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转载 曼码调制的非接触ID卡通用读卡程序编制 C语言代码程序如下: . /*H4001只读卡读码程序*/-reproduced Man Code Modulation non-contact reader ID cartoon programming with C language code is as follows :. / * Decoding CD-card reading * /
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.64kb Publisher : zxg

安定宝(Contact ID)协议英文文档-Stability Bao (Contact ID) agreement in English document
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 84kb Publisher : ZXZ

DL : 0
本规范的这一部分规定了ID-1 型带触点集成电路卡的基本技术要求主要包括以下 内容 物理特性记录方法物理接口要求主要定义了该类卡的基本物理特性 电气信号和传输协议规定了该类卡和终端间的电源电气信号协议和信息交 换协议涉及卡的信号频率电压值电流值校验操作规程和传输与通信协议 本部分适用于中国范围内发行或应用的IC 卡其使用对象主要是与IC 卡应用相关 的卡片设计制造管理发行以及应用系统的研制开发集成和维护等部门或单位-This part of the normative provisions of the ID-1 type-contact IC card with the basic technical requirements for the major include the following physical characteristics of the method of recording physical interface requirements of the main definition of the type of card, the basic physical properties of electrical signals and transmission protocol requirements of the Class cards and terminals of electrical power between the signaling protocols and information exchange agreements involving card signal frequency voltage current calibration procedures and transmission of values and communication protocol in this section apply to China the scope of application of the IC to issue or khaki with the use of its main targets are IC card applications related to design and manufacture of card issuance and management of research and development of application systems integration and maintenance departments or units
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 485kb Publisher : lrihuan

DL : 0
智能卡标准,ISO7816-1,规定了ID-1型带触点集成电路卡的基本技术要求,主要包括:1.物理特性、记录方法、物理接口要求。2.电气信号和传输协主要使用对象主要是与IC卡应用相关的卡片设计、制造、管理、发行以及应用系统的研制、开发、集成和维护等部门或单位-Smart card standard, ISO7816-1, the provisions of the ID-1 type-contact IC card with the basic technical requirements, including: 1. The physical properties, recording method, the physical interface requirements. 2. Electrical signals and transmission Association main targets are the main use of IC card applications and card-related design, manufacturing, management, distribution and application systems research, development, integration and maintenance departments or units
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 485kb Publisher : venny

Kademlia协议(以下简称Kad)是美国纽约大学的PetarP. Maymounkov和David Mazieres. 在2002年发布的一项研究结果《Kademlia: A peerto -peer information system based on the XOR metric》。 简单的说,Kad 是一种分布式哈希表(DHT)技术,不过和其他DHT 实现技术比较,如 Chord、CAN、Pastry 等,Kad 通过独特的以异或算法(XOR)为距离度量基础,建立了一种 全新的DHT拓扑结构,相比于其他算法,大大提高了路由查询速度。 在2005 年5 月著名的BiTtorrent 在4.1.0 版实现基于Kademlia 协议的DHT 技术后, 很快国内的BitComet 和BitSpirit 也实现了和BitTorrent 兼容的DHT 技术,实现 trackerless下载方式。 另外,emule 中也很早就实现了基于Kademlia类似的技术(BT中叫DHT,emule中也叫 Kad,注意和本文简称的Kad 区别),和BT 软件使用的Kad 技术的区别在于key、value 和 node ID 的计算方法不同。-We describe a peer-to-peer system which has provable consistency and performance in a fault-prone environment. Our system routes queries and locates nodes using a novel XOR-based metric topology that simplifies the algorithm and facilitates our proof. The topology has the property that every message exchanged conveys or reinforces useful contact information. The system exploits this information to send parallel, asynchronous query messages that tolerate node failures without imposing timeout delays on users.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 498kb Publisher : libing

