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Symbian OS: 2D Game Engine Example file name: description: This C++ example application shows how to make a portable and efficient 2D game on top of Symbian OS. The application supports different display modes and screen resolutions with both portrait and landscape orientations, and provides some insight into multi-platform development. date of publication: 2005-12-12 type: Example topic: Symbian C++ Games Graphics Multi-Platform Development Nokia 7710 S60 Series 80 2nd Edition Symbian OS language: English (en) media encoding: Zip Archive (zip) compatibility: S60 1st Edition S60 2nd Edition S60 3rd Edition Series 80 2nd Edition Tested on Nokia 3230, Nokia 3650, Nokia 7650, Nokia N-Gage(TM), Nokia N-Gage(TM) QD, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6670, Nokia 7610, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6680, Nokia N71, Nokia N90, Nokia E61, Nokia E70, Panasonic X700, Sendo X, Nokia 9300, Nokia 9500, Nokia 7710 -Symbian OS : 2D Game Engine Example file name : Symbian_OS_2D_Game_Engine_Example_v1_0.z ip description : This application C example shows how to make a po RTABLE and efficient 2D game on top of the Symbian OS . The application supports different display m Odes and screen resolutions with both portrait and landscape orientations. and provides some insight into multi-platform development. date of publication : 2005-12-12 type : Example topic : Symbian C Games Graphics Multi-Platform Devel Doping S60 Nokia 7710 Series 80 2nd Edition Symbian ian OS language : English (en) media encoding : Zip Archive (zip) compatibility : 1st Edition S60 S60 2nd Edition S60 3rd Edition S eries 80 2nd Edition Tested on the Nokia 3230, the Nokia 3650, Nokia 7650, Nokia N-Gage (TM), Nokia N-Gage (TM) QD, Nokia 6
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.03mb Publisher : 南天箭

C++ XML is a book exclusively devoted to the power and complexities of integrating XML standards into C++.-C. XML is a book exclusively devoted to the po wer and complexities of integrating XML standa rds into C.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1008.7kb Publisher : 李瑞强

Using DirectShow to Play a Movie from Visual Basic:use Visual Basic as a movie player.we have built (in C++) an ActiveX control for Visual Basic that allows us to play any movie file (compatible with DirectShow). The ActiveX object also provides the complete interface for controlling the movie playback (Start, Stop, Pause, and a trackbar it also shows the current movie position and the total length of the movie). -Using DirectShow to Play a Movie from Visua l Basic : Visual Basic use as a movie player.we have built (in C) an ActiveX control for Visual Basic that a llows us to play any movie file (compatible with DirectShow). The ActiveX object also provides the complete interface for controlling the mov ie playback (Start, Stop, Pause, and a trackbar it also shows the current movie po sition and the total length of the movie).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 36.47kb Publisher : au

基于contourlet变换的隐性马尔可夫模型树程序包,是由Duncan Po等人编写,其中含有部分C程序-on Contourlet Transform hidden Markov model tree package, Po is from Duncan and others prepared, which contains some C Program
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.94mb Publisher : 王蕊

Basic Compression Library by Marcus Geelnard Release 1.2.0 2006-07-22 Introduction The Basic Compression Library is a library of well known compression algorithms implemented in portable ANSI C code. For more information about the Basic Compression Library, please read the manual (doc/manual.pdf) and, of course, the source code.-Basic Compression Library by Marcus Geeln ard Release 1.2.0 Introduction The 2006-07-22 Basic Compression Library is a library of well k nown compression algorithms implemented in po rtable ANSI C code. For more information about t he Basic Compression Library, please read the manual (doc / manual.pdf) and, of course, the source code.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 103.62kb Publisher : 张森宁

how to extend an OLE DB consumer template class and make it much easier to use in applications. I had also explained how you can utilize the power of C++ exception-handling feature to make your work easier, especially in error handling. It was just a small class in my last article. -how to extend an OLE DB consumer template cl ass and make it much easier to use in application s. I had also explained how you can utilize the po wer of C exception-handling feature to make you r work easier, especially in error handling. It was just a smal l class in my last article.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 299kb Publisher :

Symbian OS: 2D Game Engine Example file name: description: This C++ example application shows how to make a portable and efficient 2D game on top of Symbian OS. The application supports different display modes and screen resolutions with both portrait and landscape orientations, and provides some insight into multi-platform development. date of publication: 2005-12-12 type: Example topic: Symbian C++ Games Graphics Multi-Platform Development Nokia 7710 S60 Series 80 2nd Edition Symbian OS language: English (en) media encoding: Zip Archive (zip) compatibility: S60 1st Edition S60 2nd Edition S60 3rd Edition Series 80 2nd Edition Tested on Nokia 3230, Nokia 3650, Nokia 7650, Nokia N-Gage(TM), Nokia N-Gage(TM) QD, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6670, Nokia 7610, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6680, Nokia N71, Nokia N90, Nokia E61, Nokia E70, Panasonic X700, Sendo X, Nokia 9300, Nokia 9500, Nokia 7710 -Symbian OS : 2D Game Engine Example file name : Symbian_OS_2D_Game_Engine_Example_v1_0.z ip description : This application C example shows how to make a po RTABLE and efficient 2D game on top of the Symbian OS . The application supports different display m Odes and screen resolutions with both portrait and landscape orientations. and provides some insight into multi-platform development. date of publication : 2005-12-12 type : Example topic : Symbian C Games Graphics Multi-Platform Devel Doping S60 Nokia 7710 Series 80 2nd Edition Symbian ian OS language : English (en) media encoding : Zip Archive (zip) compatibility : 1st Edition S60 S60 2nd Edition S60 3rd Edition S eries 80 2nd Edition Tested on the Nokia 3230, the Nokia 3650, Nokia 7650, Nokia N-Gage (TM), Nokia N-Gage (TM) QD, Nokia 6
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.03mb Publisher :

