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Description: 经过扩展的CGraph类及示例工程源代码
Platform: | Size: 31598 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph programCDrawLine.zip

Description: 绘制图形的CGraph类,可以绘制各种图形如走势线、直方图、饼图
Platform: | Size: 30178 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 作者将一个CGraph类由像素模式下,扩展到逻辑模式下,并加了x,y轴的箭头,可以添加曲线名称。使用的方法: 复制Graph.h,Graph.cpp GraphLegend.cpp.GraphLegend.h GraphSeries.cpp,GraphSeries.h六个文件到相应的目录下,然后把他们加入到工程中,修改相应的头文件。在示例工程中作者提供了绘制饼图和直方图的代码。-CGraph author of a category by the pixel mode, the logical extension of the model, plus the x, y axis of the arrow, curve names can be added. The methods used : copy Graph.h, Graph.cpp GraphLegend.cpp.GraphLegend.h GraphSeries.cpp, GraphSeries.h six documents to the corresponding directory, and then put them into the project, the first to amend the corresponding document. Examples of projects in which the author provides a mapping pie and histogram of the code.
Platform: | Size: 29616 | Author: 张敏 | Hits:


Description: Introducing the new and improved CGraph Classes!! CGraph was my attempt to produce a set of freeware graph classes. After several iterations of the classes, it became more and more difficult to maintain and support. 这是我在CGRAPH4的基础上和StringFile和CString类进行了整合形成的新的例子-Introducing the new and improved CGraph Cl asses! ! CGraph was my attempt to produce a set of freeware graph classes. After several iterati ons of the classes, it became more and more difficult to maintain an d support. this is my CGRAPH4 and on the basis of StringFile and CStr ing type of integration for the new examples
Platform: | Size: 828601 | Author: 罗成 | Hits:

[Other resourceCGraph_Devang_060720

Description: 绘制给定数据的波形,跟上次传的那个一样,就是一个CGraph 类,主要是改进了一点算法,修正了一点错误-drawn to the waveform data set, with the last word that the same, which is a CGraph category, the main point is to improve the algorithm, amended 1:00 wrong. .
Platform: | Size: 2850 | Author: H.Devang | Hits:

[Other resourceAdvancedGraph

Description: 刚开始学习VC++ 做的程序,,呵呵,,乱七八糟的,,比CGraph类差远了-VC just started learning to do the procedures, what mess, and worse than CGraph category from the world, and
Platform: | Size: 84424 | Author: H.Devang | Hits:

[Special EffectsGraph

Description: CGraph图形库,写得非常好!不过,唯一的不足是: 1:析构函数调用出错 2:中文字体很难看
Platform: | Size: 52761 | Author: chengxu | Hits:

[Other resourceGraph

Description: CGraph是一个外国人写的图形库,写得非常好!不过,唯一的不足是: 1:析构函数调用出错 2:中文字体很难看 我把它改了一下,方便大家使用 本文工程中的CGraph已经封装到了DLL,由于时间关系,我没做DEMO,此类库的详细介绍你可以到VCCODE搜索,那也有DEMO科下载。 不过,你要记得下载那个DEMO后,换成我改过的文件,然后加上DELETE,最后根据自己需要改一下。 我只说一下我做的改进: 1:修复了析构函数中的内存泄露问题,用BOUNDSCHECK查了下,没问题了。 2:把字体全部换成宋体 9号 中文号看点 具体怎么使用不要问我,去网上找例子吧,很容易的。 虽然我解决了析构中的内存泄露,不过我没有解决REMOVEALL中的内存泄露,因为我没用这个函数,就懒得改,你可以试着自己改改--如果你要用这个函数的话
Platform: | Size: 39013 | Author: conku | Hits:

[Other resourceGraph

Description: CGraph是一个外国人写的图形库,本文工程中的CGraph已经封装到了DLL,由于时间关系,我没做DEMO,此类库的详细介绍你可以到VCCODE搜索。
Platform: | Size: 39812 | Author: 姚鑫 | Hits:


Description: 计算机图形学 此系统由本人独自开发; CGraph类中是画图函数; 画直线: DDA算法 中点Bresenham算法 改进的Bresenham算法 画圆: 中点Bresenham算法 画椭圆: 中点Bresenham算法
Platform: | Size: 1991687 | Author: yth796 | Hits:

