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Location : Home Search - CLASSIFICATION TREE
主要特色功能如下: 1.注册与否均可购物(同类程序中大多要求注册才能购物),方便了那些懒得注册的客户。降低门槛,自然能抓住更多潜在商机。 2.除了同类程序中常见的左侧分类树外,还有顶端分类。左侧分类和顶端分类均可在后台方便的进行管理,左侧分类可任意排序。 3.首页通过“新品速递”和“热销商品”两个栏目来展示商品,可自行设置在首页显示的商品的数量,产品介绍页面中还会推荐点击率最高的商品。 4.产品支持略图、全图、大图、多图,非常适合从多角度拍摄商品图片,对商品进行全方位的展示。-main features are as follows : 1. Shopping can be registered or not (a similar procedure can be registered mostly shopping), the convenience of those who bother to register customers. Lower the threshold, more natural can seize potential business opportunities. 2. Similar procedures in addition to the left side of common classification tree, there is the top classification. Left classification and the top classification in the background can facilitate the management, the left can be arbitrary classification ranking. 3. Page through "new Express" and "hot-selling commodity" two columns to the display of goods would be free to set up in the Home show volume of goods, products introduced pages will recommend the highest hit rates of commodities. 4. Product Support sketch,
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 800.5kb Publisher : 刘元凯

HYMN文章管理系统v1.0(后台程序) 系统介绍: 1,新闻采用在线编辑器(本人改进版),从别的网页copy过来,连接和图片、falsh等可以完整保留 2,可web上传图片,小音频,视频信息或flash到服务器,直接添加到文章中 3,大部分逻辑处理都封装在java-bean,界面修改容易 4,栏目分类采用树形编码方式,无限制级别 5,完善的权限管理方式,可为每个用户自定义后台权限-HYMN article Management System v1.0 (background process) system introduced : one, using online news editor (I improved version), from the other website copy up connections and pictures, stuff that can complete two reservations, web upload pictures, audio small, as or flash frequency information to the server, directly added to article 3, the most logical processing package, the java-bean, interface easy modification four columns using classification tree encoding, unlimited-5, improve the competence of management, for each user-defined background competence
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 697.11kb Publisher : 肖洋

数据挖掘算法,分类树的C4.5算法,用于模式分类-data mining algorithms, the C4.5 classification tree algorithm for pattern classification
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.34kb Publisher : sah

树型的分类!可以将文件按照树型的排列,方便察看-the classification tree! Documents can be arranged in accordance with the tree to facilitate View
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 132.3kb Publisher : xiaoyu

组播以其独特的优势,在网络通信方面的应用越来越广泛,但随之而来的就是安全问题,其中密钥管理是最基本的问题之一。本文研究了安全组播中的密钥管理问题。介绍了现有的两种主要解决方案,即SKDC方案和密钥树管理方案,并分析了它们的不足之处,指出基于密钥树的研究方向,在此基础上提出基于Huffman密钥分级树的密钥管理方案,将布尔函数的分析方法运用其中使管理简便化。并对该方案的性能从密钥管理的存储空间和密钥刷新通信量两个方面,给出了相应的分析。-Multicast With its unique advantages in the communication network is widely applied, but the attendant security issues, key management is the most basic one of the problems. This paper studies the security Multicast key management issues. Of the two main existing solutions, and key programs SKDC tree management program analysis of their deficiencies, that the tree on the key directions of research on this basis based on the classification tree Huffman key Key Management Program, Boolean function of the analytical method which enable the use of simple. Program and the performance of key management from the storage space and traffic Key set two, given the corresponding analysis.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.39kb Publisher : 吕过

逐迹工作室?.NET(C#)内容管理系统 系统简介 Zj CMS 1.1 不只是一个论坛,它也不只是一个文章系统、下载系统,而是一个由文章模块、下载模块、图片模块、音乐模块、影视模块、链接模块、留言模块、聊天模块、公司库模块、产品模块、商机模块等模块组成的信息管理与会员互动系统。 逐迹工作室?.NET(C#)内容管理系统 V1.1 功能特点 界面采用Div+Css+Xhtml技术,结构更清晰,扩展更加方便 采用多层结构显示与逻辑分离,方便修改页面显示效果 内容采用在线编辑器,可以像使用word一样编辑新闻 类别管理一般都采用无限树形结构分类 支持多数据库,采用工厂模式,升级扩展更加方便 采用全球化编写机制,扩展多种语言更加方便 支持全文索引,方便用户快速搜索 聊天功能采用AJAX技术,无刷新多房间 逐迹工作室?.NET(C#)内容管理系统 运行要求 Window 2000 + IIS或以上 Microsoft.NET平台 Access数据库 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 或以上 逐迹工作室?.NET(C#)内容管理系统 相关下载 Zj CMS 1.1 免费版 -PV trace studios.NET (C#) content management system CMS System Dreamweaver 1.1 is not just a Forum, it is not only an article, download, but an article from the module, download module, pictures module, Music module, video module, link module, voice mail module, Chat module, the module company, product modules, business modules integral module of the information management system with Member interaction. PV trace studios.NET (C#) Content Management System V1.1 interface features used Div Dice Xht ml technology, structure is more clear, more accessible to expand multi-storey structure and logic shows separation, facilitate change pages effects, as used on-line editor, like the word can be used as news editor category management generally unlimited use classification tree structure to su
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 792.19kb Publisher : yimingzhou

