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(其中已经包含5个源码)所附源程序C或C++代码文件及其可执行文件 Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序, 输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt ,rfile.txt,tfile.txt Sga.c 基本遗传算法源程序, 输入数据文件input,输出文件output A_life.c 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟源程序, 输入数据文件world GA_nn.c 基于遗传算法优化神经网络结构源程序,输入数据文件sample Patmat.c 基于遗传算法提取基元图形源程序-(which includes five OSS) attached to C or C source code files and executable files Scs.c pp basic classification algorithm source files, input data files cfile.txt, efile.txt. gfile.txt, pfile.txt, rfile.txt. tfile.txt Sga.c basic genetic algorithm source files, input data files input, output file output A_life.c based on genetic algorithm simulation source Artificial Life, import data files GA_nn.c world based on genetic algorithm optimization neural network structure source, import data files Patmat.c sample extraction based on genetic algorithm-based graphic source yuan
Update : 2012-03-20 Size : 616.51kb Publisher : Thread

Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt-Scs.cpp basic classification algorithm source code, the input data file cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt, pfile.txt, rfile.txt, tfile.txt
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.57kb Publisher : 严齐湘

Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt-Scs.cpp basic classification algorithm source code, the input data file cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt, pfile.txt, rfile.txt, tfile.txt
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.38kb Publisher : 张文广

王小平《遗传算法——理论、应用与软件实现》随书光盘,内容有: \\GA 本书中所附源程序C或C++代码文件及其可执行文件 Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt Sga.c 基本遗传算法源程序, 输入数据文件input,输出文件output A_life.c 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟源程序, 输入数据文件world GA_nn.c 基于遗传算法优化神经网络结构源程序,输入数据文件sample Patmat.c 基于遗传算法提取基元图形源程序 \\Sources 遗传算法相关自由软件及代码 -Wang Xiaoping "genetic algorithm -- Theory, Application and Software" CD with the book, the contents are : \\ GA book accompanying C or C source code files and executable files Scs.cpp basic classification algorithm-source Order, the importation of data files cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt. pfile.txt, rfile.txt. tfile.txt Sga.c basic genetic algorithm source files, input data files input, output file output A_life.c based on genetic algorithm simulation source Artificial Life, import data files GA_nn.c world based on genetic algorithm optimization neural network structure source, import data files Patmat.c sample extraction based on genetic algorithm-based graphics yuan source \\ Sour ces genetic algorithms and the associated free software code
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.31mb Publisher : zhuli

自己写的用于语音处理的程序,主要功能: 1 播放wav文件,技术:使用waveout系统函数。 2 图形界面编程,实时显示光标所在位置的坐标,在客户区单击并托动鼠标可显示。 3 保存语音数据。cfile类,将wav文件内的真正语音数据保存与txt文件中用于分析。 -himself wrote for the Voice of the procedures main functions : a broadcast wav document technology : waveout use of the system function. 2 graphics programming interface, real-time display cursor location coordinates, the client and asked the district click the mouse can show that the move. 3 preserve voice data. Cfile category, wav document the true voice and data preservation txt document for analysis.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 155.72kb Publisher : yulei

DL : 0
const char *与char * const的区别。C语言对文件读写的支持,FILE指针;文本文件和二进制文件的区别。用文本方式读写文件和以二进制方式读写文件的注意事项。C++对文件读写的支持,ofstream和ifstream的用法。Win32 SDK对文件读写的支持,CreateFile函数、WriteFile函数、ReadFile函数的使用;MFC对文件读写的支持,CFile类和CFileDialog的使用,文件过滤器的设置。win.ini文件和注册表的读写方式及相关知识点。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 52.26kb Publisher : 快乐

本书中所附源程序C或C++代码文件及其可执行文件 Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序, 输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt ,rfile.txt,tfile.txt Sga.c 基本遗传算法源程序, 输入数据文件input,输出文件output A_life.c 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟源程序, 输入数据文件world GA_nn.c 基于遗传算法优化神经网络结构源程序,输入数据文件sample Patmat.c 基于遗传算法提取基元图形源程序
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : njustyw

打开一个TXT文件并显示在EDIT控件中 步骤: 1.新建一个基于对话框的工程,名称为ReadFile 2.在界面上添加一个按钮(IDC_BUTTON1)和一个文本编辑(IDC_EDIT1) IDC_EDIT1的属性:多行、可下拉滚动条. 3.编辑按钮触发事件(void CReadFileDlg::OnButton1()) void CReadFileDlg::OnButton1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CString sFileFilter=\"*.hex|*.hex\" CString sFileName CFileDialog fDlg(true,NULL,NULL,OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,sFileFilter,NULL) fDlg.DoModal() sFileName=fDlg.GetFileName() if(sFileName!=\"\") { CFile file(sFileName,CFile::modeRead) int nFileLength=file.GetLength() char *buffer HGLOBAL hgl=::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,nFileLength+1) buffer=(char *)::GlobalLock(hgl) file.Read(buffer,nFileLength) SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1,buffer) ::GlobalUnlock(hgl) ::GlobalFree(hgl) } UpdateData(false) }
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25.48kb Publisher : 这程子