[Other resourcegraphBrian_demo

Description: 该代码是一个绘图源代码。设计了一个绘图类cgraph,可绘制bar graph,line graph,pie graph,scatter graph等各种不同类型的图形。
Platform: | Size: 626342 | Author: 贺苗 | Hits:


Description: 经过扩展的CGraph类及示例工程源代码-After expanding CGraph category and source code examples of projects
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 西瓜太郎 | Hits:


Description: 天体运动处理系统,实现天体图象的背景处理,运动判定分步。解压密码:123-celestial movement in dealing system that the background image objects, found step-by-step movement. Extracting Password : 123
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 周昀 | Hits:


Description: 作者将一个CGraph类由像素模式下,扩展到逻辑模式下,并加了x,y轴的箭头,可以添加曲线名称。使用的方法: 复制Graph.h,Graph.cpp GraphLegend.cpp.GraphLegend.h GraphSeries.cpp,GraphSeries.h六个文件到相应的目录下,然后把他们加入到工程中,修改相应的头文件。在示例工程中作者提供了绘制饼图和直方图的代码。-CGraph author of a category by the pixel mode, the logical extension of the model, plus the x, y axis of the arrow, curve names can be added. The methods used : copy Graph.h, Graph.cpp GraphLegend.cpp.GraphLegend.h GraphSeries.cpp, GraphSeries.h six documents to the corresponding directory, and then put them into the project, the first to amend the corresponding document. Examples of projects in which the author provides a mapping pie and histogram of the code.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 张敏 | Hits:


Description: Introducing the new and improved CGraph Classes!! CGraph was my attempt to produce a set of freeware graph classes. After several iterations of the classes, it became more and more difficult to maintain and support. 这是我在CGRAPH4的基础上和StringFile和CString类进行了整合形成的新的例子-Introducing the new and improved CGraph Cl asses! ! CGraph was my attempt to produce a set of freeware graph classes. After several iterati ons of the classes, it became more and more difficult to maintain an d support. this is my CGRAPH4 and on the basis of StringFile and CStr ing type of integration for the new examples
Platform: | Size: 828416 | Author: 罗成 | Hits:

[Graph DrawingGraph

Description: CGraph是一个外国人写的图形库,写得非常好!不过,唯一的不足是: 1:析构函数调用出错 2:中文字体很难看 我把它改了一下,方便大家使用 本文工程中的CGraph已经封装到了DLL,由于时间关系,我没做DEMO,此类库的详细介绍你可以到VCCODE搜索,那也有DEMO科下载。 不过,你要记得下载那个DEMO后,换成我改过的文件,然后加上DELETE,最后根据自己需要改一下。 我只说一下我做的改进: 1:修复了析构函数中的内存泄露问题,用BOUNDSCHECK查了下,没问题了。 2:把字体全部换成宋体 9号 中文号看点 具体怎么使用不要问我,去网上找例子吧,很容易的。 虽然我解决了析构中的内存泄露,不过我没有解决REMOVEALL中的内存泄露,因为我没用这个函数,就懒得改,你可以试着自己改改--如果你要用这个函数的话
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: conku | Hits:

[2D GraphicGraph

Description: CGraph是一个外国人写的图形库,本文工程中的CGraph已经封装到了DLL,由于时间关系,我没做DEMO,此类库的详细介绍你可以到VCCODE搜索。-CGraph is a graphics library written by foreigners, this article has been CGraph engineering package to the DLL, due to time constraints, I did not do DEMO, a detailed description of such library you can search VCCODE.
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 姚鑫 | Hits:

[3D GraphicCGraph

Description: 一个VC6.0开发的3D程序。实现了简单的3D图形显示,可供初学3D编程者借鉴。-VC6.0 developed a 3D program. The realization of a simple 3D graphics, 3D Programming for beginner who learn from.
Platform: | Size: 2035712 | Author: 刘名 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGraphic3

Description: 实现图像的的绘制,保存及输出等功能。用到CPrArray类,CGraph类等,实现简单图形的绘制。-Image of drawing, save and export functions. CPrArray use category, CGraph such as, drawing simple graphics.
Platform: | Size: 488448 | Author: li wan min | Hits:


Description: cgraph创建图表,包括饼图,柱状图,分布图等-create a lot of kinds of graph
Platform: | Size: 4224000 | Author: gs | Hits:
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