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Embedded C - Traps and Pitfalls 3rd 2005 经典老书,每次读都有收获!! 现在网上很难找到的原版。
Update : 2012-02-14 Size : 419.97kb Publisher :

c traps and pitfalls
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 67kb Publisher : 朱小辉

DL : 0
C Traps and Pitfalls 经典书籍。 有些内容些许过时, 但绝对值得看一遍-C Traps and Pitfalls classic books. Some of the contents little late, but definitely worth Howard
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 67kb Publisher : 吴宇森

有一本讲述C语言的书,自出版以来,历经14载,它一直都被各个书评站点(或书评人)列入“重点推荐”   的清单中。尤为夸张的是,14年来,在它的18次印刷版本中,除去第二次印刷稍微修改过一些问题,以后的17   次印刷,我们居然发现它的内容没有丝毫的变更!!!对于技术书籍,我想其精确性与权威性也算是奇迹了吧。   这就是Andrew Koenig给我们带来的C Traps and Pitfalls(《C陷阱与缺陷》)。 非常经典的书籍! 强烈推荐阅读! 作者简介: Andrew Koenig   AT&T大规模程序研发部(前贝尔实验室)成员。他从1986年开始从事C语言的研究,1977年加入贝尔实验室。他编写了一些早期的类库,并在1988年组织召开了第一个完全意义上的C++会议。在ISO/ANSI C++委员会成立的1989年,他就加入了该委员会,并一直担任项目编辑。他已经发表了C++方面的100多篇论文,在Addsion-Wesley出版了C Trap and Pitfalls,还应邀到世界各地演讲。 -is a C language on the book since its publication, after 14 years, It has been praised by the various sites (or book review) included in the "key recommendation" to the list. Particularly exaggerated, 14, in its 18th printing version, remove the second printing of some slight changes, After the 17th printing, we actually found its contents have not the slightest change! ! ! For technical books, I think its accuracy and authority has considered it a miracle. Andrew Koenig This is brought to us by the C Traps and Pitfalls ( "C traps and deficiencies"). Very classic books! Strongly recommend reading! Author : Andrew Koenig AT
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.68mb Publisher : 王化

DL : 2
传说中的c语言四书五经:一、The C Programming Language C程序设计语言(第2版·新版) 二、Pointers on C C和指针 三、Expert C Programming C专家编程 四、C Traps and Pitfalls C陷阱与缺陷 五、《C语言接口设计与实现》 -C language legendary Four Books and Five Classics: First, The C Programming Language C Programming Language (new version of Release 2) Second, Pointers on CC and three-pointer, Expert C Programming C Programming four experts, C Traps and Pitfalls C traps and defects in five, C Language Interface Design and Implementation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44.04mb Publisher : 郭亮

C Traps and Pitfalls book
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 100kb Publisher : wllaoda

Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets By Peter van der Linden. Have you ever noticed that there are plenty of C books with suggestive names like C Traps and Pitfalls, or The C Puzzle Book, or Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries, but other programming languages don t have books like that? There s a very good reason for this!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.99mb Publisher : 古月伦

C陷阱与缺陷的中文和英文版,李李的上载是有加密的,这个没有,解压即可-《C Traps And Pitfalls》editions in Chinese and English
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.78mb Publisher :

C.Traps.and.Pitfalls c陷阱与缺陷的英文完整版-C.Traps.and.Pitfalls
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.65mb Publisher : 曹泥马

C Traps and Pitfalls. c陷阱与缺陷. 比较适合想深入了解c,并有足够编程经验的人学习-C Traps and Pitfalls. C traps and defects. More appropriate to think in depth understanding of c, and have sufficient experience to learn programming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 98kb Publisher : 张望

替换了老版本的《C专家编程》(原来的实在不清楚) 换成清晰13.4M的清晰版本。 添加了《C程序设计语言中文版(第二版)》 把基本书原来版本中的pdg文件全都删了(大家一般也不会去看) 传说中的c语言四书五经:一、The C Programming Language C程序设计语言中文版(第2版·新版)二、Pointers on C C和指针 三、Expert C Programming C专家编程四、C Traps and Pitfalls C陷阱与缺陷 五、《C语言接口设计与实现》 转自 -failed to translate
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44.53mb Publisher : ds