主要源码: void CFDlg::OnChangeEdit1() { UpdateData() m_strExt.MakeUpper() m_list.ResetContent() if(m_strExt.GetLength()==0) return CStdioFile sf if(sf.Open(\"FileExt.txt\",Cfile::modeRead)) { CString strTemp,strOut while(sf.ReadString(strTemp)) { if(strTemp.Left(m_strExt.GetLength()) ==m_strExt) { m_list.AddString(strTemp) } } } sf.Close() m_list.SetCurSel(0) this->OnSelchangeList2() } void CFDlg::OnSelchangeList2() { CString strTemp,strExt m_list.GetText(m_list.GetCurSel(),strTemp) strExt=strTemp.Left(strTemp.FindOneOf(\" \")) //MessageBox(strExt) CString strFileName =\"eee.\"+strExt //MessageBox(strFileName) SHFILEINFO shfi memset(&shfi,0,sizeof(shfi)) //或者ZeroMemory(&shfi,sizeof(shfi)) ::SHGetFileInfo(strFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &shfi, sizeof(shfi), SHGFI_ICON|SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES) m_icon.SetIcon(shfi.hIcon) }
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 40.6kb Publisher : HUGH RENNY

DL : 0
Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt-Scs.cpp basic classification algorithm source code, the input data file cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt, pfile.txt, rfile.txt, tfile.txt
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 严齐湘

Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt-Scs.cpp basic classification algorithm source code, the input data file cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt, pfile.txt, rfile.txt, tfile.txt
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 张文广

王小平《遗传算法——理论、应用与软件实现》随书光盘,内容有: \GA 本书中所附源程序C或C++代码文件及其可执行文件 Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt Sga.c 基本遗传算法源程序, 输入数据文件input,输出文件output A_life.c 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟源程序, 输入数据文件world GA_nn.c 基于遗传算法优化神经网络结构源程序,输入数据文件sample Patmat.c 基于遗传算法提取基元图形源程序 \Sources 遗传算法相关自由软件及代码 -Wang Xiaoping "genetic algorithm-- Theory, Application and Software" CD with the book, the contents are : \ GA book accompanying C or C source code files and executable files Scs.cpp basic classification algorithm-source Order, the importation of data files cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt. pfile.txt, rfile.txt. tfile.txt Sga.c basic genetic algorithm source files, input data files input, output file output A_life.c based on genetic algorithm simulation source Artificial Life, import data files GA_nn.c world based on genetic algorithm optimization neural network structure source, import data files Patmat.c sample extraction based on genetic algorithm-based graphics yuan source \ Sour ces genetic algorithms and the associated free software code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.31mb Publisher : zhuli

自己写的用于语音处理的程序,主要功能: 1 播放wav文件,技术:使用waveout系统函数。 2 图形界面编程,实时显示光标所在位置的坐标,在客户区单击并托动鼠标可显示。 3 保存语音数据。cfile类,将wav文件内的真正语音数据保存与txt文件中用于分析。 -himself wrote for the Voice of the procedures main functions : a broadcast wav document technology : waveout use of the system function. 2 graphics programming interface, real-time display cursor location coordinates, the client and asked the district click the mouse can show that the move. 3 preserve voice data. Cfile category, wav document the true voice and data preservation txt document for analysis.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.76mb Publisher : yulei

DL : 0
const char *与char * const的区别。C语言对文件读写的支持,FILE指针;文本文件和二进制文件的区别。用文本方式读写文件和以二进制方式读写文件的注意事项。C++对文件读写的支持,ofstream和ifstream的用法。Win32 SDK对文件读写的支持,CreateFile函数、WriteFile函数、ReadFile函数的使用;MFC对文件读写的支持,CFile类和CFileDialog的使用,文件过滤器的设置。win.ini文件和注册表的读写方式及相关知识点。-const char* and char* const distinction. C language of the document to read and write support, FILE pointer text file and binary file distinction. Used to read and write text files and read and write files in binary mode Notes. C++ Of documents to read and write support, ofstream and ifstream usage. Win32 SDK to read and write support for the document, CreateFile function, WriteFile function, ReadFile function to use MFC support reading and writing of the document, CFile Class CFileDialog and the use of paper filter settings. win.ini file and registry read and write methods and related knowledge points.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 快乐