吉安易房网完整无错版 功能: 1、房主可以自由发布出租出售房源 2、访客可以登记求租求购信息 3、管理员可以发布、修改、删除各类房源 4、管理员可以推荐、取消推荐房源 5、管理员可以查看、删除求租求购信息 6、可以按不同条件组合搜索二手房、出租房房源 7、访问者查看房源的详细信息时联系人及电话为网站所有人及其电话(可设定),管理员登录后查看房源的详细信息时联系人及电话为真是联系人及电话 8、管理员发布信息时可以设定信息自编号 9、查看详细信息时,如果设定了房源自编号则显示设定的自编号,否则显示系统编号,以便于管理员查询 10、管理员可以按系统序列号查询 11、管理员可以发布、修改、删除房产政策、新闻、公司公告 12、管理员可以自定义地区、房屋类型 13、出租房、二手房、商品房均可上传图片 。 管理密码用户admin-Ji an易房网complete error-free version Features: 1, homeowners are free to release the sale of rental housing 2, visitors can register their information求租Buy 3, the administrator can publish, modify, delete all types of housing 4, the administrator can recommend the abolition of recommended housing 5, the administrator can view, delete information求租Buy 6, combination of different conditions can search for second-hand housing, rental housing 7, visitors to view the availability of detailed information and telephone contact for the site owner and their phone (which can be set), the administrator sign in to see details of availability information for contacts and telephone and telephone contact is 8, an administrator can set a release of information from the ID information 9, View Details, if the set number of houses from the display settings of the self-ID, or number display system in order to query the administrator 10, the administrator can query the system serial
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.37mb Publisher : 555

1.该系统主要处理商场中的人事信息。 2.人事信息主要包括:员工编号、所在部门、职务、薪资等级、薪资、联系方式等内容。部门信息主要包括:部门编号、部门名称等内容。 3. 完成以下的操作:实现员工信息、部门信息的添加、修改、删除和查询。-1. The system is mainly concerned with the personnel information in shopping malls. 2. Personnel Information include: employee ID, department, position, salary grade, salary, and so on contact. Sector information include: department number, department name, etc.. 3. To complete the following steps: the achievement of employee information, sector information to add, modify, delete, and query.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : 刘传友

淄博某泵业网站源码 主要功能有: 企业中心 企业简介 企业荣誉 企业公告 联系方式 在线调查 新闻中心 新闻管理 添加新闻 产品中心 产品类别 添加产品 产品管理 推荐产品 留言管理 留言管理 系统服务 密码修改 网站管理 1.开发平台VS2008+SQL2005 2.涉及的技术有flash编程,xml文件编程,生成上传略图等技术。 3.这个程序只供学习用,请不要用于商业目的,想用于商业请联系本人为你定制。 4.附加DB_51aspx目录newsite数据库到sql2005中 5.修改web.config文件中的 use id=你的SQL用户名 pwd=你的sql密码-Zibo main source of a pump site features include: Business Center Company Honor Enterprise Bulletin Contact Us News Center News Online Survey Management Products Add news Add a product category Product Management Message Management messages Recommended products service password management system for the management of a modified site . Development Platform VS2008+ SQL2005 2. The technology involved in flash programming, xml programming documents, such as thumbnail generation Upload technology. 3. This procedure is for learning to use, you should not be used for commercial purposes, I would like to contact me for commercial customized for you. 4. DB_51aspx Additional newsite directory database to sql2005 5. Modify the web.config file use id = your SQL user name pwd = your sql password
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.21mb Publisher : adfsdf

初次使用本远程数据库对象,深为其简单、方便、实用所吸引,但不久即发现其存在一些问题,于是便边修改、边与马先生QQ联系,得到了其诸多指点,但程序也给改的四不像了,现特公布其源码,望能得到马先生及广大朋友的进一步指点,主要更新: 1、对远程登陆的简单密码认证。 2、支持SQL批处理, 3、支持SQL查询包 在远程数据库中,网络延时是数据库实时响应的大敌,SQL批处理及SQL查询包的功能可巧妙的解决这一问题。 4、事务处理 5、支持独立的Blob字段读写 6、部分支持Parameters功能 7、取得远程数据库中的表名 8、支持双模态 9、修改完善了对单一数据库直接插入、修改、删除记录的支持,统一、简化了接口,更易旧程序的升级更新。 如:多Blob字段、ID字段、ACCESS库、NULL字段等 10、Server端已完成较成熟的通用封装。 11、支持简单文件的上传、下载: 文件的上传、下载还很不完善,如大文件、权限等问题还没解决- The initial use of the remote database object, for its deep simple, convenient, practical attracted, but soon found that there are some problems, so while changes QQ edge contact with Mr. Ma has been pointing its many, but also to the change process of neither fish nor fowl, and is special to publish its source code, hope can be friend Mr. Ma and the further guidance, the main update: 1, a simple visit to a remote password authentication. 2, support the SQL batch, 3, support for SQL query packet The remote database, network response time delay is the enemy of real-time database, SQL, and SQL query batch package features a clever solution to this problem. 4, transaction processing 5, support for independent reading and writing Blob fields 6, part of the support functions of Parameters 7, access to a remote database table name 8, support for dual-mode 9, revise and improve the direct insertion of a single database, mo
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 894kb Publisher :

