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[Compress-Decompress algrithmsCSBP_matlab

Description: this is code o BP simulation
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: bayu setyo | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 王乐 | Hits:


Description: Believe Propagation application的经典算法,用来重构压缩感知。-Bayesian Compressed sensing
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: caleb zhang | Hits:


Description: 用于压缩感知的基追踪(Basis pursuit)算法,程序非常详细,仅供参考-Basis Pursuit (Basis is pursuit) algorithm for compressed sensing.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: zhangdianhua | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsCSBP_matlab

Description: 本代码是基于压缩感知的BP算法。可以直接调用-The code is based on compressed sensing BP algorithm. Can directly call
Platform: | Size: 275456 | Author: 王凯 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsCSBP_matlab

Description: compressive sensing and matlab mfile
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: elmira | Hits:


Description: CS BP算法的matlab实现程序,结构清晰,注释完整(CS BP algorithm matlab implementation procedures, clear structure, complete notes)
Platform: | Size: 20957184 | Author: comic97 | Hits:


Description: 正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法属于贪婪算法。而贪婪算法是一种不追求最优解,只希望得到较为满意解的方法。贪婪法一般可以快速得到满意的解,因为它省去了为找最优解要穷尽所有可能而必须耗费的大量时间。贪婪算法常以当前情况为基础作最优选择,而不考虑各种可能的整体情况,所以贪婪算法不要回溯。(Orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) algorithm belongs to greedy algorithm. Greedy algorithm is a method that does not pursue the optimal solution but only needs satisfactory solutions. Greedy law can generally get a satisfactory solution quickly, because it eliminates the need to exhaust all possible and expensive time for finding the optimal solution. Greedy algorithms are often based on the current situation for optimal selection without considering all possible overall situations, so greedy algorithms do not backtrack.)
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: cc cc | Hits:

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