用matlab语言写的ID3(Quinlan s ID3 classification tree algorithm)算法,用于模式分类
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.74kb Publisher : 罗升阳

系统介绍: 1,新闻采用在线编辑器(本人改进版),从别的网页copy过来,连接和图片、falsh等可以完整保留 2,可web上传图片,小音频,视频信息或flash到服务器,直接添加到文章中 3,大部分逻辑处理都封装在java-bean,界面修改容易 4,栏目分类采用树形编码方式,无限制级别 5,完善的权限管理方式,可为每个用户自定义后台权限-system introduced : one, using online news editor (I improved version), from the other website copy up connections and pictures, stuff that can complete two reservations, web upload pictures and small audio, video or flash information to the server, directly added to article 3 Most of the logic processing package, the java-bean, interface easy modification four columns using classification tree encoding, unlimited-5, improve the competence of management, for each user-defined background competence
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 695.8kb Publisher : wq

数据挖掘中ID3分类算法的vc实现的源代码-Data Mining ID3 classification algorithm to achieve the vc source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 52kb Publisher : 张乐

本程序是用java语言编写的数据挖掘分类算法中的决策树分类方法c4.5程序代码-this procedure is used java language classification of data mining algorithms decision tree classification code Bank
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 235kb Publisher : 李雪

系统介绍: 1,新闻采用在线编辑器(本人改进版),从别的网页copy过来,连接和图片、falsh等可以完整保留 2,可web上传图片,小音频,视频信息或flash到服务器,直接添加到文章中 3,大部分逻辑处理都封装在java-bean,界面修改容易 4,栏目分类采用树形编码方式,无限制级别 5,完善的权限管理方式,可为每个用户自定义后台权限-system introduced : one, using online news editor (I improved version), from the other website copy up connections and pictures, stuff that can complete two reservations, web upload pictures and small audio, video or flash information to the server, directly added to article 3 Most of the logic processing package, the java-bean, interface easy modification four columns using classification tree encoding, unlimited-5, improve the competence of management, for each user-defined background competence
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 696kb Publisher : wq

DL : 0
数据挖掘算法,分类树的C4.5算法,用于模式分类-data mining algorithms, the C4.5 classification tree algorithm for pattern classification
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : sah

java语言实现的一个在数据挖掘中能图形化显示决策树分类结果的程序。-java language of a data mining can display graphical decision tree classification procedures.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 142kb Publisher : 郭勇

树型的分类!可以将文件按照树型的排列,方便察看-the classification tree! Documents can be arranged in accordance with the tree to facilitate View
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 132kb Publisher : xiaoyu

DL : 0
用matlab语言写的ID3(Quinlan s ID3 classification tree algorithm)算法,用于模式分类-Matlab language used to write the ID3 (Quinlan s ID3 classification tree algorithm) algorithm for pattern classification
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 罗升阳

Id3是最基础的决策树分类方法,是其他决策树分类方法的基础,这个是Id3分类方法的matlab 实现-Id3 is the most basic decision tree classification method, other methods of decision tree classification, this classification method is id3 realize the matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : tian

DL : 0
实现树状菜单,能够实现无限层分类,功能十分强大。需要的朋友可以收藏-Realize the tree menu, be able to achieve infinite layer classification, function is very powerful. Necessary collection of friends
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : elephant

一、问题描述若要在n个城市之间建役通信网络,只福要架设n-1条级路即可.如何以最低的经济代价建设这个通信网,是一个网的最小生成树问题。二、基本要求 (1)利用克鲁斯卡尔算法求图的最小生成树。 (2)能实现教科书6.5节中定义的抽象数据类型MFSet.以此表示构造生成树过程中的连通分量。 (3 ) 以文本形式输出生成树中各条边以及他们的权值.三、需求分析 1、构造图结构。 2、利用克鲁斯卡尔算法求图的最小生成树。 3、完成生成树的输出。 -I. Description of the problem to the n cities built between the service communication networks, Fuk only n-1 to set up the way to class Article. How to minimize the economic cost of building the communications network is a network of minimum spanning tree problem. Second, the basic requirements of (1) the use of Kruskal Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree. (2) to achieve 6.5 in the textbook definition of abstract data types MFSet. Spanning tree structure as that in the process of component connectivity. (3) to output text in the spanning tree edges and their weights. Third, a needs analysis, structural map structure. 2, the use of Kruskal Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree. 3, complete the spanning tree output.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 668kb Publisher : 赵婧

该算法是数据挖掘中的数据分类算法,通过构造决策树,进而实现对数据的分类。-Data classification, decision tree structure
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : 小恒星

基于分类树的分类,与神经网络相比算法简单,分类结果看数据大小和样本集而定。简单易行的图像处理,对于初学者非常实用。 -Classification tree based on comparison with the neural network algorithm is simple, look at the data classification and sample size may be set. Simple image processing, very useful for beginners.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 37kb Publisher : jingwang
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