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这是个类一个利用C#来动态的创建文件的类,有了这个你也可以很方便的创建出象sohu、163等大网占的静态页面了-This is a category C# to create a dynamic document categories, with this you can easily create the ones like the 163 other big net for the static pages
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 黄鹏

程序架构和部分代码参考网上开源代码,主要演示在控制端对远程被控机器上文件进行剪切、复制、删除、运行操作,涉及函数主要有CreateFile,DeleteFile,CopyFile-The program framework and part of the code reference the open code source from the Internet,mainly demonstrate how to cut,copy,delete,run at the control part to the remote controled machine,invloving CreateFile,DeleteFile,CopyFile
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 479kb Publisher : szh

介绍用OpenGL实现点云处理的三维变换,我们可以通过API函数 CreateFile 获得设备句柄,再用API函数 DeviceIoControl 来实现对设备的访问获取点云的分割方法。-introduces OpenGL point cloud processing of 3D transformation, we can pass CreateFile API access to equipment handle, reuse API function DeviceIoControl right equipment to achieve the access point cloud visit the segmentation method.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2mb Publisher : zxj

包含8个文件:type.h, borrow.c, createfile.c, MainMenuControl.C, reader.c, readfile.c, search.c, writefile.c-contains eight documents : type.h, borrow.c, createfile.c, MainMenuControl.C, reader.c, readfile.c, search.c, writefile.c
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5kb Publisher : 小镇青年

Enclosed is MFC source code for a function which can be used to hook any imported function call which your application makes. Since most of the Win32 API is implemented using import functions in dlls, this means that you hook Win32 API calls. This is useful when for example you want to be called for every call to the file system (::CreateFile() & CloseHandle()) which your app makes. This example of hooking the file system calls your app makes could form the basis of code to ensure you do not have any handle leaks in your application. You could also use this code to spy on COM port activity in remote processes by injecting the DLL into the remote process. -MFC source code for a function w hich can be used to hook any imported function ca ll which makes your application. Since most of t he Win32 API is implemented using import functi ons in dlls. this means that you hook Win32 API calls. This is for example useful when you want to be called for every call to the file system (: : CreateFile ()
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : l

本程序演示const char *与char * const的区别。C语言对文件读写的支持,FILE指针;文本文件和二进制文件的区别。用文本方式读写文件和以二进制方式读写文件的注意事项。C++对文件读写的支持,ofstream和ifstream的用法。Win32 SDK对文件读写的支持,CreateFile函数、WriteFile函数、ReadFile函数的使用;MFC对文件读写的支持,CFile类和CFileDialog的使用,文件过滤器的设置。win.ini文件和注册表的读写方式及相关知识点。-demonstration of the procedures const char* const char* distinction. C language of the document to read and write support, FILE pointer; Text and binary files distinction. Text mode is used to read and write files in binary mode and document literacy matters to the attention. C of the document to read and write support, and ofstream ifstream usage. Win32 SDK documentation to support literacy, CreateFile function, WriteFile function, ReadFile function; MFC right document literacy support CFile CFileDialog class and the use of file filters set. Extracts documents and the registry of literacy and associated knowledge point.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 38kb Publisher : qiyunping

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用户态使用Win32 CreateFile访问驱动程序,dwShareMode为0时来请求独占内核对象在设备对象DEVICE_OBJECT结构中存储设备的信息,对于与设备的每个交互,相关的DEVICE_OBJECT被传递给驱动的回调例程。,但是开发者可以扩展设备结构,称为设备扩展 在PnP IRP中我们加载设备NTSTATUS Wdm1AddDevice( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,-Win32 users use CreateFile state visit to drivers, dwShareMode 12 a.m. to request exclusive to the core target object equipment DEVICE_OBJEC T structure of information storage devices, and equipment of each interaction, the DEVICE_OBJECT be passed to the callback- driven routines. , But developers can extend the equipment structure, known as the expansion of the equipment we PnP IRP loading equipment NTSTATUS Wdm1AddDevic e (IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.22mb Publisher : 王三

