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eMbedded Visual C++ 4.2源代码,模拟类似CPU运行状态的实时二维曲线图,
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37.61kb Publisher : xxlz

早就想亲自DIY一个类似Windwos任务管理器中的CPU和内存的曲线图,因时间关系直到现在才如愿以偿。虽然做的粗糙点,但勉强说的过去。 功能:可以设置是否显示值刻度、网格、曲线、时间刻度等,可以定义背景颜色、网格颜色、刻度颜色、曲线颜色等,可以设置网格大小、刻度间隔、曲线进展长度,最重要的是可以支持多曲线运行。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.81kb Publisher : lili

实时提供CPU的使用情况,并附有曲线图和柱状图。在托盘图标中动态显示使用率。-provide real-time CPU usage, together with curves and histograms. The tray icon dynamic display usage.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 100.87kb Publisher : pbt

Update : 2011-08-05 Size : 158.31kb Publisher :

实时提供CPU的使用情况,并附有曲线图和柱状图。在托盘图标中动态显示使用率。-provide real-time CPU usage, together with curves and histograms. The tray icon dynamic display usage.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 101kb Publisher : pbt

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eMbedded Visual C++ 4.2源代码,模拟类似CPU运行状态的实时二维曲线图,-eMbedded Visual C++ 4.2 source code, simulation similar CPU running a real-time two-dimensional curves,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 37kb Publisher : xxlz

早就想亲自DIY一个类似Windwos任务管理器中的CPU和内存的曲线图,因时间关系直到现在才如愿以偿。虽然做的粗糙点,但勉强说的过去。 功能:可以设置是否显示值刻度、网格、曲线、时间刻度等,可以定义背景颜色、网格颜色、刻度颜色、曲线颜色等,可以设置网格大小、刻度间隔、曲线进展长度,最重要的是可以支持多曲线运行。-Has long been personally would like to DIY a similar Windows Task Manager
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher :

在实际项目中我们经常需要绘制一些实时的数据图片,比如当前各公司的用水量、用电量还有播放声音视频时实时显示当前的声频等等,在我们最熟悉的任务管理器也有这么一个功能,用来表示当前CPU的使用频率,最近笔者刚刚给朋友完成了一个类似的功能图,用曲线图来实时表示一些实际数据,由于形象直观,很受客户欢迎。 新闻来自: 新客网( 详文参考: actual projects, we often need to draw pictures of some real-time data, such as the company s current water consumption, electricity consumption also play a sound when the video shows the current real-time audio and so on, when we are most familiar with the Task Manager also has such a function , used to indicate the current use of CPU frequency, most recently to a friend I had just completed a similar function chart, the curve in real time, said some of the actual data, because the image of intuitive, very popular with customers. Information from: New passenger network ( detailed reference text:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 黄燕辉

linux下基于gtk编写的程序,绿色曲线图实时显示cpu利用率-linux prepared under the gtk-based program, green curves show the cpu utilization of real-time
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : xulei

在dialog上实时绘制cpu和内存曲线图-In the dialog on the real-time rendering cpu and memory graphs
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 40kb Publisher : 王文浩

Process Explorer 是一款免费的增强型任务管理器,是最好的进程管理器. 它能让使用者了解看不到的在后台执行的处理程序,可以使用它方便地管理你的程序进程. 能监视,挂起,重启,强行终止任何程序,包括系统级别的不允许随便终止的关键进程和十分隐蔽的顽固木马. 除此之外,它还详尽地显示计算机信息: CPU,内存,I/O使用情况,可以显示一个程序调用了哪些动态链接库DLL,句柄,模块,系统进程. 以目录树的方式查看进程之间的归属关系,可以对进程进行调试. 可以查看进程的路径,以及公司,版本等详细信息,多色彩显示服务进程,很酷的曲线图. 可以替换系统自带的任务管理器,有了它,系统自带的任务管理器就可以扔进垃圾桶了.-Process Explorer is a free enhanced task manager, is the best process manager. It allows users to understand the invisible processes performed in the background, you can use it to easily manage your application process. Can monitor, suspend, restart, forced termination of any program, including system-level process does not allow random key and termination are very stubborn Trojan hidden. In addition, it displays detailed computer information: CPU, memory, I/O use, can show a program which is called dynamic link library DLL, handle, module, system processes. to see the process tree way relationship between the attribution, you can debug the process. you can see the path of the process, and the company , version, etc. For more information, multi-color display service process, cool the curve. can replace the system comes with the Task Manager, with it, the system comes with the Task Manager can be thrown into the trash the.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.25mb Publisher : 徐子豪

CPU 资源占用曲线图For VB6CPU resource consumption curve For VB6 -CPU resource consumption curve For VB6
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : ue

Process Explorer 是一款增强型的任务管理器,你可以使用它方便地管理你的程序进程,能强行关闭任何程序,终止因病毒等原因产生的无法终止的非法进程。 (包括系统级别的不允许随便终止的“顽固”进程)。除此之外,它还详尽地显示计算机信息:CPU、内存使用情况,DLL、句柄信息,很酷的曲线图哦~-process Explorer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : qin yun

GDI+绘制适时变化的CPU使用曲线图VB源代码.-GDI+ draw timely changes in CPU usage graph VB source code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 79kb Publisher : 维斯摩尔

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CPU使用率曲线图 CPU使用率曲线图-CPU speed,CPU speed,CPU speed CPU speed,CPU speed,CPU speed CPU speed,CPU speed,CPU speed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 50kb Publisher : 张祺

Delphi:Delphi模拟的CPU曲线图,一个类似XP资源管理器中CPU的曲线图,可适时显示CPU的使用率,还过这只是一个初步的功能设计,还有很多功能有待完善中。。 -Delphi: Delphi simulated CPU graph, a similar XP Explorer graphs of CPU, CPU usage may be time display, which also had only a preliminary functional design, there are many features yet to be perfected. .
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 28kb Publisher : HQIMOJ6

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WPF动态模拟CPU使用率曲线图源码 鼠标右键可将图表拷贝到其他文档 鼠标左键拖动图表浏览任意位置曲线数据,鼠标中键可以缩放显示曲线图。-WPF dynamic simulation CPU usage graph source the right mouse button to copy the chart to the left mouse button and drag the chart other documents browse anywhere curve data, the middle mouse button can be scaled to display the graph.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 278kb Publisher : 明明

脚本分析linux的性能指标,比如cpu 网络 内存 磁盘的性能指标,然后在该时间段内gnuplot做出详细的曲线图。-Linux script analysis of performance indicators, such as memory disk cpu network performance metrics, then make a detailed graph of the time period.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : peak
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