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A CCITT-16 CRC calculator. The source contains both the calculated (smaller but slower) version, and the table driven (faster but larger) version.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.64kb Publisher : buaalzx

A CCITT-16 CRC calculator. The source contains both the calculated (smaller but slower) version, and the table driven (faster but larger) version.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : buaalzx

此软件是CRC的软件实现方法,包括了CRC8,CRC16,CRC32的全部算法,每一种算法又分速度优先与资源优先型以及适中型三种算法。全部通过调试验证,与硬件无关,可移植于任何MCU-This software is the software realization of CRC, including the CRC8, CRC16, CRC32 all the algorithms, each algorithm was divided into the speed of priorities and resources, as well as priority-based algorithm for moderate-type three. All through the debug validation, and hardware-independent, can be transplanted to any MCU
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : wentsing

CRC16校验码计算器 CRC16Calculater.exe支持CRC-16-IBM和-CRC-16-CCI-CRC16 checksum calculator CRC16Calculater.exe support of CRC-16-IBM-CRC-16-the CCITT
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.83mb Publisher : KKK

Here s a CCITT-16 CRC calculator. The source contains both the calculated (smaller but slower) version, and the table driven (faster but larger) version.-Here' s a CCITT-16 CRC calculator. The source contains both the calculated (smaller but slower) version, and the table driven (faster but larger) version.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 骑士

CRC16计算器 非常 非常 非常 好用-CRC16 Calculator
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : liuhuan

CRC16计算器,涉及CCITT CRC16和IBM CRC16-CRC16 calculator, involving CCITT CRC16 and IBM CRC16
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : sgd
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