英文原版C陷阱和缺陷 高质量打印版,非扫描版-C Traps and Pitfalls with original input version. Clear Version rather than version of scan
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 98kb Publisher : 最初的梦想

c traps and pitfalls
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 98kb Publisher : xiao

《C和C++经典著作• C陷阱与缺陷》适合有一定经验的C程序员阅读学习,即便你是C编程高手,《C和C++经典著作• C陷阱与缺陷》也应该成为你的案头必备书籍。作者以自己1985年在Bell实验室时发表的一篇论文为基础,结合自己的工作经验扩展成为这本对C程序员具有珍贵价值的经典著作。写作《C和C++经典著作• C陷阱与缺陷》的出发点不是要批判C语言,而是要帮助C程序员绕过编程过程中的陷阱和障碍。《C和C++经典著作• C陷阱与缺陷》分为8章,分别从词法分析、语法语义、连接、库函数、预处理器、可移植性缺陷等几个方面分析了C编程中可能遇到的问题。最后,作者用一章的篇幅给出了若干具有实用价值的建议-"C and C++ classic • C traps and defects" for C programmers with some experience of learning to read, even if you are a C programming expert, "C and C++ classic • C traps and defects" should be essential to your desk books. On their own time in 1985 in Bell Labs published a paper based on work experience combined with their expansion into this precious value of the C programmer has a classic. Writing "C and C++ classic • C traps and defects," the starting point is not to criticize C language, but to help C programmers to bypass the programming process traps and obstacles. "C and C++ classic • C traps and defects," is divided into eight chapters, each from a lexical analysis, syntax semantics, connection, library function, pre-processor, portability defect analysis of the aspects of C programming that may be encountered problems. Finally, the author devoted a chapter of practical value are given a number of recommendations
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.58mb Publisher : chinq

Embedded+C+-+Traps+and+Pitfalls, C语言缺陷与陷阱(英文原版著作)-Embedded+ C+-+ Traps+ and+ Pitfalls, C language shortcomings and pitfalls (English original book)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12.3mb Publisher : 米家山

Andrew Koenig自己在Bell实验室时发表的论文为基础,结合自己的工作经验扩展成这本对C程序员具有珍贵价值的经典著作。写作本书的出发点不是要批判C语言,而是要帮助C程序员绕过编程过程中的陷阱和障碍。 本书所揭示的知识,至少能够帮助你减少C代码和初级C++代码中90%的Bug。-Andrew Koenig own Bell Labs papers, combined with the expansion of their work experience into a C programmer with this precious value of the classics. Starting point for writing this book is not to be critical C language, but to help C programmers to bypass the process of programming pitfalls and obstacles. This book reveals the knowledge, at least help you reduce the C code and C++ code in the initial 90 of the Bug.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.58mb Publisher : 阿习

通过这本书,你可以更好地了解这门语言的脾气和性格,这样就可以避免犯一些低级却又令人头疼的错误-C Traps and Pitfalls
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.68mb Publisher : 肖候均

C Traps and pitfalls
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 72kb Publisher : Prasad

《C陷阱与缺陷》作者以自己1985年在Bell实验室时发表的一篇论文为基础,结合自己的工作经验扩展成为这本对C程序员具有珍贵价值的经典著作。写作《C陷阱与缺陷》的出发点不是要批判C语言,而是要帮助C程序员绕过编程过程中的陷阱和障碍。全书分为8章,分别从词法分析、语法语义、连接、库函数、预处理器、可移植性缺陷等几个方面分析了C编程中可能遇到的问题。最后,作者用一章的篇幅给出了若干具有实用价值的建议。-C Traps and Pitfalls
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.68mb Publisher : wuenln

C陷阱与缺陷 中文版,介绍了C当中有一些容易犯的错误和妙用-C Traps and Pitfalls PDF
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.69mb Publisher : imknown
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