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可能没有注意到,针对ANSI/ISO C的主要的修订版[1] 在去年12月已经被核准通过,那是就C99。同样的,你可能也没注意到,其实你已经在使用这个新的C语言了,或者至少用到它的一部分。这需要归功于标准委员会在接受新特性到C语言的过程中采取了恰当而保守的方式。差不多所有的新特性早已经被实现并且在现存的一些C编译器(impletmentations)中证明了其存在的价值。虽然没有编译器能保证全部的C99特性,但其中许多在很多年前就实现了C99中不同的部分。这对于C程序员来说将是个好消息。或许你曾经为了保证程序的可移植性而在你喜爱的编译器里避免使用一些独立的特性,但现在如果这些特性是C99中的一部分的话,你可以放心的使用这些特性,因为他们将在大部分遵守C99标准的编译器中被保证。毫无疑问,新标准是向上兼容旧的,当然也会有些不兼容地方,但这些都是非常少而次要的。标准委员会非常努力地工作就是为了将和老版本的兼容性问题所带来的影响减少到最小。从后面讨论到的关键字你可以看到这方面的例证。 -may not have noticed, against ANSI/ISO C of the revised edition of the major [1] in December last year has been approved, it was on the C99. Similarly, you may not have noticed that you have in fact already use the new C language. or at least use a part of it. This requires Standards Committee attributed to the new features of the C language in the process to take appropriate and conservative approach. Almost all of the new features had already been achieved in some of the existing C compiler (impletmentat ions) proved the value of its existence. Although no compiler can guarantee that all of the C99 features, but many, many years ago on the realization of 12-23 different parts. For C programmers, it will be good news. Perhaps you have procedures in order to ensure the portability of you
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 839kb Publisher : 金铁牛
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