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This project defines a Standard API for access to the CAN (Controller Area Network) bus. The API provides functionality for ISO/OSI Layer-2 (Data Link Layer). The CANpie driver is the base for HLPs like CANopen, DeviceNet, J1939 etc.
Update : 2009-04-22 Size : 628.7kb Publisher : 477152968

The goal of this project is to define a "Standard" Application Program- ming Interface (API) for access to the CAN bus. The API provides func- tionality for ISO/OSI Layer-2 (Data Link Layer). It is not the intention of CANpie to incorporate higher layer functionality (e.g. CANopen, J1939, DeviceNet). Whereever it is possible CANpie is independent from the used hard- ware and operating system. The function calls are unique for different kinds of hardware. Also CANpie provides a method to gather informa- tion about the features of the CAN hardware. This is especially impor- tant for an application designer, who wants to write the code only once. The API is designed for embedded control applications as well as for PC interface boards.
Update : 2010-10-17 Size : 1.02mb Publisher :

DL : 0
这是一个有关于模式识别中的isodata算法的matlab源码。 大家可以看看。有详细注释-on the isodata pattern recognition algorithm Matlab source. We can look at. Detailed Notes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 宋超

一个USB的驱动程序,绝对完整,绝对能用,绝对不骗人-a USB driver, the absolute integrity and absolutely can use, absolutely not lie
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 156kb Publisher : 毛毛

标准mpeg4 File Formate ,通过学习可了解mpeg4文件得格式. 对做mpeg2 Player有帮助.-standards mpeg4 File Formate, Through the study can understand documents in mpeg4 format. Player to do mpeg2 help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 87kb Publisher : hlm

The STEPNCWrite library writes STEP-NC toolpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C++ library is completely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The library writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) using just printf(), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has no other dependencies and should build on Windows, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view your toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpath Viewer. For more sophisticated applications, we encourage you to look at our commercial product, the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workpiece, fixture, and tool geometry as well as the paths, simulate their operation and convert -STEPNCWrite writes STEP-NC to olpath data (AP-238 CC1). This C library is comp letely open-source and has been released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The libra ry writes data in XML format (ISO 10303-28) usin g just printf (), so it does not depend on any STEP toolkit. It has n o other dependencies and should build on Window s, Linux, Mac, or any other Unix platform. If you want to view yo ur toolpath files, you can use the open-source Java AP-238 Toolpat h Viewer. For more sophisticated applications , we encourage you to look at our commercial pro duct , the STEP-NC Explorer which can display workp iece, fixture , and tool geometry as well as the paths , simulate their operation and convert
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 98kb Publisher : 易力

这是一个基于OBD2的随车诊断协议ISO9141-1,进行汽车通信必须要支持此协议才能正常通信-This is one of the escorts for OBD2 diagnostic protocol ISO9141-1. vehicle communications must support this agreement can be normal communication
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 507kb Publisher : 覃大

1、简介 此代码是IS0 13818-5 MPEG2系统层协议分析代码,经过我的一点修改,现在终于可以在VC++ 6.0下编译运行, 发布上来献给那些为了理解MPEG2系统层协议而苦苦加班的程序员。为了可以在windows下编译,我修改了部分操作系统相关代码,注解掉了一些main函数,只留下decode.cpp中的main函数没有注解,所以编译后的程序是TS流系统层解码分析程序,如果要实现其他功能如encode,只要把decode.cpp中的main函数注解,把encode.cpp中的main函数注解去掉即可。 2、VC++6.0编译设置 需要在菜单Poject-〉Settings 弹出的对话框中把预编译头设置成Not using precompiled headers,如Vc_setting.jpg中的图片所示。 3、运行 编译生成decode2.exe文件后在命令行如下运行 decode2.exe d:\cctv.ts 一开始在没有分析完PAT和PMT表时会打印一些如unexpected pid: 513的消息,请耐心等待一会儿就会发现分析的系统层信息打印了。可能刷屏很快导致你看不清信息,可以将打印信息重定向到某个文件中,如下: decode2.exe d:\cctv.ts >c:\ts_decode.txt 运行decode2.exe的同时会在当前目录生成过滤后的PES文件,文件名格式stream512,512为PID。 -a brief account of this code is ISO 13818-5 MPEG2 system layer protocol analysis code, After I few modifications, now he can finally in VC 6.0 compiler operation, Published line with those dedicated to understanding MPEG2 system layer protocol and an overtime programmers. To be compiled under the windows, I revised the relevant part of the operating system code, Notes swap some of the main function, leaving only the main decode.cpp function without notes, So when a compiled program is TS system layer decoding process analysis, if we are to achieve other functions such as encode. decode.cpp as long as the main function of the rich encode.cpp put the main function annotation will be removed. 2. VC 6.0 compiler installed in the menu Poject- "Settings pop-up dialog box put pre- translat
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 97kb Publisher : 陈水德

刻录机源码,可以刻录CD和DVD,ISO文件-Burner source can be burned CD and DVD, ISO documents
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 626kb Publisher : 原材料

DL : 0
CANopen is a networking system based on the CAN serial bus. CANopen assumes that the device’s hardware has a CAN transceiver and CAN controller as specified in ISO 11898. CANopen profile family specifies standardized communication mechanisms and device functionality. The profile family is available and maintained by CAN in Automation (CiA), the international users’ and manufacturers’ group and may be implemented license-free.-CANopen is a networking system based on the CAN serial bus.CANopen assumes that the device s hardware has a CAN transceiverand CAN controller as specified in ISO 11898.CANopen profile family specifies standardized communicationmechanisms and device functionality. The profile family is availableand maintained by CAN in Automation (CiA), the international users and manufacturers group and may be implemented license-free.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 664kb Publisher :

