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Description: 一款用C++编写的网络版中国象棋对弈程序源代码,不错的学习源代码啊-new C + + version of the network Chinese chess game program source code, a good study source code ah
Platform: | Size: 162495 | Author: 刘威 | Hits:

[Other resourceChesses

Description: 中国象棋C++源代码.本程序编写时参考了王小春的<<PC游戏编程(人机博弈)>>-Chinese chess C source code. This program prepared on the basis of the guan
Platform: | Size: 190162 | Author: joysbc | Hits:


Description: 一款用C++编写的网络版中国象棋对弈程序源代码,不错的学习源代码啊-new C++ version of the network Chinese chess game program source code, a good study source code ah
Platform: | Size: 164864 | Author: 刘威 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gameschinesechess222

Description: 用Visual c++.net实现中国象棋游戏(内含源代码)-Using Visual c++. Net realization of Chinese chess game (including source code)
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: 麦兜 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesSource_Code

Description: 中国象棋源代码,visual c++6.0开发 -Source code of Chinese Chess, visual c++ 6.0 Development
Platform: | Size: 201728 | Author: yuandongtu | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesMantisChess

Description: 用Visual C++开发的中国象棋源代码程序,发布这一程序的目的是希望它有用。这一程序是自由软件,你可以遵照自由软件基金会出版的GNU通用公共 许可证条款来修改和重新发布这一程序。-Using Visual C++ development of Chinese chess program source code, publish the purpose of this procedure is the hope that it will be useful. This procedure is free software, you can follow the Free Software Foundation published the terms of GNU General Public License to modify and re-released in this process.
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: wang | Hits:

[Windows DevelopDTTest

Description: 这是一款用C#开发的局域网对战中国象棋游戏,本游戏支持无限次悔棋,实现了求和、认输等功能,代码用了2天开发出来的,因此比较简单,适合刚开始研究C#的朋友学习、娱乐。-This is a development of local area network using C# Versus Chinese chess game, this game supports unlimited undo and realized summation, admit defeat and other functions, the code developed using the two days, so relatively simple, suitable for just begun C# friends of learning and entertainment.
Platform: | Size: 499712 | Author: 268 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesC-code-of-Chinese-chess

Description: 中国象棋C程序源码,思路清晰,代码规范,供学习之用。-Chinese Chess C program source code, clear code specifications for learning.
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: jzhao | Hits:

[Chess Poker gameschinesechess1

Description: C++版中国象棋源码,很实用,对学习编程很有帮助-code of chinese chess ,C++
Platform: | Size: 1643520 | Author: 方莹莹 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesChinese-chess

Description: 中国象棋,c++源码,多种搜索算法和评估算法相结合条理清析,对于初级学习ai编程人员非常有用。-Chinese chess, c++ source code, a variety of search algorithm and evaluation algorithm combined analysis of Article clarify, for the initial study is very useful for programmers ai.
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: 小方 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesChinaChess

Description: C#版两人对战式中国象棋。有完整的C#源代码,欢迎下载学习研究。-C# version of the two player-Chinese chess. Provide the whole C# source code, and you can download to study.
Platform: | Size: 456704 | Author: WD | Hits:

[Other GamesChinese-chess-online-version

Description: 基于C语言的中国象棋网络版本源代码,基于C语言的中国象棋网络版本源代码-Based on C language of Chinese chess network version the source code ,Based on C language of Chinese chess network version the source code
Platform: | Size: 433152 | Author: 郑栋 | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesChess

Description: 中国象棋C源代码,GUI界面,自带人工智能引擎-C source code of Chinese Chess
Platform: | Size: 1635328 | Author: Jiayi | Hits:


Description: 中国象棋 vc环境下的中国象棋小游戏 源代码 可做C/C++课程设计-Chinese Chess vc environment of Chinese chess game source code to do C/C++ curriculum design
Platform: | Size: 4477952 | Author: 徐俊波 | Hits:

[Other GameszhongguoxiangqiCPP

Description: c语言版本中国象棋,完美实现经典象棋的c语言程序源代码。-c language version of Chinese chess, the perfect realization of the classic chess c language program source code.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 周伟 | Hits:


Description: 本代码是基于C++的中国象棋游戏,多次检验执行是没有问题的,代码是打包过的,有详细的源码说明-The code is based on a Chinese chess game C++ repeatedly test execution is not the problem, the code is too packed, a detailed description of the source
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: 李泓韬 | Hits:


Description: 采用c#winform编的象棋游戏,不带人工智能,棋子可以正常的行动,但功能上还有待完善. 本源码是一个中国象棋游戏源码,由于没有人工智能,所以只能自己跟自己下棋了,欢迎下载。 1、用鼠标点击棋子,再点击想要移动到的位置,即可移动棋子 2、双方被吃掉的棋子都会在棋盘右侧己方区域显示-Using c# winform series of chess games, with no artificial intelligence, the pieces can be a normal action, but the function remains to be improved. This source is a Chinese chess game source code, in the absence of artificial intelligence, we can only play chess with their own , welcome to download. 1 piece with a mouse click, and then click on the location to which you want to move, you can move the pawn two sides being eaten pieces will be displayed in the right area of ​ ​ the board' s own
Platform: | Size: 952320 | Author: ding | Hits:


Description: 用C++实现的中国象棋游,源码解压即可用,可单击对弈,可联网对弈-In c++ implementation of Chinese chess game, extract the source code can be used, click the game, can be connected to the Internet game
Platform: | Size: 25626624 | Author: nicai | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesChinese-chess-C-language-source-code

Description: 用C语言编写的中国象棋小游戏,完整版的源代码-Chinese chess game written in C language, the full version of the source code
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: | Hits:

[Game Program中国象棋

Description: 中国象棋源码编程源码c#源码实例带声音源码(Source code of Chinese chess source code c# source code example with sound source)
Platform: | Size: 497664 | Author: sssssssssssccccccccc | Hits:

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