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Description: 主要是树视图控件和ctreectrl类的要点
Platform: | Size: 251397 | Author: 崔应霞 | Hits:


Description: evc下使用CTreeCtrl控件的切分窗体,还支持多试图切换
Platform: | Size: 106706 | Author: ganfeng76@sina.com | Hits:


Description: 在很多情况下,我们经常需要实现树的多态选择,如上图所示,当全部子节点选中的情况下,当前节点才被选中,当子节点部分选中时,当前节点处于第三态(如图示[湖北省]节点)当全部子节点未选中时,当前节点处于未选中的状态(如图示[江苏省]节点)。本文就介绍这种三态选择树的具体实现方法。 两种方法比较,本文介绍的方法实现简单,兼容原CTreeCtrl的全部操作,CheckBox也是采用控件本身的CheckBox,只是在状态显示时重画而已。因此,本方法可以实现表示三态的情况下同时显示节点ICON图标,另增加了对CheckBox在某些节点是否显示的控制,同时增加了对键盘空格键选中、取消选中的控制。具体遍历父、子节点的方法同丛雷朋友朋友的方法类似,也是递归实现全部节点的遍历,只是优化了一些,效率更高。
Platform: | Size: 27071 | Author: 2315664401@qq.com | Hits:


Description: Tree views are capable of storing hierarchical data, which isn t intuitively serialized. The TreeStore sample is an MDI application which shows a view based on CTreeView and demonstrates loading and saving the content of the control with MFC s CArchive-based serialization. The code is also rife with calls to the item navagation routines of CTreeCtrl, including GetNextSiblingItem(), GetPrevSiblingItem(), and GetParentItem().
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 陈伟 | Hits:


Description: 支持数据项查找功能的树控制(CTreeCtrl)类-support data item search capabilities tree control (CTreeCtrl) Classes
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 郁继宗 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCTreeDemo

Description: ADO和CTREECTRL的应用演示-ADO and CTREECTRL Application Demonstration
Platform: | Size: 3164160 | Author: 笑书侠 | Hits:

[ADO-ODBCSQL Server 数据库结构查看程序(VC源码)(2.1)

Description: CTreeCtrl类的递归使用-CTreeCtrl kind of recursive use
Platform: | Size: 128000 | Author: 柯览 | Hits:


Description: 在CTreeCtrl间拖放就这么简单。-drag and drop between the CTreeCtrl as simple as that.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 钱呀 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCustomTree

Description: 是一个 CTreeCtrl 用法的示例,给出了CTreeCtrl与Check Box 和 Radio buttown在一起的用法-CTreeCtrl is an example of usage, and given CTreeCtrl Check Box and Radio buttown together Usage
Platform: | Size: 2978816 | Author: 金鑫 | Hits:

[TreeViewMagic Strtree

Description: 我自己写的 将动态 字符串解析到CTreeCtrl。以前是为了 写道数据库,不用XML,为了不麻烦。就 用 VC 写了一个 这个 这个,希望大家可以用到-I wrote it myself dynamic string parsing to CTreeCtrl. Previously wrote to the database, not XML, in order not to trouble. On the VC was a um, hope that we can use!
Platform: | Size: 560128 | Author: 闵远洋 | Hits:


Description: 本程序是在VC下开发的Windodws窗口界面程序,根据数据库中的记录向树型控件中添加节点。-this procedure was developed under the VC Windodws window interface procedures, according to records in the database to add controls tree nodes.
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: xin | Hits:

[Software Engineering肖天华数据结构大作业

Description: 本次作业采用MFC多文档——视图结构体系(已征得肖老师的同意)。开发环境为VC++ 6.0 SP6,其他环境下编译未做测试。 程序运行时的外观如上图所示:文档窗口被分割为左右两部分。左边部分采用树形控件CTreeCtrl管理,右边部分采用文本框控件CEdit管理。打开或生成的XML文档都将以文本方式显示在右侧文本编辑窗口,经一定算法解析后将在左侧窗口中按XML文档描述的逻辑结构以树形目录的方式显示出来,直观明了。 -this operation using MFC more documents-- View structure (with the consent of Xiao teachers). Development environment for the VC 6.0 SP6, compiled under other environmental tests done. When running the appearance As indicated above : Document window about to be divided in two parts. The left part of a tree using CTreeCtrl management controls, using the right part of the text box controls CEdit management. Open, or the generation of XML documents are text will be shown on the right side of the text editing window, after a certain analytic algorithm in the left window by XML documents described in the logical structure of the directory tree to display, and intuitive understanding.
Platform: | Size: 517120 | Author: long | Hits:


Description: 在MFC中应用CTreeCtrl控件的技巧.rar-in MFC Application CTreeCtrl control skills. Rar
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: xyz | Hits:


Description: ctreectrl控件扩展类,实现树型控件的可拖拽-ctreectrl controls extension of the class and realize the tree may drag control
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 张健 | Hits:


Description: While studying electronic engineering and computer science, I participated in a compiler workshop where we had to write our own programming language. To view and analyse the syntax tree for a given program, I wrote a custom drawn tree component those days. The original component was written in Java and I thought it might be useful to have it as a CTreeCtrl derivate. In contrast to some other custom drawn tree controls at CodeProject, this one does not has its own data structure for representing the tree. This means that you do not have to write different code for inserting the tree items when you want to switch from CTreeCtrl. Because this control inherits from CTreeCtrl, it is very easy to activate the stock-functionality which draws the tree in the traditional way.-While studying an electronic engineering d computer science. I participated in a workshop where we compiler h ad to write our own programming language. To vie w and analyze the syntax tree for a given program , I wrote a custom drawn tree component those da ys. The original component was written in Java an d I thought it might be useful to have it as a CTre eCtrl derivate. In contrast to some other custom drawn tree controls at CodeProject. this one does not has its own data structure for r epresenting the tree. This means that you do not have to write different code for inserting the t ree items when you want to switch from CTreeCtrl . Because this control inherits from CTreeCtrl , it is very easy to activate the stock-functio nality which draws the tree in the traditional w ay.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: gaowen | Hits:


Description: These templates allow CTreeCtrl derived classes programmers to add three basic functionalities to their classes:-CTreeCtrl derived c lasses programmers to add three basic function alities to their classes :
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: gaowen | Hits:


Description: 主要是树视图控件和ctreectrl类的要点-Mainly TreeView controls and category ctreectrl points
Platform: | Size: 250880 | Author: 崔应霞 | Hits:


Description: 在CTreeCtrl中如何实现右键点选操作-CTreeCtrl in how to achieve in the right-click operation
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lgx | Hits:


Description: 控件--CTreeCtrl 可以三态表示的树-控件--CTreeCtrl 可以三态表示的树
Platform: | Size: 4438016 | Author: 刘贵荣 | Hits:


Description: 在MFC中使用CTreeCtrl控件的技巧-the use of CTreeCtrl in MFC
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: buaa | Hits:
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