打开一个TXT文件并显示在EDIT控件中 步骤: 1.新建一个基于对话框的工程,名称为ReadFile 2.在界面上添加一个按钮(IDC_BUTTON1)和一个文本编辑(IDC_EDIT1) IDC_EDIT1的属性:多行、可下拉滚动条. 3.编辑按钮触发事件(void CReadFileDlg::OnButton1()) void CReadFileDlg::OnButton1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CString sFileFilter="*.hex|*.hex" CString sFileName CFileDialog fDlg(true,NULL,NULL,OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,sFileFilter,NULL) fDlg.DoModal() sFileName=fDlg.GetFileName() if(sFileName!="") { CFile file(sFileName,CFile::modeRead) int nFileLength=file.GetLength() char *buffer HGLOBAL hgl=::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,nFileLength+1) buffer=(char *)::GlobalLock(hgl) file.Read(buffer,nFileLength) SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1,buffer) ::GlobalUnlock(hgl) ::GlobalFree(hgl) } UpdateData(false) } -Open a TXT file and displayed in the EDIT control steps: 1. Create a new dialog-based project, known as the ReadFile2. In the interface to add a button (IDC_BUTTON1) and a text editor (IDC_EDIT1) IDC_EDIT1 properties: multi-line, can be drop-down scroll bar .3. Edit button trigger events (void CReadFileDlg:: OnButton1 ()) void CReadFileDlg:: OnButton1 () (//TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CString sFileFilter =*. hex |*. hex CString sFileName CFileDialog fDlg (true, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, sFileFilter, NULL) fDlg.DoModal () sFileName = fDlg.GetFileName () if (sFileName! =) (CFile file (sFileName, CFile:: modeRead) int nFileLength = file.GetLength () char* buffer HGLOBAL hgl =:: GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, nFileLength+ 1) buffer = (char*):: GlobalLock (hgl) file.Read (buffer, nFileLength) SetDlgItemText (IDC_EDIT1, buffer):: GlobalUnlock (hgl):: GlobalFree (hgl)) UpdateData (false))
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.8mb Publisher : 这程子

主要源码: void CFDlg::OnChangeEdit1() { UpdateData() m_strExt.MakeUpper() m_list.ResetContent() if(m_strExt.GetLength()==0) return CStdioFile sf if(sf.Open("FileExt.txt",Cfile::modeRead)) { CString strTemp,strOut while(sf.ReadString(strTemp)) { if(strTemp.Left(m_strExt.GetLength()) ==m_strExt) { m_list.AddString(strTemp) } } } sf.Close() m_list.SetCurSel(0) this->OnSelchangeList2() } void CFDlg::OnSelchangeList2() { CString strTemp,strExt m_list.GetText(m_list.GetCurSel(),strTemp) strExt=strTemp.Left(strTemp.FindOneOf(" ")) //MessageBox(strExt) CString strFileName ="eee."+strExt //MessageBox(strFileName) SHFILEINFO shfi memset(&shfi,0,sizeof(shfi)) //或者ZeroMemory(&shfi,sizeof(shfi)) ::SHGetFileInfo(strFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &shfi, sizeof(shfi), SHGFI_ICON|SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES) m_icon.SetIcon(shfi.hIcon) }-Main source: void CFDlg:: OnChangeEdit1 () (UpdateData () m_strExt.MakeUpper () m_list.ResetContent () if (m_strExt.GetLength () == 0) return CStdioFile sf if (sf.Open (FileExt.txt, Cfile :: modeRead)) (CString strTemp, strOut while (sf.ReadString (strTemp)) (if (strTemp.Left (m_strExt.GetLength ()) == m_strExt) (m_list.AddString (strTemp)))) sf.Close ( ) m_list.SetCurSel (0) this-
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40kb Publisher : HUGH RENNY

王小平《遗传算法——理论、应用与软件实现》随书光盘,内容有: \GA 本书中所附源程序C或C++代码文件及其可执行文件 Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt Sga.c 基本遗传算法源程序, 输入数据文件input,输出文件output A_life.c 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟源程序, 输入数据文件world GA_nn.c 基于遗传算法优化神经网络结构源程序,输入数据文件sample Patmat.c 基于遗传算法提取基元图形源程序 \Sources 遗传算法相关自由软件及代码。-Wang Xiaoping,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.31mb Publisher : flying

DL : 0
基本分类算法源程序, 输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt ,rfile.txt,tfile.txt-Basic classification algorithm source code, input data file cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt, pfile.txt, rfile.txt, tfile.txt
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 马晓勇

DL : 0
源程序C或C++代码文件及其可执行文件 Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt ,rfile.txt,tfile.txt Sga.c 基本遗传算法源程序, 输入数据文件input,输出文件output A_life.c 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟源程序, 输入数据文件world GA_nn.c 基于遗传算法优化神经网络结构源程序,输入数据文件sample Patmat.c 基于遗传算法提取基元图形源程序 -C or C++ source code files and executable files Scs.cpp basic classification algorithm source code, the input data file cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt, pfile.txt, rfile.txt, tfile.txt Sga.c basic genetic algorithm source code, the input data file input, the output file output A_life.c genetic algorithm-based simulation of artificial life source, the input data file world GA_nn.c genetic algorithm based neural network source, the input data file sample Patmat. c extraction based on genetic algorithm source graphics primitives
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 676kb Publisher : yuanping

把txt文件里的数据读到list control控件里-Txt file data read list control control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.8mb Publisher : ericson
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