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ACM-ICPC竞赛 计算几何 终极学习资料整理合集 包含多篇PPT,论文及模板
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.92mb Publisher : 朱明悦

ACM-ICPC竞赛 计算几何 终极学习资料整理合集 包含多篇PPT,论文及模板 -ACM-ICPC contest ultimate learning computational geometry data collection contains more than PPT, papers and template
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.92mb Publisher : 朱明悦

计算机的出现使得很多原本十分繁琐的工作得以大幅度简化,但是也有一些在人们直观看来很容易 的问题却需要拿出一套并不简单的通用解决方案,比如几何问题。作为计算机科学的一个分支,计算几 何主要研究解决几何问题的算法。在现代工程和数学领域,计算几何在图形学、机器人技术、超大规模 集成电路设计和统计等诸多领域有着十分重要的应用。在本文中,我们将对计算几何常用的基本算法做 一个全面的介绍,希望对您了解并应用计算几何的知识解决问题起到帮助。-The emergence of the computer makes a lot of very tedious work had been greatly simplified, but there are some people intuitively seems the problem is easy but does not need to come up with a simple universal solution, such as geometry problem. As a branch of computer science, computational geometry to solve geometry problems the main research method. In modern engineering and mathematics, computational geometry in graphics, robotics, VLSI design and statistics, has a very important application in many fields. In this article, we will calculate the basic algorithm used geometry to make a comprehensive introduction, hope you understand and apply knowledge to solve the problem of computational geometry of help.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 198kb Publisher : gaofeng
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