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前一段时间,我开发一个有关硬件的程序,需要初始化很长时间,为了防止用户误认为程序已经死掉,必须显示一个漂亮的界面让用户没有这种误解。就像我们系统拷贝很大的文件的时候显示的窗体一样。可惜我没有找到,只有自己亲自开发了。开发一个类,继承于CWnd,很方便。代码比较简单希望有兴趣的朋友下载看看。-some time ago, I developed a hardware-related procedures, the need to initialize a very long time, in order to prevent users mistakenly believe that the procedure has survived, must show a pretty interface to let users do not have this misconception. Like our system great copy of the document shows the same window. Unfortunately, I did not find that only personally developed. The development of a class, in succession CWnd, very convenient. Hope relatively simple code are interested to see friends download.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 马健

This source make CView window under CView using CWnd control. You need Visual C++ 7.1 to read this source project. I create this project on Visual Studio .NET 2003.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 扬子昌

This source make CView window under CView using CWnd control. You need Visual C++ 7.1 to read this source project. I create this project on Visual Studio
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 86kb Publisher : 扬子昌

一个屏保程序,用自己定义的CWND类来当替代基于对话框程序的对话框的实现,跑马灯效果文字的实现过程.-a screensaver procedures, and use their own definition of the class when CWND alternative based on the dialog box procedure and that the realization of 5,250 characters effect the implementation process.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 63kb Publisher : 胡俊

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重载自 CWnd 的编辑器,支持类似.NET网络的代码折叠,支持代码关键字高亮显示,可以通过自己编写扩展模块支持各种不同的语言-heavy since CWnd the editor, similar support.NET code folding support code keywords highlighted, and by extension to prepare their support for a wide variety of language
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.8mb Publisher : 空 气

模拟菜单的类。弹出时不会导致父窗口失去焦点。因为是一个普通CWnd派生类,可以随便怎么画-simulation menu category. When the pop-up window will not lead to the father lost its focus. Because it is an ordinary CWnd derived class, how can casually painting
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : xyzuvw

毫秒定时器,为什么要使用毫秒定时器呢?我想原因有两个。第一:CWnd里面的timer不能精确到毫秒级,所以必须要写一个精确到毫秒级的。第二:用CWnd里面的timer代价太大,因为有时我们的类根本就没有窗口,为了使用timer,而不得不从CWnd里派生。本人写的这个mmtimer,主要是为了解决上面这两点而设计的-millisecond timer, why should the use of millisecond timer? I think there are two reasons. First : CWnd not inside the timer accurate to the millisecond, we must write an accurate to the millisecond. Second : CWnd timer inside the price is too high, because sometimes we simply do not like the window, In order to use the timer, which had derived from CWnd Lane. I wrote this mmtimer, is mainly to solve the above two points and design
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 110kb Publisher : zniao

The CNSChartCtrl control class is derived from CWnd. The purpose is to create pie and bar charts in a dialog (also in a view) with editable fill colors and values, in runtime. Originally, the source code and project was written and compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 SP5 under Windows 98 it also was run in later versions.-The CNSChartCtrl control class is derived from CWnd. The purpose is to create pie and bar ch arts in a dialog (also in a view) with editable fi ll colors and values, in runtime. Originally, the source code and project was written and comp IIED with Visual C 6.0 SP5 under Windows 98 it als o was run in later versions.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 小叹号

从CWnd派生自定义类 CustomControl-from CWnd derived from the class definition CustomControl
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : shiliang

主窗口是一个“对话框”,里面有一个“子窗口”,这个“子窗口”派生自CWnd类,用户可以拖动它,使它在父窗口 当中移动,它的移动范围是受到所在“父窗口”的制约的,它的四个边界不能超过“父窗口”相应的边界,例如:它的左边界不能超过“父窗口”的左边界。 -main window is a "box" that includes a "sub-window," The "sub-window" derived from the CWnd class, users can drag and make it in the window of the father of them mobile, It is the scope of the movement to being a "parent window" of the constraints, Its borders can not be more than four "Father window" corresponding boundary, for example : Its threefold not exceed "the father window" cloned.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.65mb Publisher : 小刚

VC基础教程 第四章 窗口控件 版权所有 闻怡洋从VC提供的MFC类派生图中我们可以看出窗口的派生关系,派生图,所有的窗口类都是由CWnd派生。所有CWnd的成员函数在其派生类中都可以使用。本节介绍一些常用的功能给大家。 -based VC IV Directory window controls only Wen Yue-yang from the VC MFC category derived map, we window can be seen a derivative, derivative map, all window types are derived from CWnd. CWnd all of its members function in the derived class can be used. This section presents some of the functions commonly used to everyone.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 106kb Publisher :

CBarChart is a simple MFC control derived from CWnd. It helps you develop your own charts quickly and print them easily.-CBarChart is a simple MFC control derived f rom CWnd. It helps you develop your own charts qu ickly and print them easily.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 赖生建

本文提出了一组可以用来动态创建UI的类。该代码是集中于一个空闲池使用管理器的CWnd继承控件,该管理器可以帮助我们减少在特定UI场景中GDI资源的使用。为了在运行中演示这些类,我已经在此提供了一个MDI应用示例,它只是让你来打开XML文件。每个XML文件为单个MDI子窗体定义了布局和UI控件属性。-This paper presents a group can be used to create dynamic UI class. The code is focused on the use of a leisure pool of management succession CWnd Controls The manager can help us reduce the specific UI scene GDI resource use. In order to demonstrate the operation of this type, I have here provided a sample MDI application, it is just to let you open an XML file. XML documents for each MDI child windows single definition of the layout and UI control attributes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 95kb Publisher : fish6

void TransparentWnd::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CWnd::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point) //实现无标题拖动 PostMessage(WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, MAKELPARAM(point.x,point.y)) }-void TransparentWnd : : OnLButtonDown (UINT nFlags. CPoint point) (CWnd : : OnLButtonDown (nFlags. point)// Drive heading towards a PostMessage (WM_NCLBUTTOND OWN, HTCAPTION, MAKELPARAM (point.x. point.y
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : zanjiangfeng

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一段ns2仿真代码,功能:模拟了网络的TCP流,并对TCP流变化过程中其窗口变化过程进行了记录-Ns2 simulation of a section of code, function: simulation of the network TCP flow, TCP flow and changes in the process of changing the course of its window, a recorded
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王俊

一个MFC类实现图钉功能;可以用在GIS的应用程序中;derived from CWnd.-MFC realize a pushpin-type function can be used in GIS applications derived from CWnd.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 284kb Publisher : hyz

This paper presents a group can be used to create dynamic UI class. The code is focused on the use of a leisure pool of management succession CWnd Controls The manager can help us reduce the specific UI scene GDI resource use. In order to demonstrate the operation of this type, I have here provided a sample MDI application, it is just to let you open an XML file. XML documents for each MDI child windows single definition of
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : tam_tran59

This example demonstrates how to embed a tree and add button cells to Chris Maunder s MFC Grid control (derived from CWnd-This example demonstrates how to embed a tree and add button cells to Chris Maunder' s MFC Grid control (derived from CWnd
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 216kb Publisher : jiaocq

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windows 百叶窗式的界面 CWND派生的-windows blinds style interface CWND derived
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.86mb Publisher : tianxing

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直接使用 Cwnd 创建窗口 直接使用 Cwnd 创建窗口-create window by cwnd, create window by cwnd, create window by cwnd,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 垃圾
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