VC++中使用内存映射文件处理大文件,文件操作是应用程序最为基本的功能之一,Win32 API 和MFC 均提供有支持 文件处理的函数和类,常用的有Win32 API 的CreateFile()、WriteFile()、 ReadFile()和MFC 提供的CFile 类等-VC use memory-mapped file handling large files, file manipulation application is the most basic function, MFC and Win32 API is available to support the document processing functions and classes, used the Win32 API CreateFile (), WriteFile (), ReadFile () and the MFC CFile type
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 101kb Publisher : victor

文件视图,CFrameWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockObject GetDC SelectPalette RealizePalette GetDIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile GlobalUnlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitmap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWindow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRect CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientRect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary CreateDialog-document View, CFrameWnd CWnd CStatic CRect MoveWindow Creat ePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen Lin eTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont Back Font DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteD C GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockO bject GetDC RealizePalette Get SelectPalette DIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile Global Unlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitm ap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitm ap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWi ndow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRe ct CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CC ommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataEx change CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientR ect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary Cre ateDialog
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 26kb Publisher : slansam

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const char *与char * const的区别。C语言对文件读写的支持,FILE指针;文本文件和二进制文件的区别。用文本方式读写文件和以二进制方式读写文件的注意事项。C++对文件读写的支持,ofstream和ifstream的用法。Win32 SDK对文件读写的支持,CreateFile函数、WriteFile函数、ReadFile函数的使用;MFC对文件读写的支持,CFile类和CFileDialog的使用,文件过滤器的设置。win.ini文件和注册表的读写方式及相关知识点。-const char* and char* const distinction. C language of the document to read and write support, FILE pointer text file and binary file distinction. Used to read and write text files and read and write files in binary mode Notes. C++ Of documents to read and write support, ofstream and ifstream usage. Win32 SDK to read and write support for the document, CreateFile function, WriteFile function, ReadFile function to use MFC support reading and writing of the document, CFile Class CFileDialog and the use of paper filter settings. win.ini file and registry read and write methods and related knowledge points.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 52kb Publisher : 快乐

This program is a simple named pipe client that demonstrates the API calls needed to successfully develop a basic named pipe client application. When this application successfully connects to a named pipe, the message "This is a test" is written to the server. There are four basic steps needed to implement a client: 1. Wait for a Named Pipe instance to become available using the WaitNamedPipe() API function. 2. Connect to the Named Pipe using the CreateFile() API function. 3. Send data to or receive data from the server using the WriteFile() and ReadFile() API functions. 4. Close the Named Pipe session using the CloseHandle() API functions.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : sean zhang

实现串行通讯的相关API函数 API函数不仅提供了打开和读写通讯端口的操作方法,还提供了名目繁多的函数以支持对串行通讯的各种操作。 函数名 作用 CreateFile 打开串口 GetCommState 检测串口设置 SetCommState 设置串口 BuilderCommDCB 用字符串中的值来填充设备控制块 GetCommTimeouts 检测通信超时设置 SetCommTimeouts 设置通信超时参数 SetCommMask 设定被监控事件 WaitCommEvent 等待被监控事件发生 WaitForMultipleObjects 等待多个被监测对象的结果 WriteFile 发送数据 ReadFile 接收数据 GetOverlappedResult 返回最后重叠(异步)操作结果 PurgeComm 清空串口缓冲区,退出所有相关操作 ClearCommError 更新串口状态结构体,并清除所有串口硬件错误 CloseHandle 关闭串行口
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5kb Publisher : liupengty

const char *与char * const的区别。C语言对文件读写的支持,FILE指针;文本文件和二进制文件的区别。用文本方式读写文件和以二进制方式读写文件的注意事项。C++对文件读写的支持,ofstream和ifstream的用法。Win32 SDK对文件读写的支持,CreateFile函数、WriteFile函数、ReadFile函数的使用;MFC对文件读写的支持,CFile类和CFileDialog的使用,文件过滤器的设置。win.ini文件和注册表的读写方式及相关知识点。-const char* and char* const distinction. C language of the document to read and write support, FILE pointer text file and binary file distinction. Used to read and write text files and read and write files in binary mode Notes. C++ Of documents to read and write support, ofstream and ifstream usage. Win32 SDK to read and write support for the document, CreateFile function, WriteFile function, ReadFile function to use MFC support reading and writing of the document, CFile Class CFileDialog and the use of paper filter settings. win.ini file and registry read and write methods and related knowledge points.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 38kb Publisher : cgw