DL : 0
前台测试帐号与密码:zang666 代理商管理帐号与密码:gang002 系统管理帐号与密码都是:admin 下载地址: 系统演示地址 多用户系统 单用户系统 系统功能 1.系统网址、版权、备案、电信增值业务证、QQ、email、 联系电话、店铺名称、店铺链接、淘宝旺旺ID信息的设置 2.网店装修设计用户信息管理、审核开通功能 3.销售代理管理、开通和禁用 4.销售代理续费管理 5.相册空间套餐的增删改操作 6.首页轮播广告管理 7.网站帮助信息管理、添加 8.注册用户管理 9.修改密码 10.安全退出 11.多文件上传 12.上传路径选择功能 13.上传成功后显示上传图片详细信息,并可直接查看图片和获得图片外链地址功能 14.图片外链网址修改功能 15.用户使用天数修改 16.代理折扣和金额修改功能 17.系统使用教程和意见建议反馈 -Future test username and password: zang666 Agents account and password management: gang002 System management username and password are: admin Download Address: Demonstrated Address Multi-user system: Single-user system: System function 1. System Web site, copyright, registration, certification of telecommunications value-added services, QQ, email, Contact telephone number, shop name, shop link ID information Taobao Wangwang settings 2. Shop fitting design of user information management, and audit functions to open 3. The marketing and sales agent management, open and disable 4. Renew the management of sales agents 5. Album package additions and deletions to the space operation 6. Home Carousel advertising management 7. Web site to help information management, add 8. Registered user management 9. Change Password 10. Safety from the 11. Multi-file upload 12. From the path selection 13. From the success of
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2mb Publisher : 黄毅然

Alarm Panel Contact-ID protocol. This protocol allow interaction with Alarm Center Monitoring Software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 84kb Publisher : jose

1 主要内容 本规范的这一部分规定了 ID-1 型带触点集成电路卡的基本技术要求主要包括以下 内容 物理特性 记录方法物理接口要求主要定义了该类卡的基本物理特性 电气信号和传输协议 规定了该类卡和终端间的电源电气信号协议和信息交 换协议涉及卡的信号频率电压值电流值校验操作规程和传输与通信协议 本部分适用于中国范围内发行或应用的 IC 卡其使用对象主要是与IC 卡应用相关 的卡片设计制造管理发行以及应用系统的研制开发集成和维护等部门或单位-1 The main part of this specification defines ID-1 type with a contact IC card of the basic technical requirements include the following method of recording the physical characteristics of the main physical interface requirements define the basic physical properties of such cards the electrical signals and transmission protocols provides for such cards and terminals electrical signals between the power supply agreement and information exchange agreements involving card frequency voltage current verification procedures and transport and communication protocol for this part of the issue within the scope of China' s IC khaki or application using the object mainly associated with the IC card application design and manufacture of card issuance and management of research and development of application systems integration and maintenance departments or units
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 485kb Publisher : ym ai nui

学校学生档案管理系统.提供丰富的查询、登记、修改 功能等。界面美观、时尚,完全秉承现流行的web程序原则。适合各种中、小学校和高 等院校的档案室档案快速备份,查询等工作,也适合班主任老师对学生的详细情况的 记录备案。 功能简介: 1.菜单自定义管理 2.管理员密码账号管理 3.管理员添加,修改,删除 4.数据库备份,压缩,恢复,软件空间占用powered by 5.姓名,像片规格,曾 用 名 ,性别,出生日期,免冠照片,学号,所在集体,身份证号,入 学学历,政治面貌 入学日期,加入组织,日期, 民族,籍贯,家庭住址,联系电话,邮编 6.何年何月到何年何月 所在学校或单位 任何职务 证明人 学习情况 个人特长 奖惩 记录 爱好 处分记过 学籍异动情况 毕(结)业或肄业日期 毕(结)业或肄业去向 备 注 >>学生档案信息资料添加,修改,删除 7.真实姓名: 曾 用 名: 性 别:学 号: 身份证号: 籍 贯:的查 询 8.8.分页,批量删除,档案详细分类查询 9.无组件图片上传 10.乱码BUG修复 11.路径自动生成 12.支持群删除 - school student records management system to provide rich query, registration, modify Function. The interface is beautiful, stylish, fully adhering to the now popular web application principles. Suitable for a variety of primary and secondary schools and high Institutions CRR file backup, rapid inquiry work, but also for the students of class teacher On record. Features: A menu customization management Administrator password account management Administrator to add, modify, delete Database backups, compression, restoration, software, space powered by (5) the name, photographs, specifications, previous names, gender, date of birth, recent photo, student number, where the collective, ID number, into the School education, the political landscape Enrollment date, join the organization, date, nationality, birthplace, home address, contact phone, Zip 6. What month to what month the school or work unit of any duty to prove that learning individual expertise incentive Rec
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 827kb Publisher : 雾夜飞牛

