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[CSharpC# and vs2005高级教程

Description: c#高级编程
Platform: | Size: 1406715 | Author: yangkunlisi | Hits:

[Program docC语言100例

Description: C语言100个常用的范例!
Platform: | Size: 352609 | Author: du423@sina.com | Hits:


Description: c#2008开发的家庭视频监控系统 里面包含开发说明文档和是使用文档和源代码。采用access 2003的数据库
Platform: | Size: 3333711 | Author: dingyongsheng@yeah.net | Hits:


Description: C语言课件非常详细浙江大学版
Platform: | Size: 4064550 | Author: weiyuanyuan@emails.imau.edu.cn | Hits:

[VC/MFCC++ primer 第五版中文版

Description: C.Primer.Plus第五版中文版
Platform: | Size: 53438384 | Author: zhuchao0731@163.com | Hits:


Description: c#++计算器+源码.rar:这是C#语言开发的计算器,VS2005平台。
Platform: | Size: 52873 | Author: lichenshu88@126.com | Hits:

[WinSock-NDISC# 截屏源代码

Description: C# 截屏源代码
Platform: | Size: 490208 | Author: zjnuwjb@yahoo.com.cn | Hits:

[VC/MFCC++ in a Nutshell.rar

Description: C++ in a Nutshell is a langauge reference manual. It is not a tutorial. It is not for beginners. It is a concise, to-the-point reference for professionals and other serious programmers. C++ in a Nutshell is not a comprehensive reference for the entire C++ language, in all its intricacies and complexities. Instead, I focus on what is most important to the working professional. If you feel that I have included too many irrelevant details or omitted too much important information, please let me know. Chapters 12 and 13 form the bulk of the book. Chapter 12 is an alphabetical reference for all the language keywords and constructs. Chapter 13 is a reference for the entire runtime library, organized alphabetically by header, and within each section, alphabetically by type, function, macro, or other name. An alphabetical reference is not always the best way to present information, though. The first 8 chapters, therefore, cover the language organized by topic. Chapters 9 through 11 introduce the standard library. Finally, the appendix includes brief introductions to some compilers, libraries, and interesting C++ projects, such as Boost and Loki.
Platform: | Size: 356783 | Author: simonhexf | Hits:


Description: C#和ASP.NET程序设计教程
Platform: | Size: 22963077 | Author: schwercn@gmail.com | Hits:


Description: 用于C#多文件上传案例
Platform: | Size: 1655986 | Author: 79819813@qq.com | Hits:


Description: C语言程序设计VisualC++6.0环境PDF.rar为力提供强大的C语言编辑环境
Platform: | Size: 7754934 | Author: sunyongcf@163.com | Hits:


Description: C#经典案例与解析附书源码
Platform: | Size: 4766765 | Author: phdcs_2006 | Hits:

[2D GraphicC#CAD2次开发实例

Description: C#二次开发CAD实例
Platform: | Size: 1064084 | Author: chenhongwei898@163.com | Hits:

[Windows KernelC++多线程扫描端口(可以自己设置线程数)

Description: C++多线程扫描端口,可以自己IP段,端口范围, 线程数量,对于新开发者,有一定的意义。
Platform: | Size: 5699955 | Author: leixiang | Hits:


Description: 分治法java与c++的实现
Platform: | Size: 63619 | Author: mxqaig@163.com | Hits:

[Program doc电路板设计的预先准备工作c.doc

Description: 电路板设计的预先准备工作c.doc电路板设计的预先准备工作c.doc
Platform: | Size: 30208 | Author: gsc123 | Hits:

[Windows Developc#编写的仿OUTLOOK工具条的Winform菜单

Description: c#编写的仿OUTLOOK工具条的Winform菜单
Platform: | Size: 5249877 | Author: fwhdannyster | Hits:

[Develop Toolsc#皮肤控件

Description: c#皮肤控件,几十种皮肤样式,让你的界面充满美感 !
Platform: | Size: 3595051 | Author: 304606129@qq.com | Hits:

[Documents C语言学习系统

Description: C语言学习系统
Platform: | Size: 26666 | Author: aqw123456789@21cn.com | Hits:

[SourceCodeC# OA系统

Description: C#源码
Platform: | Size: 2350239 | Author: 1181209028@qq.com | Hits:
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