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Delphi Driver Development Kit 有了它以后可以用delphi开发驱动程序了。里面有详尽的例子。-Delphi Driver Development Kit With it can be used after the de lphi development of the driver. There are detailed examples.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.09mb Publisher : 孙小武

Delphi Driver Development Kit 有了它以后可以用delphi开发驱动程序了。里面有详尽的例子。-Delphi Driver Development Kit With it can be used after the de lphi development of the driver. There are detailed examples.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.09mb Publisher : 孙小武

Delphi Driver Development Kit
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : vogel

意天原始磁盘数据操作开发包(磁盘扇区读写组件)是意天软件推出的一款磁盘数据操作底层开发包,主要用于开发人员操作磁盘数据, 其包括一个com组件和一个磁盘驱动文件,通过该组件VB CB Delphi开发人员可以很方便的读写(按扇区模式或字节模式)底层磁盘数据 ,该组件完全解决VISTA下Win32API无法直接写磁盘数据的问题.该开发包采用驱动直接读写磁盘数据,因此绕过了Win32平台内部权限 检测机制,以使在VISTA下直接写硬盘数据成为现实.(注:不可用该开发包来实现恶意软件,否则后果自负!) -Italian-day operation of the development of the original disk data package (read and write disk sector components) is intended to-day introduced a software disk underlying the development of data manipulation package, mainly for the development of data involved in the operation of the disk, which includes a com component and a disk driver files, through the component VB CB Delphi developers can easily write and read (by sector mode or byte mode) the bottom of the disk data, the component Win32API completely solved VISTA can not be directly under the disk to write data. the development kit using the disk drive directly to read and write data to bypass the internal authority of the Win32 platform detection, so that in the VISTA data directly to write the hard disk to become a reality. (Note: The development kit is not available to achieve malicious software, otherwise the consequences of self- !)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 771kb Publisher : 597

Delphi Driver Development Kit v0.0.4 - unpacked, cause the old one s gave virus warnings because of the packer it was packed with.-Delphi Driver Development Kit v0.0.4- unpacked, cause the old one s gave virus warnings because of the packer it was packed with.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : Raivis

Delphi能不能开发Windows的驱动程序(这里的驱动程序当然不是指VxD了^_^)一直是广大Delphi fans关注的问题。姑且先不说能或者不能,我们先来看看用Delphi开发驱动程序需要解决哪些技术上问题。 Delphi的链接器是无法生成Windows内核模式程序的,因此用delphi无法直接生成驱动程序。M$的链接器是可以生成Windows内核模式程序的,那么是否可以用Delphi生成目标文件,然后用M$链接呢?要这么做必须要解决以下的问题: Delphi生成的目标文件是OMF格式的,而M$ link虽然声称支持OMF格式的目标文件,但基本无用。最好能将OMF格式转换成COFF格式,EliCZ大侠的OMF2D正好可以解决这个问题。解决了目标格式的问题,一切都OK了吗?远没这么简单。继续之前,让我们先来看一下著名的DDDK吧。 DDDK(Delphi Driver Development Kit)是The Hacker Defender Project team发布的一个用Delphi开发Windows驱动程序的工具包,目前最新版是0.0.4版。DDDK是将常用的驱动API用Delphi做了层包装放在DDDK单元中,就像下面这样:-Delphi research-driven development chapter
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.22mb Publisher : YF

一个高性能的网络数据包处理架构,利用WinpkFilter可以在应用层直接对数据包进行处理,甚至可以在应用层延缓数据包发送-WinpkFilter is a high performance packet filtering framework for Windows that allows developers to transparently filter (view and modify) raw network packets with minimal impact on network activity without having to write low level TDI or NDIS driver code. WinpkFilter is more than just a firewall development kit for Windows. With WinpkFilter you can make an application that inserts itself into the Windows network stream: custom firewall solution, internet connection sharing (NAT), IP shaper, VPN and many other low-level network solutions completely in user-mode using your favorite development environment: Visual C++, Visual C#, Delphi, Visual Basic, C++ Builder and etc. Using WinpkFilter requires no experience in kernel mode programming on your behalf since WinpkFilter provides you with powerful user level API. However, if you need to implement your solution (to achieve better performance) in kernel mode you can use well-documented raw IOCTL interface as well.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.57mb Publisher : awe

Delphi Development Kit Driver
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.67mb Publisher : Stray4ker
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