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VC 6.0 MFC CScrollView下使用OpenGL-VC 6.0 MFC CScrollView use OpenGL
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 74.86kb Publisher : Lyric8

许多应用程序,需要我们来检查显示模式,使屏幕充分利用. 尤其是涉及到来自cView类. 这个例程简单介绍(SDI)应用,使用数据显示屏幕Cscrollview类.-many applications, we need to inspect displays, to make full use of the screen. particularly in relation to the category from the cView. this simple routine briefing (SDI) applications the use of data display screen Cscrollview category.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18.24kb Publisher : 曹文博

再用CScrollView 在第四章中,我们介绍过CScrollView.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.63mb Publisher : gaoyuan

VC 6.0 MFC CScrollView下使用OpenGL-VC 6.0 MFC CScrollView use OpenGL
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 75kb Publisher : Lyric8

许多应用程序,需要我们来检查显示模式,使屏幕充分利用. 尤其是涉及到来自cView类. 这个例程简单介绍(SDI)应用,使用数据显示屏幕Cscrollview类.-many applications, we need to inspect displays, to make full use of the screen. particularly in relation to the category from the cView. this simple routine briefing (SDI) applications the use of data display screen Cscrollview category.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : 曹文博

再用CScrollView 在第四章中,我们介绍过CScrollView.-CScrollView reuse in the fourth chapter, we introduced CScrollView.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.11mb Publisher : gaoyuan

SdiMulti 多文档应用程序,实现了CView、CTreeView、CListView、CScrollView、CEditView、CRichEditView、CFormView等视图和按钮、列表控件、静态文本等控件的透明背景显示。-SdiMulti multi-document application, achieved a CView, CTreeView, CListView, CScrollView, CEditView, CRichEditView, CFormView, etc. View and buttons, list controls, such as static text control transparent background shows.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 212kb Publisher : 林秀国

如何滚动的文字在一个固定的图像背景的VC + + 6.0 。我搜查了互联网,但无法找到任何关于这个简单的文章。所以,我开始尝试在此,并终于找到了解决办法。创建一个MFC的文档/视图的项目,并选择CScrollView作为基类。 现在添加一个位图资源,你想作为窗口背景。 现在创建一个CBitmap变量加载位图资源中的框架窗口类。-I have searched the internet but could not find any simple article on this. So, I started experimenting on this and finally found a solution.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 74kb Publisher : Athink

我在工作中需要使用一个对话框显示图表,还能进行放大与缩小。图像放大对滚动条CScrollView也进行了处理。-I m working on a dialog to display a type of chart.I figured I could easily find such a thing, or whip one up using the scroll functions of CWnd .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : Athink

CScrollView 滚动视图 MFC滚动视图操作-CScrollView VC MFC
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.64mb Publisher : leo_tan

MFC-CScrollView类详解 介绍了MFC中CScrollView的用法。 挺好的-321321as65df32sadfsafsadfsa32d1fs32da13f21sad2f13sa2df132sad3f1sa21df321321asdfsaas
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 龙仔

白领教材,高清版-void CPrintView::OnPrepareDC(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo) { CScrollView::OnPrepareDC(pDC, pInfo) // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class if (pInfo!=NULL) pInfo_>m_bContinuePrinting=!m_bPrintEnd }
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22.18mb Publisher : cjr

车牌识别程序,准确定位车牌,真正实现了车牌识别的程序 -CDocument CString CFile CFileDialog CFileFind FindNextFile CScrollView CDC CPen CSize CBitmap CBrush CRect GetClientRect LoadBitmap CreatePatternBrush SelectObject FillRect DeleteObject GetObject BitBlt CreateCompatibleDC CreateSolidBrush CreatePen LineTo TextOut CPrintInfo CreatePalette SelectPalette SetStretchBltMode SetDIBitsToDevice StretchDIBits wsprintf ZeroMemory CWnd CDialog CDataExchange GetWindowRect CPaintDC Rectangle CRichEditCtrl InvalidateRect UpdateWindow
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.4mb Publisher : zhangyongjian

对CScrollView增加放大和缩小能力,效果很好-Zoom in and out of the CScrollView increase capacity, good results
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : 张凯瑞

vc++实现的视图放大缩小功能,居于mfc的CScrollview-vc++ implementation of the view zoom function, the CScrollview living in mfc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15.38mb Publisher : liren

DL : 0
You saw the CScrollView class in Chapter 4 (in EX04C). The EX05C program allows the user to move an ellipse with a mouse by "capturing" the mouse, using a scrolling window with the MM_LOENGLISH mapping mode. Keyboard scrolling is left out, but you can add it by borrowing the OnKeyDown member function from EX04C. Instead of a stock brush, we ll use a pattern brush for the ellipse—a real GDI object. There s one complication with pattern brushes: you must reset the origin as the window scrolls otherwise, strips of the pattern don t line up and the effect is ugly. -You saw the CScrollView class in Chapter 4 (in EX04C). The EX05C program allows the user to move an ellipse with a mouse by "capturing" the mouse, using a scrolling window with the MM_LOENGLISH mapping mode. Keyboard scrolling is left out, but you can add it by borrowing the OnKeyDown member function from EX04C. Instead of a stock brush, we ll use a pattern brush for the ellipse—a real GDI object. There s one complication with pattern brushes: you must reset the origin as the window scrolls otherwise, strips of the pattern don t line up and the effect is ugly.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 57kb Publisher : liuyh1

几个正交变换的例子,对于学习数字图像的新手来说会有点帮助的。-CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo ShowWindow UpdateWindow DragAcceptFiles CDialog CDataExchange CDocument MessageBox GetCurrentDirectory GlobalAlloc GlobalFree CFile CString CCmdUI CScrollView CView CBrush TextOut CreateSolidBrush SelectObject Rectangle StretchDIBits SetTextColor DeleteObject CPrintInfo SetTextAlign SetMapMode SetCurrentDirectory GetOpenFileName CreateDirectory GetSaveFileName CFileFind FindNextFile SetFileAttributes LoadCursor SetCursor CSize CFrameWnd
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.25mb Publisher : mclong

这个文件是关于CScrollview的测试程序,功能比较简单,但是可以用来参考,初学者还是有点价值的!-this is a program which is about the CScrollview class. the functionality is very simple, but it has its reference value for the freshman.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.83mb Publisher : shihuc

对图片增加放大和缩小能力, 可以放大,缩小图片。-Zoom in and out of CScrollView increased ability to zoom picture.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.73mb Publisher : wululu

用CScrollView类来实视图类的自由缩放,本程序功能虽小,但起到抛砖引玉的作用。-CScrollView class to real freedom of the view class scaling function of the program is small, but play a valuable role.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : zjm
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