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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15.8kb Publisher :

客户端聊天室编写 c/s- The customer end chatroom compiles c/s
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 16.06kb Publisher : robert.rooney

DL : 0 为客户端,ServerDemo.java为服务端,可以可以实现简单的ICQ的会话 for clients, for server can be a simple conversation ICQ
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.28kb Publisher : 张小小

1.套接字编程原理 1.1 Client/server通信模型 1.2 Windows Sockets规范 1.3 套接字 1.3.1 套接字定义 1.3.2分类 1.3.3 套接字的作用 1.3.4端口与地址 1.3.5 套接口属性 2.基本的Windows Sockets API编程 2.1常用函数 2.2 TCP实例 2.3 UDP实例 2.4 Socket 通信阻塞的解决方法 3.MFC下的Socket编程的类 3.1 CAsyncSocket类 3.2 CSocket类 3.3 Windows Sockets:带存档的套接字的工作方式 3.4 流式套接字通信的操作顺序 3.5 使用 CAsyncSocket 类 3.6 从套接字类派生 3.7 套接字通知 3.8 一个使用CSocket类的网络通信实例 3.8.1 服务器端应用程序设计(ServerDemo) 3.8.2 客户端应用程序设计(项目名称ClientDemo) 4.套接字的托管实现 4.1 System::Net::Sockets 命名空间 4.2 实例:一个新邮件检查器 -1. Socket Programming Principle 1.1 Client / server communications model Soc Windows 1.2 kets norms 1.3 Socket socket definition 1.3.1 1.3.3 1.3.2 classification socket role 1.3.4 1.3.5 addresses and port interface attributes two sets. Basic programming Windows Sockets API function commonly used 2.1 2.2 2.3 TCP example UDP Socket Communications examples 2.4 blocked three solutions. MFC Socket Programming under the category of Class 3.2 3.1 CAsyncSocket CSocke t Windows Sockets 3.3 categories : filing with the way socket 340 socket communication flow sequence of operation to use 3.5 CAsyncSo cket category 3.6 derived from the socket type 3.8 3.7 socket notice the use of a network of CSocket Communication Liaison example 3.8.1 server application design (ServerDemo) 3.8.2 client Application D
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 168.85kb Publisher : gong

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 87kb Publisher : weishangbei

HK海康视频板卡简易客户端程序,调用HK_SDK2.1 DLL库
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.18mb Publisher : 胡家宝

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14.07kb Publisher : 吴贺

客户端聊天室编写 c/s- The customer end chatroom compiles c/s
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : robert.rooney 为客户端,ServerDemo.java为服务端,可以可以实现简单的ICQ的会话 for clients, for server can be a simple conversation ICQ
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 张小小

1.套接字编程原理 1.1 Client/server通信模型 1.2 Windows Sockets规范 1.3 套接字 1.3.1 套接字定义 1.3.2分类 1.3.3 套接字的作用 1.3.4端口与地址 1.3.5 套接口属性 2.基本的Windows Sockets API编程 2.1常用函数 2.2 TCP实例 2.3 UDP实例 2.4 Socket 通信阻塞的解决方法 3.MFC下的Socket编程的类 3.1 CAsyncSocket类 3.2 CSocket类 3.3 Windows Sockets:带存档的套接字的工作方式 3.4 流式套接字通信的操作顺序 3.5 使用 CAsyncSocket 类 3.6 从套接字类派生 3.7 套接字通知 3.8 一个使用CSocket类的网络通信实例 3.8.1 服务器端应用程序设计(ServerDemo) 3.8.2 客户端应用程序设计(项目名称ClientDemo) 4.套接字的托管实现 4.1 System::Net::Sockets 命名空间 4.2 实例:一个新邮件检查器 -1. Socket Programming Principle 1.1 Client/server communications model Soc Windows 1.2 kets norms 1.3 Socket socket definition 1.3.1 1.3.3 1.3.2 classification socket role 1.3.4 1.3.5 addresses and port interface attributes two sets. Basic programming Windows Sockets API function commonly used 2.1 2.2 2.3 TCP example UDP Socket Communications examples 2.4 blocked three solutions. MFC Socket Programming under the category of Class 3.2 3.1 CAsyncSocket CSocke t Windows Sockets 3.3 categories : filing with the way socket 340 socket communication flow sequence of operation to use 3.5 CAsyncSo cket category 3.6 derived from the socket type 3.8 3.7 socket notice the use of a network of CSocket Communication Liaison example 3.8.1 server application design (ServerDemo) 3.8.2 client Application D
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 169kb Publisher : gong

