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文件视图,CFrameWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockObject GetDC SelectPalette RealizePalette GetDIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile GlobalUnlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitmap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWindow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRect CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientRect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary CreateDialog-document View, CFrameWnd CWnd CStatic CRect MoveWindow Creat ePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen Lin eTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont Back Font DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteD C GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockO bject GetDC RealizePalette Get SelectPalette DIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile Global Unlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitm ap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitm ap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWi ndow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRe ct CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CC ommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataEx change CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientR ect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary Cre ateDialog
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 26.1kb Publisher : slansam

文件视图,CFrameWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockObject GetDC SelectPalette RealizePalette GetDIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile GlobalUnlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitmap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWindow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRect CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientRect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary CreateDialog-document View, CFrameWnd CWnd CStatic CRect MoveWindow Creat ePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen Lin eTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont Back Font DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteD C GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockO bject GetDC RealizePalette Get SelectPalette DIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile Global Unlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitm ap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitm ap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWi ndow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRe ct CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CC ommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataEx change CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientR ect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary Cre ateDialog
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : slansam

用VC实现窗口的创建,仿照MFC单文档对话框编写的源代码-The method of create Dialog
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 128kb Publisher : wangcong

DL : 0
这是一个基于层的可拖动的JS弹出对话框,点击文字后弹出一个层窗口,可用鼠标按住标题栏拖动,不用的时候可以关闭它。压缩包内含有两个弹层效果,功能类似。不过两具在IE下显示有JS错误,但是功能正常,在火狐下则不报错。两个都是基于createdialog.js,在阅读v2的createdialog函数时请参考v1的布局,此函数生成的窗体布局和v1的是一样的。-This is a layer draggable JS-based pop-up dialog, click on the text layer after a pop-up window, use the mouse to drag and hold the title bar, you can turn it off when not in use. The compressed package containing two bombs layer effects, similar to the function. But when two in IE JS error is displayed, but the function is normal, no error in Firefox. Both are based on createdialog.js, createdialog function of reading v2 v1 Please refer to the layout of the form of this function is generated and the layout is the same as v1.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : gpudn95
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