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[Fax programmodem2000

Description: 主要对win2000传真猫的监测,是否处于忙碌状态,不处于忙碌状态时则可以发送传真-main right WIN2000 fax cats monitoring, the state is going to busy, busy at state can be sent by fax
Platform: | Size: 34769 | Author: zyt | Hits:

[Other resourceJava_Einstein

Description: 用JAVA解答智力题: 爱因斯坦留下来的智力题目(谁养鱼?)据说世界上有98%的人答不出来   主题:爱因斯坦留下来的智力题目   1、在一条街上,有5座房子,喷了5种颜色。   2、每个房里住着不同国籍的人   3、每个人喝不同的饮料,抽不同品牌的香烟,养不同的宠物   问题是:谁养鱼?   提示:   1、英国人住红色房子   2、瑞典人养狗   3、丹麦人喝茶   4、绿色房子在白色房子左面   5、绿色房子主人喝咖啡   6、抽Pall Mall 香烟的人养鸟   7、黄色房子主人抽Dunhill 香烟   8、住在中间房子的人喝牛奶   9、 挪威人住第一间房   10、抽Blends香烟的人住在养猫的人隔壁   11、养马的人住抽Dunhill 香烟的人隔壁   12、抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒   13、德国人抽Prince香烟   14、挪威人住蓝色房子隔壁   15、抽Blends香烟的人有一个喝水的邻居   爱因斯坦在20世纪初出的这个谜语。他说世界上有98%的人答不出来。 -with Java intellectual answer that : Einstein's intellectual subject (who fish?) The world is said to have 98% of the people not answer to the theme : Einstein left an intellectual topic, in a street, five houses, sprayed the five colors. Two, every room of different nationalities lived three people each drink different drinks, pumping different brands of cigarettes, raising the pet question is : Who fish? Tip : 1, the British Red lived two houses, three dogs Sweden, Denmark, four tea, green house in the house left five white, green coffee house owner 6, pumping Pall Mall cigarettes beings seven people, the yellow house owner pumped Dunhill cigarettes 8, living in the middle the house drink milk 9, Norway living room No. 10, pumping Blends cigarettes and cats live in the next 11, raise
Platform: | Size: 34201 | Author: 赠礼 | Hits:

[Button controltpapro406

Description: 通讯和猫的控件用于DELPHI语言请解压后安装 -communications and controls for cats DELPHI please unpacked installation
Platform: | Size: 5271398 | Author: 反对地 | Hits:


Description: 猫科动物信息管理系统,可以浏览、修改数据库信息-cats animal information management system that can browse, modify database information
Platform: | Size: 928161 | Author: 文文 | Hits:

[Other resource22mklsww

Description: 用vc++实现了位图时间钟表的显示,位图可以是一些卡通图片,比如 猪和猫等。-vc used to achieve the bitmap time clocks, bitmap can be some cartoon pictures, such as pigs and cats.
Platform: | Size: 158203 | Author: 逍遥客 | Hits:


Description: OCX二次开发控件(注:支持GSM/CDMA猫,西门子手机,诺基亚手机,爱立信手机)-OCX Controls Secondary Development (Note : GSM / CDMA cats, Siemens, Nokia, Ericsson phones)
Platform: | Size: 351442 | Author: mahusoft | Hits:

[Game Program猫吃老鼠

Description: 用C++开发的猫吃老鼠小程序-C + + development of small cats eat rats procedures
Platform: | Size: 798 | Author: 华仔 | Hits:


Description: 调用通讯短信猫,群发数据。可设置群发数据,可也设置重要手机进行群发。-called SMS communications cats and repeated data. Data can be set up listservs, is also provided important mobile phone fleet.
Platform: | Size: 277751 | Author: lf | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsaiyinsitan

Description: 原题为: 1.有5栋5种颜色的房子 2.每一位房子的主人国籍都不同 3.这五个人每人只喝一个牌子的饮料,只抽一个牌子的香烟,只养一种宠物 4.没有人有相同的宠物,抽相同牌子的烟,喝相同牌子的饮料 已知条件: 1.英国人住在红房子里 2.瑞典人养了一条狗 3.丹麦人喝茶 4.绿房子在白房子的左边 5.绿房子主人喝咖啡 6.抽pallmall烟的人养了一只鸟 7.黄房子主人抽dunhill烟 8.住在中间房子的人喝牛奶 9.挪威人住在第一间房子 10.抽混合烟的人住在养猫人的旁边 11.养马人住在抽dunhill烟人的旁边 12.抽bluemaster烟的人喝啤酒 13.德国人抽prince烟 14.挪威人住在蓝房子旁边 15.抽混合烟的人的邻居喝矿泉水 问题:谁养鱼? 这道迷题出自1981年柏林的德国逻辑思考学院。 据说世界上只有2%的人能出答案。 就连大名鼎鼎的爱因斯坦也成为此题大伤脑筋。-original entitled : 1. Have five five colors of the two houses. Each a master of the house three different nationality. Each of these five individuals only drink one brand of beverages, just the one brand of cigarettes, only raised a pet 4. No one has the same pet, and pumping the same brand of cigarettes, drink the same brand of beverages known conditions : 1. Britons living in Red House Lane 2. Swede custody of a dog 3. Denmark tea 4. Green house at the White house left five. Green coffee house owner 6. Pallmall pumping smoke of keeping a bird 7. Huang owner pumped dunhill tobacco 8. Living in the middle of the house to drink milk 9. Norwegians living in the first house and 10. Mixed pumping smoke and cats live in the adjacent 11. Horse people live in pumping dunhill smoke next to the 12
Platform: | Size: 3037 | Author: 刘志雄 | Hits:

[Other resourcewinModemConfig

Description: 瘟猫和Linux配置实作指南 瘟猫和Linux配置实作指南-blast cats and Linux configuration is a guide to blast cats and Linux configuration is a guide
Platform: | Size: 15328 | Author: s | Hits:


Description: 短信sms收发应用脚本短信网关动态库(支持各种红外手机、数据线连接的手机或无线猫,兼容性很好)-sms messaging application script SMS Gateway DLL (to support infrared handset, data link to the cell phone or wireless cats, good compatibility)
Platform: | Size: 116866 | Author: lxc | Hits:


Description: java 结构模式,适配器模式,实现变狗为猫的神话,包括例子。-java model, adapter mode and the change of cats, dogs myths, including examples.
Platform: | Size: 10502 | Author: shen | Hits:

[Other resourceav_v90

Description: 短信猫at命令格式-SMS cats at the command format
Platform: | Size: 1261416 | Author: lingo | Hits:


Description: 测试手机收发短信,适用于GSM猫等工业模块。支持大部分AT指令。-phone transceiver test messages apply to cats, and other industrial GSM module. AT command majority support.
Platform: | Size: 29792 | Author: laophking | Hits:


Description: 读取GSM短信内容,解析出SMS的文本格式。适用于GSM7标准,可移植适用于不同的gsm猫,在TC35调试通过。-read GSM SMS content, analytic out SMS text format. GSM7 standards apply to be transplanted applicable in different gsm cats in TC35 debugging through.
Platform: | Size: 3835054 | Author: laophking | Hits:


Description: 来电显示,用于猫截取来电显示的电话号码的工具-CND for cats CND interception of telephone numbers of tools
Platform: | Size: 1228905 | Author: qwer | Hits:

[Other DatabasesCats_13

Description: Cats show contest database
Platform: | Size: 17313792 | Author: GnomE | Hits:


Description: CATS machine fixup driver for Linux.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ginnunpai | Hits:


Description: CATS uses soft-reboot by default, since hard reboots fail on early boards.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: kenghaci | Hits:


Description: Cats是一个使用最大似然估计来使用多参数的时间序列(比如:连续的GPS)。该程序同时估计所有参数,但是分两部分来估计速度,线性部分包括一个offset and slope,突变(as form earthquakes)、正弦部分(包括年周期和半年周期),而非线性负分包括几个不同的噪声模型及其组合。(Cats is a time series (e.g., continuous GPS) using multiple parameters using maximum likelihood estimation. The procedure to estimate all parameters simultaneously, but is divided into two parts to estimate the speed of the linear part includes a offset and slope (as form earthquakes), mutation, sinusoidal components (including annual and semiannual period), and the nonlinear negative consists of different noise models and their combination.)
Platform: | Size: 26675200 | Author: 刀光 | Hits:
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