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Description: 传奇游戏服务器端数据库服务器-legendary game server database server
Platform: | Size: 112444 | Author: 万逸文 | Hits:


Description: Visual C++ 版传奇 人物数据库服务器源码,经修正后可顺利编译使用
Platform: | Size: 77628 | Author: 王晓 | Hits:

[Game Server SimulatorDBSvr

Description: 传奇游戏服务器端数据库服务器-legendary game server database server
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Visual C++ 版传奇 人物数据库服务器源码,经修正后可顺利编译使用-Visual C++ Version of the legendary source database server, as amended, the compiler can use a smooth
Platform: | Size: 77824 | Author: 王晓 | Hits:

[Game Program鬼话钟馗561完整端带数据库(风声资源王提供)

Description: 1) 开服 通过 accountdb-startup.bat 启动“帐号代理服务器” 0,帐号代理服务器:AccountDBSvr 通过 allserver-startup.bat 启动 “所有游戏服务器” 1,网关服务器:Gateway 2,登陆服务器:LoginSvr 3,世界服务器:WorldSvr 4,场景服务器1:GameSvr1 5,场景服务器2:GameSvr2 6,场景服务器3:GameSvr3 7,场景服务器4:GameSvr4 8,数据库服务器:DBSvr 9,日志服务器:LogSvr ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2) 关服 按照以下循序,在程序界面 按“Ctrl + C”,等待程序退出 网关服务器:Gateway 登陆服务器:LoginSvr 世界服务器:WorldSvr 场景服务器1:GameSvr1 场景服务器2:GameSvr2 场景服务器3:GameSvr3 场景服务器4:GameSvr4 !!!必须等上面的程序退出之后,才能关闭下面两个程序 数据库服务器:DBSvr 日志服务器:LogSvr -------------------------------------------------------------------(1) open service Start the account proxy server through accountdb-startup.bat" 0, account proxy server: AccountDBSvr Start all game servers via allserver-startup.bat" 1, gateway server: Gateway 2, landing server: LoginSvr 3, world server: WorldSvr 4, the scene server 1:GameSvr1 5, the scene server 2:GameSvr2 6, the scene server 3:GameSvr3 7, the scene server 4:GameSvr4 8, database server: DBSvr 9, log server: LogSvr ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Guan Yi Follow the sequence below to press Ctrl + C at the program interface and wait for the program to exit Gateway server: Gateway Landing server: LoginSvr World server: WorldSvr Scene server 1:GameSvr1 Scene server 2:GameSvr2 Scene server 3:GameSvr3 Scene server 4:GameSvr4 You must wait until the above program exits before you close the following two programs Database server: DBSvr Log server: LogSvr -------------------------------------------------------------------)
Platform: | Size: 23740416 | Author: 王梵龙吟 | Hits:

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