C language in the process I personally think that a more focused, a better grasp of these focus on C will be used more handy. In addition will include some of the details, error-prone areas. The main contents include : Scope of Variables and storage types, functions, arrays, string, target, document, etc. List. Some of the most basic concepts in this no more explanation. only hope to be able to pieces with the C language learners and the learning process on the plane for a little bit of help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 赵东生

单链表倒序 ,多个栈公用一块存储空间,以及迷宫问题的求解 -Single linked list in reverse order, more than a stack of public storage space, as well as solving a maze problem
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 138kb Publisher : 路径

DL : 0
一个可以支持各种类型数据插入,检索,替换,查找的双向链表,已调式,比较好用。-It s a program which supports different kinds of insertion,traverse,replace and find, It s a list,and it s double linked. Already compled,useful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Judyjava

这是一个c的链表示例,希望大家学习,学习-This is an example of a c list, we hope to learn from
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : youname
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