使用Winsock控件的局域网通讯程序.首先运行serverdemo.exe,然后运clientdemo.exe,按Connect按钮,在编辑框中输入文字,再按Send即可在一台计算机上运行,注意把源程序中的IP地址和主机名改为自己的IP地址和主机名-LAN using Winsock control the communication process. First of all, running serverdemo.exe, and then transported clientdemo.exe, click Connect button, enter text in the edit box, and then Send to a single computer run, pay attention to the source of IP address and host name changed to its own IP address and host name
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 87kb Publisher : weishangbei

HK海康视频板卡简易客户端程序,调用HK_SDK2.1 DLL库-HK Haikang video board simple client program, call HK_SDK2.1 DLL library
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.17mb Publisher : 胡家宝

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 吴贺

海康SDK Demo开发包。视频监控系统。-Haikang Development Kit SDK Demo. Video Surveillance System.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.23mb Publisher : 俞泽

一个完整的嵌入式DVR的客户端,包含完整的文档和说明.-A complete embedded DVR client, contains the complete documentation and description.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 294kb Publisher : 刘阁

实时监视 实时监视功能有二种播放方式,直接方式和数据回调方式。直接方式是指通过服务器传送过来的视频数据不需要用户自己去解码就能够显示播放,用户只要调用接口CLIENT_API LONG CLIENT_RealPlay(LONG lLoginID, int nChannelID, HWND hWnd),将窗口句柄传入形参hWnd就能够实时播放视频了;数据回调方式是指服务器传送过来的视频数据通过回调函数由用户自己来处理,如果用户需要播放的话,可以调用解码库dhplay.dll解码播放。 多画面预览方式是指在一个画面上显示多路视频图像。 云台控制 云台控制功能可分为常用控制功能和扩展控制功能。常用控制有云台的上、下、左、右、镜头伸缩、焦距远近、光圈大小等控制。扩展控制功能有预置功能、巡航功能、巡迹功能、线性扫描功能、三维定位、水平旋转等。 -Real-time monitoring functions of two kinds of playback mode, the direct method and the data the way back. Refers to direct them through the server to send the video data does not need to decode the user s own players will be able to display the user interface as long as the call CLIENT_API LONG CLIENT_RealPlay (LONG lLoginID, int nChannelID, HWND hWnd), the window handle hWnd parameter into the the video in real time data callback is referring to the video server to send back data from the user s own callback function to deal with, if the user needs to play, you can call dhplay.dll decoding broadcast decoder library. Multi-screen preview mode is the display screen in a multi-channel video images. PTZ control functions can be divided into the control functions and expansion of commonly used control functions. Yuntai common control of the upper and lower, left, right, telescopic lens, focal distance, aperture size control. Expansion of pre-function control functions, cruise functi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.05mb Publisher : yang

一个网络socket客户端,通过服务器端的聊天程序 -A network socket client, through the server-side chat program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.83mb Publisher : king

实现客户端基本功能,用vc++实现了一个简单的用户界面功能- in order to shixian client with vc/vc++
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.05mb Publisher : 浪漫小龟

这是一个简单的Java聊天室。能够实现Server与Client的聊天。界面简单,可以修改。-The java is very simple.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : haichao

demo software for monitoring dvr
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 111kb Publisher : dalmacom
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