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是Delphi下的TreeList型的控件,功能很强大,带有Demo和说明文件可参考。-Delphi is under the control of TreeList type, function very powerful, with Demo and reference documentation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.58mb Publisher : pppp

VirtualTreeviewVirtual Treeview is a treeview control built from ground up. More than 3 years of development made it one of the most flexible and advanced tree controls available today. Virtual Treeview starts off with the claim to improve many aspects of exisiting solutions and introduces some new technologies and priniciples which were not available before. As the name already indicates, this control uses a different paradigm for tree management than other controls of this kind. It does not know anything about the data it manages (except its size), not even the captions of a node. Everything is retrieved from the application via events (or descentants via overridden methods). Virtual Treeview has been carefully designed and thoroughly tested. The control proved its concept as well as everyday fitness already in many commercial products and freeware projects.-VirtualTreeviewVirtual Treeview is a tre eView control built from the ground up. More than 3 y ears of development made it one of the most flexi ble tree and advanced controls available today . Virtual Treeview starts off with the claim to i mprove many aspects of existing solutions and introduces some new technologies and prinicip les which were not available before. As the name already indicates. this control uses a different paradigm for tree other than management controls of this kind. It does not know anything about the data it manages (except its size). not even the captions of a node. Everything is re trieved from the application via events (or des centants via overridden methods). Virtual Tre eView has been carefully designed and thorough ly tested. The control proved its concept a
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.57mb Publisher : xxx

vcl delphi的虚拟树控件,可以很方便对节点进行各种各样的控制-vcl delphi virtual tree control nodes can be easily carried out on a wide range of control
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.96mb Publisher : e

Tree View VCL Control for Delphi with Source this control uses a different paradigm for tree management than other controls of this kind. It does not know anything about the data it manages (except its size), not even the captions of a node. Everything is retrieved from the application via events (or descendants via overridden methods).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.08mb Publisher : mailads

VirtualTreeview Virtual Treeview is a tree view control built from ground up. More than 3 years of development made it one of the most flexible and advanced tree controls available today. Virtual Treeview starts off with the claim to improve many aspects of existing solutions and introduces some new technologies and principles which were not available before. -Supported Delphi version: Delphi 7, Delphi 2006- XE, RAD Studio XE2 Supported Windows Versions: XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 2008R2
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 995kb Publisher : may158

Virtual treeview latest component for c++ builder/delphi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.21mb Publisher : Mike

delphi virtual interface library for delphi 2010. loop treeview etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : wandersonpaiva

Delphi virtual tree view version 5.3.0
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.22mb Publisher : bruo
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