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需要d3d 9SDK,一个图形引擎的一部分,包括3DS MAX的导出插件,模型文件导入,四叉树LOD,等。 -D3D 9SDK needs, a part of the graphics engine, including 3DS MAX plug-derived model file import, quadtree LOD, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 967kb Publisher : 魏旭东

客户端GSLIB\GSLIB.DSW包含含游戏客户段代码、图形引擎代码和资源工具代码) GSLIB是一个以D3D渲染为主的2d引擎,是作者多年的工作经验积累写成的引擎,引擎效率应该不错,整合了游戏中大量常用的技术,作者认为经过优化以提高至少一倍以上的速度.-client GSLIB \ GSLIB.DSW included with the game of the client code, graphics engine source code tools and resources) is a GSLIB D3D based 2d rendering engine, is the author of many years of work experience accumulated written engines, engine efficiency should be true that the integration of large quantities of used games the technology, the authors believe optimized to increase at least double the speed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.37mb Publisher : 大灰熊

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基于D3D的三为虚拟人运动显示。转自《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》。-based on the Motion of three virtual movement shows. Decanted from the "computer-aided design and graphics Journal."
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 737kb Publisher : ruanjing

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基于最新一代通用GPU--Geforce8800,在CUDA平台上开发流体模拟程序,是基于GPU的通用计算应用在图形学领域的一个范例。由于该环境在国内不常见,并且支持模拟环境,保留了可执行文件作为参考。-based on the latest generation of common GPU-- Geforce8800. CUDA platform in the development of fluid simulation program, GPU is based on the generic terms used in the field of graphics one example. As the environment in China is not uncommon, and supports simulation environment, while retaining the executable file as a reference.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : 白洪涛

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用鼠标拾取在D3D中用画的图形-Use the mouse to pick up with painting in the D3D graphics
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher :

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一个3d初级者的很好示例,基于direct3d9.0,包括创建图形,加载贴图,改变视角,改变物体的运动,并且改变贴图.-3d junior a good example of those who, based on the direct3d9.0, including creating graphics, load maps, change perspective, change the object movement, and change the map.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.56mb Publisher : huangfei

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用directX9 的d3dxsprite封装成的ddraw类,用于directX9 2D绘图,功能齐备,故命名为ddraw9.h,和ddraw9.cpp,编译需要dx9 sdk。-Directx9 with the d3dxsprite package DDraw into categories, for directX9 2D graphics, full-featured, so named ddraw9.h, and ddraw9.cpp, the compiler needs dx9 sdk.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 羊毛

另外一个二维流体模拟的源码。好像使用了nvidia最新的显卡编程语言CUDA实现。-Another source of two-dimensional fluid simulation. Like using the latest nvidia graphics programming language CUDA realize.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.27mb Publisher : tiantiancode

Ageia s PhysX(著名的游戏物理库) D3D 9使用演示代码。由于PhysX物理库使用OpenGL代码实现图形着色,从而使许多用DirectX 3D的程序员不能使用/读懂demo代码,这是使用D3D着色引擎重新写的一些demo代码。-Ageia s PhysX (well-known game physics library) D3D 9 using the demo code. PhysX physics library as a result of the use of OpenGL graphics rendering code so that many use the DirectX 3D programmer can not use/read demo code, which is the use of D3D shaders to re-write some demo code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 58kb Publisher : GoldenCloud

Ageia s PhysX(著名的游戏物理库) D3D 9使用代码演示。由于PhysX物理库使用OpenGL代码实现图形着色,从而 使许多用DirectX 3D的程序员不能使用/读懂demo代码,这是使用D3D着色引擎重新写的一些demo代码。 - 角色控制(带执行文件)-Ageia s PhysX (well-known game physics library) D3D 9 demo using the code. PhysX physics library as a result of the use of OpenGL graphics rendering code so that many use the DirectX 3D programmer can not use/read demo code, which is the use of D3D shaders to re-write some demo code.- The role of control (with the implementation of document)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 183kb Publisher : GoldenCloud

Ageia s PhysX(著名的游戏物理库) D3D 9使用代码演示。由于PhysX物理库使用OpenGL代码实现图形着色,从而使许多用DirectX 3D的程序员不能使用/读懂demo代码,这是使用D3D着色引擎重新写的一些demo代码。-Collision Callback(带执行文件)-Ageia s PhysX (well-known game physics library) D3D 9 demo using the code. PhysX physics library as a result of the use of OpenGL graphics rendering code so that many use the DirectX 3D programmer can not use/read demo code, which is the use of D3D shaders to re-write some demo code.-Collision Callback (with the implementation of document)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 59kb Publisher : GoldenCloud

Ageia s PhysX(著名的游戏物理库) D3D 9使用代码演示。由于PhysX物理库使用OpenGL代码实现图形着色,从而使许多用DirectX 3D的程序员不能使用/读懂demo代码,这是使用D3D着色引擎重新写的一些demo代码。-Convex Geometry(带执行文件)-Ageia s PhysX (well-known game physics library) D3D 9 demo using the code. PhysX physics library as a result of the use of OpenGL graphics rendering code so that many use the DirectX 3D programmer can not use/read demo code, which is the use of D3D shaders to re-write some demo code.-Convex Geometry (with the implementation of document)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 70kb Publisher : GoldenCloud

Ageia s PhysX(著名的游戏物理库) D3D 9使用代码演示。由于PhysX物理库使用OpenGL代码实现图形着色,从而使许多用DirectX 3D的程序员不能使用/读懂demo代码,这是使用D3D着色引擎重新写的一些demo代码。-Rag doll(带执行文件)-Ageia s PhysX (well-known game physics library) D3D 9 demo using the code. PhysX physics library as a result of the use of OpenGL graphics rendering code so that many use the DirectX 3D programmer can not use/read demo code, which is the use of D3D shaders to re-write some demo code.-Rag doll (with the implementation of document)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 69kb Publisher : GoldenCloud

Ageia s PhysX(著名的游戏物理库) D3D 9使用代码演示。由于PhysX物理库使用OpenGL代码实现图形着色,从而使许多用DirectX 3D的程序员不能使用/读懂demo代码,这是使用D3D着色引擎重新写的一些demo代码。-Triangle Mesh(带执行文件)-Ageia s PhysX (well-known game physics library) D3D 9 demo using the code. PhysX physics library as a result of the use of OpenGL graphics rendering code so that many use the DirectX 3D programmer can not use/read demo code, which is the use of D3D shaders to re-write some demo code.-Triangle Mesh (with the implementation of document)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 233kb Publisher : GoldenCloud

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一个学习基于MFC的D3D9.0三维图形编程的入门案例源码。源码中附有详细的注释-MFC based on a study of three-dimensional graphics programming D3D9.0 entry-case source. Source with detailed annotations
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 366kb Publisher : fyj

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绘制立体图形,用CDC类中的方法来绘制立体图形-Drawing three-dimensional graphics
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : xtooll

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vc++中3D图像编程需要手动添加的头文件,很全面-3D graphics programming need to manually add the header file
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.64mb Publisher : wakt

D3D三维游戏高级图形编程中的纹理特效制作-D3D games advanced graphics programming in three-dimensional texture special effects
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11mb Publisher : 小轩

一个不断旋转播放的怪物盒子,里面有很多基础的功能代码。d3d图形渲染。-Play an ever-rotating monster box, there are many basic function code. d3d graphics rendering.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.58mb Publisher : 龚伟伟

hook d3d显卡驱动源码,内核驱动hook(hook D3D graphics driver source code, kernel driven hook)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 313kb Publisher : revolt
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