DL : 0
可以直接读出引导光盘ISO的引导数据。只有一个PAS文件,非常简单-Can be directly read out the boot CD-ROM ISO guide data. There is only one PAS files, very simple
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : zm

MPEG-4 标准文档 access to visual objects in natural and synthetic moving pictures and associated natural or synthetic sound for various applications such as digital storage media, internet, various forms of wired or wireless communication etc. The use of ISO/IEC 14496 means that motion video can be manipulated as a form of computer data and can be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcast channels.-ISO/IEC 14496-2 standard access to visual objects in natural and synthetic moving pictures and associated natural or synthetic sound for various applications such as digital storage media, internet, various forms of wired or wireless communication etc. The use of ISO/IEC 14496 means that motion video can be manipulated as a form of computer data and can be stored on various storage media, transmitted and received over existing and future networks and distributed on existing and future broadcast channels.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.97mb Publisher : tyler

DL : 1
iso 15765-4 Road vehicles - Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) - -iso 15765-4 Road vehicles - Diagnostics on Controller Area Networks (CAN) -
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 405kb Publisher : ton

The CAN network is not only used for diagnostic application, the goal of the first use of this network is to carry out the intersystem communications, the related message set don t comply with the specification established in this document. Thus these 2 types of application shall be able to cohabit on the bus without trouble. Closely links are made between documents related to both application. Although this specification is written to meet the diagnostic application requirements, the scheme of message segmentation can be apply to another application involving messages with more than 7 data bytes. This document does not specify any requirement for legislated on board diagnostic "OBD" purpose. Refer to the ISO document [REF 5] for its implementation in the emission-related systems. No restriction , no specific implementation is allowed, full compliance with the standard is requisite
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 264kb Publisher : hu

This document originates from ISO international Standards 14230, Section 3 "Diagnostic System - Keyword 2000 Protocol - Coat Application" and "ISO 15765 part 3 "Diagnostics on CAN - Application layer services". This document describes ECU realignment operations, when defects have been identified, and when those may be corrected through downloading of a new software version. These realignment operations shall be possible: • on the vehicle, that is without dismantling the calculator, • using the vehicle diagnostic bus, • via a standard diagnostic plug, • without having to apply an external specific voltage. The objective is to use the realignment means and procedures: • in the after-sales networks, • in assembly plant parks, • on ECU prototypes used in development phase.-This document originates from ISO international Standards 14230, Section 3 "Diagnostic System- Keyword 2000 Protocol- Coat Application" and "ISO 15765 part 3 "Diagnostics on CAN- Application layer services". This document describes ECU realignment operations, when defects have been identified, and when those may be corrected through downloading of a new software version. These realignment operations shall be possible: • on the vehicle, that is without dismantling the calculator, • using the vehicle diagnostic bus, • via a standard diagnostic plug, • without having to apply an external specific voltage. The objective is to use the realignment means and procedures: • in the after-sales networks, • in assembly plant parks, • on ECU prototypes used in development phase.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 307kb Publisher : hu

ISO 11898-1:Road vehicles -- Controller area network (CAN) -- Part 1: Data link layer and physical signalling 2003 ISO2 ISO 11898-2: Road vehicles -- Controller
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.41mb Publisher :

CAN规范标准,iso 15031-1-1-2001(CAN specification standard,iso 15031-1-1-2001)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : crystal110

Can网络诊断15765中文全套,用于汽车诊断网络层(Can network diagnosis 15765 Chinese full set)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17.05mb Publisher : lrx19890901

这里的原则是指制定通讯协议时遵循的原则,不涉及协议本身的一些规则。 先进性。制定的协议要尽量与国际接轨,参照国际 SAEJ1939/11、 ISO11898、 ISO 7637, 以及国家标准 GB/T 18858.2、GB/T18487.1-2001、 GB/T18487.2-2001、GB/T1487.3-2001、 GB/T 18387-2001、GB/T 14023-2000、GB/T 17619-1998、TB/T 3034-2002 和QC/T 413-2002, 在其基础上进行改进,并有自己的特色。 指导性:制定的协议必须要考虑车辆的特性,指导整车和相关零部件相关控制技术的发 展。 兼容性:制定的协议要适用于各种车型,多种结构形式。 扩展性:制定的协议要便于以后升级发展,扩展的协议要兼容前面制定的协议。(The principle here refers to the principles to be followed in the development of communication protocols, without involving the rules of the agreement itself. Progressiveness. The agreement should be as international as possible, referring to international SAEJ1939/11, ISO11898 and ISO 7637. And national standards GB/T 18858.2, GB/T18487.1-2001, GB/T18487.2-2001, GB/T1487.3-2001, GB/T 18387-2001, GB/T 14023-2000, GB/T 17619-1998, TB/T 3034-2002 and QC/T 413-2002. On the basis of its improvement, it has its own characteristics. Guidance: the agreements formulated must take into account the characteristics of vehicles and guide the relevant control technologies of vehicle and related parts.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 422kb Publisher : huangenhuan

ISO 15031-6:2005 Road vehicles -- Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics -- Part 6: Diagnostic trouble code definitions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : prugen
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