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Platform: | Size: 250503 | Author: zouqiangqiang | Hits:


Description: BISON-C: A one-dimensional transport and burnup calculation code with consideration of actinides and fission products Auteur(s) / Author(s) CETNAR J. (1) GRONEK P. (1) Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s) (1) University of Mining and Metallurgy, Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, 30 059 Cracow, POLOGNE
Platform: | Size: 111876 | Author: sdf | Hits:


Description: BISON-C: A one-dimensional transport and burnup calculation code with consideration of actinides and fission products Auteur(s) / Author(s) CETNAR J. (1) GRONEK P. (1) Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s) (1) University of Mining and Metallurgy, Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques, 30 059 Cracow, POLOGNE
Platform: | Size: 111876 | Author: sdf | Hits:

[assembly languagebaogeascii

Description: 一、用表格形式显示字符 1、题目:用表格形式显示ASCII字符 2、实验要求: 按15行*16列的表格形式显示ASCII码为10H-100H之间的所有字符,即以行为主的顺序用ASCII码递增的次序依次显示对应的字符.每16个字符为一行,每行中的相邻两个字符之间用空白符(ASCII为0)隔开. 3、提示: (1)显示每个字符可能使用功能号为02的显示输出功能调用,使用方法如下: MOV AH,02H MOV DL,输出字符的ASCII码 INT 21H 本题中可把DL初始化为10H,然后不断使其加1(用INC指令)以取得下一个字符的ASCII码. (2)显示空白符时,用其ASCII码为0置入DL寄存器.每行结束时,用显示回车和换行符结束本行并开始下一行. (3)由于逐个显示相继为ASCII字符时,需要保存并不断修改DL寄存器的内容,而显示空白、回车、换行符时也需要使用DL寄存器,为此可用堆栈来保存相继的ASCII字符。 具体用法是:在显示空白或回车、换行符前用指令PUSH DX把DL的内容保存到堆栈中去。在显示空白或回车、换行符后用指令恢复DL寄存器的原始内容。-a tabular form with a character show, entitled : tabular form showed two ASCII characters, experimental requirements : * 15 by 16 firms in tabular form for the show ASCII des-100H between all characters, that is, to act with the main sequence of ASCII increase in the order corresponding to the sequence of characters. Each of the 16 characters, and his party Each line of the adjacent between two characters with an empty site (ASCII 0) separated. 3, Tip : (1), showing each character may be used for 02 functions, the output function, use the following method : MOV AH, 02H MOV DL, Output ASCII characters INT 21H this issue can be put to initialize the DL 10 H, and then it increases one (using INC. Directive) to obtain under an ASCII characters. (2), showing a blank website , with its ASCII 0 p
Platform: | Size: 1454 | Author: 庄宁文 | Hits:

[assembly language数据加密标准



Platform: | Size: 73652 | Author: agchrys | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithms300多种加密算法









Platform: | Size: 198638 | Author: guijiarui | Hits:

[Crypt_Decrypt algrithms用c#来进行文件加密



Platform: | Size: 20020 | Author: yixuabc | Hits:

[Crack Hackdelphi DES

Description: delphi des
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: | Hits:

[Crack Hack3desfordelphi

Description: 3des的delphi源码,自己在des算法的基础上实现的3des算法,经过测试,绝对可用。-3DES the delphi source, their des algorithm on the basis of the 3DES algorithm, tested and absolutely available.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 谢佳友 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcode

Description: 密码学的ppt,里面详细说明了DES算法,以及各个置换盒的数据。-Cryptography ppt, which details the DES algorithm, as well as various replacement cartridge data.
Platform: | Size: 478208 | Author: hailei325 | Hits:

[Crack HackDES-pdf

Platform: | Size: 313344 | Author: 张力鹏 | Hits:

[Crack Hack07

Description: des加密 ElGamal算法既能用于数据加密也能用于数字签名,其安全性依赖于计算有限域上离散对数这一难题。   密钥对产生办法。首先选择一个素数p,两个随机数, g 和x,g, x <p, 计算 y = g^x ( mod p ),则其公钥为 y, g 和p。私钥是x。g和p可由一组用户共享。 -des cipher
Platform: | Size: 3319808 | Author: rock | Hits:

[Crack HackDES_PHP

Description: php环境的EDS加密解密代码,本代码由JS移植-php environment, EDS encryption and decryption code, the code is by JS transplant
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 梁兴臣 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopQ2406_DataSheet

Description: 本手册描述了WAVECOM Q2406A模块的硬件接口特性、应用开发参考设计。 通过阅读本手册,用户可以开发自己的应用系统。-This document is the sole and exclusive property of WAVECOM. Not to be distributed or divulged without prior written agreement. Ce document est la propriètè exclusive de WAVECOM. Il ne peut ítre communiquè ou divulguè a des tiers sans son autorisation prèalable.
Platform: | Size: 848896 | Author: 王睿峰 | Hits:

[Industry researchTesting-Using-permutation-test

Description: 。该法根据所研 究的问题构造检验统计量,并利用手头样本,按排列组合的原理导出检验统计量的理论抽样分布; 若难以导出确切的理论分布,则采用抽样模拟的方法估计其近似分布,然后求出从该分布中获得 手头样本及更极端样本的概率(P值),并界定此概率值,作出推论。-It is sample.based distribution-free method,which makes use of“permutation or combination”to get the theo. retical sampling distribution of the constmcted“statistics”,or get the approximate distribution by simulation under the nuU hypothesis,gets the pmbability of the sample-at—hand,and dmws a conclusion after comparing the probability w“h the size of the test.It especiaUy supports small samples without distributional assumptions(e.g.normdb2y)and complex des培ns for which traditional methods are hard to solVe.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 徐伟云 | Hits:

[Crack HackDES-security

Description: DES基于简单的代替-置换网络,进行16轮迭代,完成了扩散和混合操作,形成密文;DES加密算法的处理细节:DES对64bit明文输入首先进行IP变换,分成左右各32位的分组,然后进行16轮迭代,最后经过逆IP置换,输出该分组加密后的结果;对于DES的每一轮迭代,又先后经过选择运算E、异或伦密钥、S盒混合、P置换等步骤; -DES composed and a good application to keep your files security .
Platform: | Size: 4643840 | Author: 王锡爵 | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: 算法流程 1.将要处理的二进制串进行IP置换 2.将密钥进行PC1置换(64位转为56位), 3.进行16轮操作,对于第i轮操作: 1)将上一次得到的PC1密钥(级除去第一次外,其他的都经过移位处理)的结果左右部分(各28位)分别循环左移1位或2位,然后将移位后的密钥进行PC2[i]置换. 2)将处理串均等分为左右两串Li,Ri(各32位),然后将右串Ri通过E盒拓展为新的右串R (48位),R 与上一步得到的PC2[i]子密钥进行异或操作,结果通过S盒输出(48为转为32位),然后通过P盒直接置换,再与Li异或. 3)将Ri赋给作出Li,R 赋值给Ri. 4)合并处理串StrText=Li+Ri. 4.将最新的处理串进行IP_1置换,置换结果即为所求的加密串或解密串 加密解密的区别 在每轮操作中,加密使用的PC2密钥顺序为0~15,解密使用的PC2密钥顺序为15~0. -Algorithm flow A binary string to be processed is substituted for IP 2 key the PC1 replacement (64 into 56) 16 operation, the operation for the i-th round: 1) about the results of the last PC1 key (remove the first time, the others have been shifting processing) (28) rotate left one or two, and then will shift key PC2 [i] replacement. 2) is divided into the equal treatment string around two bunches of Li, Ri (32), and then expand the right string Ri E box (48-bit), the right string R R​ ​ and the previous step PC2 i] subkey XOR operation result is output via the S-box (48 to 32 conversion), and then directly through the P box replacement and XOR with Li. 3) the Ri to make Li, R is assigned to Ri. 4) merger deal with string StrText Ri = Li+. 4. Latest processing string IP_1 replacement, replacement results shall request string encryption or decryption string Encryption and decryption of difference In each round of operations, PC2 key e
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhusiyi | Hits:

[Crack HackDES

Description: DES加密算法,初始置换、密钥置换、密钥循环、密钥压缩置换、数据扩展置换、、S盒替换、P盒置换、末置换 -DES encryption algorithm, the initial replacement, key replacement, key loops, key compression replacement, data expansion permutation,, S cartridge replacement, P cartridge replacement, replacement end
Platform: | Size: 515072 | Author: 王英 | Hits:


Description: 采用des算法,对文件和文件夹加密和解密-File and Folder Decrypt and Encrypt by Des
Platform: | Size: 2422784 | Author: 杨思吉 | Hits:


Description: Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Constantine E.E.A Eléctrotéchnique 4 éme année MINI-Projet N°1: Régimes Transitoires Machines DC sous MATLAB MP N°11 : Moteur Moteur série: Influence des Pô les Auxiliaires de commutation étudié par :AGGOUNE Ishaq Date: 24/02/2016-Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Constantine E.E.A Eléctrotéchnique 4 éme année MINI-Projet N°1: Régimes Transitoires Machines DC sous MATLAB MP N°11 : Moteur Moteur série: Influence des Pô les Auxiliaires de commutation étudié par :AGGOUNE Ishaq Date: 24/02/2016
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ishaq | Hits:
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