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fortran CG-FFT程序 Conjugate gradient package for solving complex matrix equations -fortran CG-FFT procedures Conjugate gradient pack age for solving complex matrix equations
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : dui

图的深度遍历,输出结果为(红色为键盘输入的数据,权值都置为1): 输入顶点数和弧数:8 9 输入8个顶点. 输入顶点0:a 输入顶点1:b 输入顶点2:c 输入顶点3:d 输入顶点4:e 输入顶点5:f 输入顶点6:g 输入顶点7:h 输入9条弧. 输入弧0:a b 1 输入弧1:b d 1 输入弧2:b e 1 输入弧3:d h 1 输入弧4:e h 1 输入弧5:a c 1 输入弧6:c f 1 输入弧7:c g 1 输入弧8:f g 1 深度优先遍历: a b d h e c f g 程序结束. -Traverse the depth chart, the output results (red for the keyboard input data, weights are set to 1): Enter the number of Vertices and arcs: 8 9 input vertex 8. Input vertex 0: a input vertex 1: b input Vertex 2: c input vertex 3: d input vertex 4: e input vertex 5: f input vertex 6: g Enter the Vertex 7: h input arc 9. input arc 0: ab 1 input arc 1: bd 1 input arc 2: be 1 input arc 3: dh 1 input arc 4: eh 1 input arc 5: ac 1 input arc 6: cf 1 input arc 7: cg 1 input arc 8: fg 1 depth-first traversal: abdhecfg end of the process.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Louis

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本人机对弈程序采用了多种搜索算法.以下是本程序主要的类说明: 1.CEveluation类:估值类,对给定的棋盘进行估值. 2.CMoveGenerator类:走法产生器,对给定的棋盘局面搜索出所有可能的走法. 3.CSearchEngine类:搜索引擎基类. 4.CNegaMaxEngine类:负极大值法搜索引擎. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine类:采用了Alpha-Beta剪枝技术的搜索引擎. 6.CFAlphaBetaEngine类:fail-softalpha-beta搜索引擎. 7.CHistoryHeuristic类:历史启发类. 8.CAlphabeta_HHEngine类:带历史启发的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 9.CAspirationSearch类:渴望搜索引擎. 10.CIDAlphabetaEngine类:迭代深化搜索引擎. 11.CMTD_fEngine类:MTD(f)搜索引擎. 12.CTranspositionTable类:置换表. 13.CAlphaBeta_TTEngine类:加置换表的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 14.CPVS_Engine类:极小窗口搜索引擎. 15.CNegaScout_TT_HH类:使用了置换表和历史启发的NegaScout搜索引擎. 本程序具有悔棋,还原功能,可以记录走法,还可以进行布局. -GFDBNVBXVKUYGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDD
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 204kb Publisher : ddfa

项目用VS2013编写,播放的视频路径为F:/天下叁CG/墨龙纪.avi, 路径正确了该屏保才会正确播放,进行屏保使用时需要将Release文件夹下的exe执行文件后缀改为.scr,64位操作系统放到C:/Windows/SysWOW64 32位-Project using VS2013 to write, play video path F :/ world three CG/Molong discipline. Avi, the path is correct the screensaver will play correctly, you need to perform when using screensavers Release folder exe executable file suffix to . scr, 64-bit operating system into C :/ Windows/SysWOW64 32 ...
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 332kb Publisher : 拉丁

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BFGS算法(BFGS algorithm),是一种逆秩2拟牛顿法。Hk+,满足拟牛顿方程的逆形式Hk+}少一、k=s.当Hk正定且(,',少)}0时Hkh,也正定,因此,由BFGS修正确定的算法xk+} - xk - HkF Cxk)是具有正定性、传递性的拟牛顿法,它也是无约束优化中最常用的、最稳定的算法之一这种算法是布罗依丹(Broy-den,C. G.)于1969年,以及弗莱彻(Fletcher , R. ) ,戈德福布(Goldforb,D. )、香诺(Shan no, D. F.)于1970年分别得到的,故称为BFGS算法.(The BFGS algorithm is an inverse rank 2 quasi-Newton method.Hk +, to satisfy the inverse form of the quasi-Newton equation Hk +} less one, k = s. When Hk is definite and (, ', less)} 0 Hkh, is also positive definite, therefore, the algorithm determined by the BFGS correction xk +} - xk - HkF Cxk) is a quasi-Newton method with positive definiteness and transitivity. It is also one of the most commonly used and most stable algorithms in unconstrained optimization. This algorithm was Broy-den (CG) in 1969, and Fletcher (R.), Goldforb (D.), and Shanno (DF) were obtained in 1970 respectively, hence the BFGS algorithm.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : ranin
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