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C++ XML is a book exclusively devoted to the power and complexities of integrating XML standards into C++.-C. XML is a book exclusively devoted to the po wer and complexities of integrating XML standa rds into C.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1008kb Publisher : 李瑞强

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红外在单片机上的应用,C语言源码,Keil uVision3工程文件,附原理图及说明学习文档 红外接收电路采用集成红外接收器成品H1,接收器包括红外接收管和信号处理IC,均集成在红外接收器H1内。接收器对外只有3个引脚:Vcc、GND和一个脉冲信号输出PO。Vcc接系统的电源正极(+5V),GND接系统的地线,脉冲信号输出接CPU的中断输入引脚INT0。如果没有红外遥控信号到来,接收器的输出端口PO保持高电平,当接收到红外遥控信号时,接收器件信号转换成脉冲序列加到CPU的中断输入引脚。CPU定时器T0、T1都初始化为定时器工作方式1,T0的GATE位置位,这样T0只在INT0为高电平时计数。每次外部中断首先停止定时,记录T0、T1的计数值,然后将T0、T1的计数器清零,并重新启动定时。T0的值即为高电平脉冲,T1-T0的值为低电平脉宽。 红外发送电路是将单片机发送的信号(P2.7管脚),由一个38K的脉冲频率进行调制,并通过一个红外发射管发送出去。U11B和U11C及附加的电阻电容形成了一个38K脉冲发生器。 -err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : Tad

使用纯C编写的http post请求,可用于测试HTTP服务器等。是一个很适用的小工具。-The use of pure C prepared http post request, can be used for testing HTTP server. Is a very applicable gadgets.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 魏汝垚

DL : 0
Linux环境下,使用C语言实现HTTP POST请求,经过实际运用的。-Linux C HTTP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 毛鑫

DL : 0
C#编写的HTTP库,能够处理post和get请求,达到模拟点击的目的。-HTTP library written in C# can handle post and get requests to achieve the purpose of simulated click.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 103kb Publisher : chester

C++ using to program something abote RS232
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : NoKiA

在单片机应用系统中利用C 语言编程具有一定优点。介绍了用C 语言实现数字频率计的软件设计。介绍了C 语言使 用中几个关键问题。并对数字频率计的主程序、显示程序中小数点处理程序进行了论述。全部软件编程不是采用常规的汇编 语言, 而是利用C 语言强大的浮点运算能力, 实现频率计的软件设计。因此提高了频率计的测量精度。具有一定的实用价值。-The ar t icle int roduces the sof tw are of digital cymometer and int roduces the key p roblem using C lan2 guage . Instead of comp iler language, themain p rogram and disp lay p rogram of digital cymometer are designed by C language . Th is method enhances the measurement p recision and po ssesses def inite p ract ical value .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 92kb Publisher : 才子

一本与众不同的C语言学习资料。简短但不简单,更注重实用。原名《C语言深度剖析》-A unique C-language learning materials. Short but not simple, but also focus on practical
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 776kb Publisher : 张鸿飞

Example for C++ Object oriented language
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : Ile

2812控制光伏发电系统,单相并网控制程序,采用C语言编写,完整的工程文件。-2812 to control photovoltaic power generation system, single-phase network control procedures, using C language, complete project file.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 436kb Publisher : LiuQingPu

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : mohamed

DL : 0
入门例程100道题,能够帮助初学者更好的学习。(Cha algj a;gja g;aj'a;jpseo po opopsejfp)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 202kb Publisher : 问问问呀

淘特微信宝是淘特CMS团队最新研制的微信公众平台管理工具包,该产品提供一个后台管理多个微信公众号功能,可以一站式管理多个微信公众号的自动回复消息、自定义菜单等功能,通过后台可视化操作免去微信接口程序开发的繁锁工作,令不懂程序的人也能灵活管理微信公众号。 系统特色: 1、多微信公众号一站式管理 2、自定义关键字回复 3、自定义菜单管理 4、在线模板定制 5、地理位置接口(Scouring the micro channel Po Po is the latest development of the micro channel public platform management toolkit, the product provides a background management of multiple micro channel public number, you can manage multiple micro channel public number of automatic reply message, custom menu and other functions, through the background can be seen through the development of micro channel interface lock work, so that people who do not understand the program can also be flexible management micro channel public number. System characteristics: 1, multi micro channel public number one station management 2, custom keyword reply 3, custom menu management 4, online template customization 5, geographic location interface)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 847kb Publisher : cmpudn13
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