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在CEdit中添加鼠标双击事件处理的程序- Increases the mouse in CEdit to double-click the procedure which the event processes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 站长

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d Ream s Red 开发的文本编缉器-d Ream s Red browser developed by the text editor
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 高强

这是一个普通的从CEdit类继承的16进制编辑控件-This is a general category CEdit inherited from the 16 band Edit Control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 75kb Publisher : 刘明法

dobbs编缉器升级版的C语言源程序-Dobbs editor for an updated version of the C language source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40kb Publisher : 忆星

一个扩展的CEdit类,可以直接计算数学表达式,目前不支持变量,但可以支持pi、e等常数。具体请看里边的图片说明。-an expansion CEdit category, and can directly calculate mathematical expressions that do not support variable, but it can support pi, e, etc. constant. For details, please read the caption inside.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 74kb Publisher : 郑明

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一个平面的Edit类,非常漂亮,使用很简单,只要将你代码中的所有CEdit换成CXPEdit,并包函头文件#include "XPEdit.h"即可。-a flat Edit type, very beautiful and very simple to use, as long as your code all CEdit CXPEdit replaced, and the first document 9.1.2# include "XPEdit.h" can.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : 小蒙

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有时候需要限制编辑框输入的字符,比如只允许输入字母字符,或者只允许输入数字字符,本例子通过派生一个CEdit类处理WM_CHAR消息,然后从编辑控件中过滤特定的字符。-sometimes necessary to restrict the importation of the edit box characters, such as only allowing the importation of alphabetical characters, or allow only the importation of digital characters in this case through a derived type CEdit WM_CHAR information processing, and then from the Edit Control filtering specific characters.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : lili

用CEdit和CRichEdit实现通信,可以修改文字字体和颜色。-CRichEdit with CEdit and communications, change text fonts and colors.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 55kb Publisher : 李华

一个cedit控件可以实现固定格式的输入,在小数点的前后用户可以自定义位数,可以限制特定的符号的输入封装了cedit类,功能十分强大-Cedit controls can be a fixed format input, before and after the decimal point users can define the median, specific restrictions on the importation of the symbols of Cedit Packaging category, a very strong function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 109kb Publisher : 张涛

该程序是个文字编辑器控件,可以和CEdit使用来过滤输入的文字。-A edit box control that can mask/filt the input in CEdit.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : lht

EDIT控件设置只读属性后就不允许用户进行输入和编辑删除等基本操作了,控件只可以用来信息的浏览,但是,如果使用默认的设置函数的话,EDIT控件的背景色将变成灰色,如果你的主题程序的颜色背景进行一致的处理的话,这样可能会与你的整体风格不和,所以需要一个具有背景颜色但是又具有只读属性的EDIT控件刻不容缓了. 实现的方法其实很简单,派生一个CEDIT类,我们这里命名为CColReadOnlyEdit,再这个类中我们首先触发PreTranslateMessage,这个函数可以用来截获消息编程。-EDIT controls installed after the read-only attribute does not allow users to input and edit delete basic operation of the control information can be used only browser, but if the use of the default settings, it is highly EDIT control the background color to gray, but if your theme procedure for a background color made a deal with the case, it may be with your overall style and not, so it is necessary to have a background color but also with the read-only attribute the delay EDIT Controls. realizing the fact is very simple, derived a CEDIT category, we named CColReadOnlyEdit here, and the first category trigger PreTranslateMessage, this function can be used to intercepted news programming.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 屠理峰

cedit类 可替代记事本的程序,vc-Cedit category Notepad replacement procedures, vc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.45mb Publisher : 二毛

有时候需要限制编辑框输入的字符,比如只允许输入字母字符,或者只允许输入数字字符,-sometimes necessary to restrict the importation of the edit box characters, such as only allowing the importation of alphabetical characters, or allow only the importation of digital characters,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 55kb Publisher : dd

DL : 0 这是一个从Cedit派生的十六进制的编辑框类库 注意过Visual C++的Output窗口吗?就是那个在编译的时候会自动滚动显示信息的窗口,这个类库就是一个类似那样的东东。 这是用于时间、日期、电话号码、IP地址、邮政编码的编辑框。 这是一个支持带e符号(如-12E4)的数字编辑控制 这是一个只允许输入既定范围数字的编辑控制。如果在你的程序中需要限定输入范围(如0-255)的话,这个类可真帮了你的大忙。 SmartEdit控制,和滑杆滚动条一起精确确定输入。 据说在这个例子中拖动放大镜到密码输入框能得到密码的内容,不过在我的Win2000上不行。 这个类库包括编辑框扩展类、静态文本扩展类,使你可以以自定义的颜色显示文字。 这个编辑器扩展类库使你能够在不同的文本编辑器(甚至是Word、Wordpad)之间拖动文本。 浮动效果的编辑框,再配上浮动效果的列表框、组合框,你的界面一定不同凡响。 This a Cedit derived from the Progressive 16 the editorial system box Class noticed Visual C of O utput window? This is not at compile time will automatically scroll the window to display information, the library is a similar kind of Wanton. This is for the time, date, telephone number, IP address, postcode editing box. This is a support with e symbols (eg- 12E4), the number of editorial control This is the system only allows the importation of an established framework of the digital editorial control . If in the process you need to limit input range (0-255), then this category could really help your very busy. SmartEdit control, rolling slider and accurate determina
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 320kb Publisher : 田力

主要用于报表换算时在CEdit控件中自动添加千位数符号和位数零-major statements for the conversion automatically controls CEdit add 1,000 symbols and the median is the median
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 张华

SPIN 范例,可将CEDIT与SPIN结合-SPIN model can be combined CEDIT SPIN
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 123kb Publisher : 梁晓晴

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这是我亲自编写的程序,只使用一个键(如空格键)可以输入多位数的输入,在我的项目中使用,感谢程序员联合开发网的支持,贡献出来和大家一块学习。 单击空格键实现单位数的加1,键盘右键实现下一位的输入,左键删除最后一位数、学习如何派生自己的CEdit类 ,如何使CEdit控件的最后一位处于选中状态.-This is what I personally prepared the procedure to use only one button (space bar) to be imported into the median over the importation, in my use of the item, thank programmers working on joint support, and we have contributed a study. Click space bar to achieve the increase in the number of units 1, the keyboard under a right to achieve the import, a button to delete the last few, learning how to derive their CEdit category, how CEdit controls at the last one selected.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : mxp

创建一个CEDIT,该控件可以改变背景色-Create a CEDIT, the control can change the background color
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 张欢

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本程序是根据CEdit类派生出来的只能够输入数字、小数点、正负号。-This procedure is based on CEdit derived class can only enter a number, decimal point, sign.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.81mb Publisher : 赵明

DL : 0
改变CEDIT的背景和字体颜色的例子,很经典的,学控件编程的可以好好看看。-Change the background and font colors CEDIT example, classic, learning control programming can have a good look.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 肖庆汇
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