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P2P (Peer To Peer) is when multiple computers think collectively towards a shared objective. Computer programs that use less central servers and rely on a collection of computers such as Gnutella, distributed media streaming, networks of DCC based IRC fservers etc. tend to be referred to as being more P2P. Computer programs where many end-users communicate with few central services tend to be referred to as being less P2P or not P2P. To fully understand and leverage P2P technology, one must separate his or her self from the dogma that our computer programs must be united by servers in our physical possession to synchronize activities. Rather, think of our computer programs from a more digital-life oriented perspective and break the computer software up over multiple machines and make no single part of the software critical to the collective objective. - P2P (Peer To Peer) is when multiple computers think collectively towards a shared objective. Computer programs that use less central servers and rely on a collection of computers such as Gnutella, distributed media streaming, networks of DCC based IRC fservers etc. tend to be referred to as being more P2P. Computer programs where many end-users communicate with few central services tend to be referred to as being less P2P or not P2P. To fully understand and leverage P2P technology, one must separate his or her self from the dogma that our computer programs must be united by servers in our physical possession to synchronize activities. Rather, think of our computer programs from a more digital-life oriented perspective and break the computer software up over multiple machines and make no single part of the software critical to the collective objective.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 124kb Publisher : a5111a

一个多协议的代理网络通信工具,支持telnet, SMTP, SSH, POP, IRC ,HTTP-aproxy is a multi-client application to forward TCP connections from (local) listening ports to remote targets somewhere in your network. aproxy works with all TCP-services that use a single TCP-Connection for client/server communication. The following protocols have been tested: telnet, SMTP, SSH, POP, IRC (without support for DCC), and HTTP. aproxy also supports a console mode, which can be accessed by telnet. At the console you can add/delete listening ports and targets, get informations about the server, save you configuration, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : pzf
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