学生评教管理系统 要求: 1)该系统主要处理学生评教的相关信息。 2)学生信息主要包括:学号、姓名、性别、联系方式等内容。 3)教师信息主要包括:教工编号、教师名称、任教课程、评教成绩等内容。 4)完成以下的操作:学生信息、教师信息、评教信息的录入、修改、删除和查询。 提示:    1)建立学校类、教师类、学生类、评教类    2)学校、教师、学生、评教信息的初始化    3)学校、教师、学生、评教信息的添加、修改、删除、查找    4)学校、教师、学生、评教信息的输出    5)对评教信息按评学成绩排序-Teaching evaluation management system requirements: 1) The process of teaching evaluation system is mainly related information. 2) Student information includes: Student ID, name, gender, contact information and other content. 3) Teacher information includes: Total number of teachers name, taught courses, teaching evaluation results and other content. 4) Complete the following operations: student information, teacher information, teaching evaluation information input, modify, delete, and query. Tips: 1) the establishment of schools category, class teachers, student class, evaluating teaching class 2) schools, teachers, students, teaching evaluation information initialization 3) schools, teachers, students, teaching evaluation information to add, modify, delete, find four ) schools, teachers, students, teaching evaluation information output 5) information on teaching evaluation Sort by rating academic performance
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 司品青

这是一个银行客户管理的java小程序。 描述客户的几个重要方面:帐号、身份证号、姓名、联系方式、密码、账户余额。 成员方法: 开户(开户时必须要有身份证号),系统自动生成帐号,帐号使用系统时间(格式:"yyyyMMddHHmmss"14位),初始密码为“666666”。注意开户和构造方法之间的关系。 存钱、取钱、显示账户信息、修改密码(密码最短要六位) 注释十分详细,适合初学者练习使用。-This is a bank customer management java applet. Describe several important aspects of the customer: account number, ID number, name, contact information, passwords, account balance. Member method: Bank (account must have ID number), the system automatically generates account number using the system time (format: " yyyyMMddHHmmss" 14-bit), the initial password is " 666666." Note that opening and the relationship between the constructor. To save money, display account information, change your password (minimum password to six) very detailed notes, suitable for beginners to practice.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher :

E contact,helps it maintaining mail id contact list
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : Rajkumar Chowdary

Overview- A passenger want to check the current status of bus like what is the current location and what time will it take to reach to his/her stop etc. So, we are planning to make intelligent bus transportation system which is briefly described below. Description- 1. We are supposed to make a software by which we can monitor the bus transportation in real time. a. Bus is a client which will connect to Board of Control (Server) and necessary data will be send/received in the form of packets. b. A database will be on server side which will store all the data related to each bus, such as: i. Bus Details (Id, Driver, Current Location, Seat Available) ii. Driver Details (Id, Name, Contact) iii. Route Details (Id, Stop1, Stop2, Stop3, Stop4) 2. With the help of database a person who is sitting in the BOC, can monitor the all bus records. 3. Even a passenger can check the bus details according to its requirements in real time with the help of our web services.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 302kb Publisher : curado

一个公司的安卓通讯录程序,可以实现联系人分组、查询、来电显示-A company s Android address book program, you can achieve a contact group, query, Caller ID
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 639kb Publisher : 苑成龙

1. 功能齐全,有留言,搜索,短信息,上传照片,后台管理等功能 2. 上传照片采用无组件上传技术,减轻数据库负担 3. 同学近况提供完整详细的联系方式 4. 新的短信语音提示 5. 学号认证,防止非法注册或登录 6. 动态在线人数,随时掌握上线信息-1. fully functional, there is a message, search, text messages, upload photos, background management functions 2. upload photos using free components technologies, to reduce the burden on 3. The student status to provide a complete contact details 4. New SMS voice prompts 5. Student ID authentication to prevent illegal register or login 6. Dynamic Online, to keep on-line information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 354kb Publisher : mcujc1022

证件卡管理系统,希望大家能够和我联系,成为朋友!不错的-Id card management system, in the hope that we can contact with me, become the friend!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 231kb Publisher : Bbtty
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