用三种方式进行文件缓存的操作,并通过比较平均时间来了解文件缓存的工作原理,涉及的主要API函数有CreateFile,ReadFile和WriteFile,GetOverlappedResult函数-Three way file cache operation, and by comparing the average time to understand the file cache
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : 郭浩

DL : 1
const char *与char * const的区别。C语言对文件读写的支持,FILE指针;文本文件和二进制文件的区别。用文本方式读写文件和以二进制方式读写文件的注意事项。C++对文件读写的支持,ofstream和ifstream的用法。Win32 SDK对文件读写的支持,CreateFile函数、WriteFile函数、ReadFile函数的使用;MFC对文件读写的支持,CFile类和CFileDialog的使用,文件过滤器的设置。win.ini文件和注册表的读写方式及相关知识点。-const char* and char* const distinction. C language of the document to read and write support, FILE pointer text file and binary file distinction. Used to read and write text files and read and write files in binary mode Notes. C++ Of documents to read and write support, ofstream and ifstream usage. Win32 SDK to read and write support for the document, CreateFile function, WriteFile function, ReadFile function to use MFC support reading and writing of the document, CFile Class CFileDialog and the use of paper filter settings. win.ini file and registry read and write methods and related knowledge points.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 36kb Publisher : asfsafd

DL : 0
const char *与char * const的区别。C语言对文件读写的支持,FILE指针;文本文件和二进制文件的区别。用文本方式读写文件和以二进制方式读写文件的注意事项。C++对文件读写的支持,ofstream和ifstream的用法。Win32 SDK对文件读写的支持,CreateFile函数、WriteFile函数、ReadFile函数的使用;MFC对文件读写的支持,CFile类和CFileDialog的使用,文件过滤器的设置。win.ini文件和注册表的读写方式及相关知识点。-const char* and char* const distinction. C language of the document to read and write support, FILE pointer text file and binary file distinction. Used to read and write text files and read and write files in binary mode Notes. C++ Of documents to read and write support, ofstream and ifstream usage. Win32 SDK to read and write support for the document, CreateFile function, WriteFile function, ReadFile function to use MFC support reading and writing of the document, CFile Class CFileDialog and the use of paper filter settings. win.ini file and registry read and write methods and related knowledge points.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 38kb Publisher : jiangyang520

Win32下的几种串口通信编程 关键字:串口通信,CreateFile,MSCOMM32控件,嵌入汇编 -Several under the Win32 serial communication programming keyword: serial communication, CreateFile, MSCOMM32 controls, embedded in the compilation of
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : shiyou

hook windows api的程序,为hook Createfile api-hook windows api cavity , most序为hook Createfile api
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : 大龙

程序的最大缺陷:   Windows把硬件驱动的接口都进行了抽象和标准化,串口也不例外,大部分的设备都可以通过文件操作API进行存储控制,如:CreateFile、ReadFile、WriteFile等,其实很简单。网上有个SerialPort的类写得还不错,我就直接拿来用了,只做了小小的修改以满足我的要求。原本的类一次只能收发一个Byte,根据需要我改成了512 Byte,需要重点提出的是,当收发多字节数据时,数据的正确性和完整性更需要自己保证,因为串口协议标准只是定义在物理层和数据链路层,打个比方说,如果一次发送512 Byte,收到不一定是正确的512 Byte,所以自己要进行相关校验保证正确性,也可能不是一次就会完整的收到512 Byte,而是分多次收完所有数据,这时就要我们定义相关结构保证数据收发完整性。这些细节都是跟串口驱动的实现有关,读者感兴趣的话,可以查看相关文档。在这个应用程序中完全没有对这个问题进行防护处理,鉴于一次收发数据量小(512 Byte),并且只是自己的试验品,所以写得并不严谨,把数据收发理想为一次性正确收发,希望各位都能注意了。
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 38kb Publisher : Lee

对win32api createfile 进行inline hook的示例代码-On win32api createfile sample code for inline hook
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 8kb Publisher : chen
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