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[Multimedia DevelopProgramming-AI-by-Example-Source-Code

Description: The objective of the book you hold in your hands is to provide a solid and practical foundation to game AI, giving you the confidence to approach new challenges with excitement and optimism. AI is an enormous topic, so don’t expect to come away from this book an expert, but you will have learned the skills necessary to create entertaining and challenging AI for the majority of action game genres. Furthermore, you will have a sound understanding of the key areas of game AI, providing a solid base for any further learning you undertake. And let me tell you, the learning process is endless!
Platform: | Size: 4088832 | Author: v0id995 | Hits:


Description: CUDA by Example 2010 年 CUDA 编程新书-CUDA by Example An Introduction to GP GPU Programming 2010 new books on CUDA Programming
Platform: | Size: 1587200 | Author: 谷民 | Hits:


Description: cuda by example 是一些CUDA程序的例子,很有用,适合正在学习CUDA的朋友。-cuda by example are some examples of CUDA programs, useful for studying CUDA friends.
Platform: | Size: 344064 | Author: chenmoumou | Hits:


Description: CUDA by Example, written by two senior members of the CUDA software platform team, shows programmers how to employ this new technology, including a concise introduction to the CUDA platform and architecture, as well as a quick-start guide to CUDA C.
Platform: | Size: 1638400 | Author: sergius | Hits:


Description: CUDA by example a very helpful book for GPU programming beginners
Platform: | Size: 1232896 | Author: 舒雅 | Hits:

[Program docCUDA.by.Example.Jul.2010

Description: CUDA by Example Jul 2010
Platform: | Size: 1929216 | Author: kenali | Hits:


Description: CUDA by Example an introduction to general-perpose GPU programming, by Jason Sanders and Edward Kandrot, English version
Platform: | Size: 1957888 | Author: L | Hits:


Description: the source code of the book: CUDA by Example an introduction to general-perpose GPU programming, written by Jason Sanders and Edward Kandrot
Platform: | Size: 302080 | Author: L | Hits:


Description: CUDA By Example书籍的所有源代码,载入工程可运行。-CUDA By Example books of all source code, load the project to run.
Platform: | Size: 301056 | Author: rgk | Hits:


Description: 现在cuda很火,这本书有很多实例,值得一看-Now cuda is fire, there are many examples of this book, worth a visit
Platform: | Size: 2063360 | Author: lead | Hits:


Description: 源码-CUDA by example 非常好的CUDA入门书籍-Source Code-CUDA by example
Platform: | Size: 294912 | Author: Joe | Hits:

[source in ebookThe-codes-of-CUDA-by-example

Description: 本文件是CUDA范例精解的随书附带的代码。可以很好的帮助初学者学习CUDA编程-The document is the codes the book named CUDA by example: An introduce to general-Purpose GPU programming
Platform: | Size: 297984 | Author: 王三 | Hits:


Description: CUDA BY EXAMPLE: AN INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL-PURPOSE GPU PROGRAMMING,非常适合CUDA编程开发者在开发过程中参考使用,里面有非常多经典的并行实例可供学习。-CUDA BY EXAMPLE: AN INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL-PURPOSE GPU PROGRAMMING Author(s): Jason Sanders Edward Kandrot Published: 28 Jul 2010 Written by two senior members of the CUDA software platform team, this book shows programmers how to employ each area of CUDA through working examples. After a concise introduction to the CUDA platform and architecture, as well as a quick-start guide to CUDA C, the book details the techniques and trade-offs associated with each key CUDA feature. You will discover when to use each CUDA C extension and how to write CUDA software that delivers truly outstanding performance.
Platform: | Size: 1957888 | Author: mzh | Hits:

[Graph programCUDA.by.Example

Platform: | Size: 2063360 | Author: wangyuan | Hits:


Description: cuda_by_example 原版 中文版 程例-cuda by example
Platform: | Size: 25520128 | Author: Cheng Jiang | Hits:

[MPICUDA by Example

Description: 学习cuda教程,里面都是实例,通过例子来学习cuda,结合并行计算理论和优化(CUDA by Example,learning cuda)
Platform: | Size: 2103296 | Author: 帝焱 | Hits:

[OtherCUDA by Example

Description: Parallel Programming: CUDA by Example
Platform: | Size: 59392 | Author: Yeonseo | Hits:


Description: cuda by example 书中对应的源代码,含有book.h和gult库,GPU 高性能编程CUDA实战(the code of <cuda by example > an instruction to General-Purpose GPU Programmong)
Platform: | Size: 344064 | Author: 傅里叶大诗人 | Hits:


Description: CUDA范例精解通用GPU编程 (JASON SANDERS; EDWARD KANDROT著)(CUDA BY EXAMPLE An Introduction to Genral-Purpose GPU Programming)
Platform: | Size: 1948672 | Author: hhk_y | Hits:


Description: GPU高性能编程CUDA实战(Jason Sanders;Edward Kandrot著)聂雪军等译(CUDA By Example an Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming)
Platform: | Size: 23227392 | Author: hhk_y | Hits:
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