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[Driver DevelopdvKrnlData

Description: 该代码为我学习winnt内核时所写,主要功能是在ring3下通过DeviceIoControl与驱动进行通信,获取内核的数据以及sdt,idt信息等。并实现了hook NtQuerySystemInformation函数来实现进程隐藏的功能-The code for the kernel, I am learning winnt wrote, Its main function is in ring3 through DeviceIoControl communication with the driver. access to the kernel and sdt data, the information loop. And the achievement of the hook function to achieve NtQuerySystemInformation implicit process possession of the function
Platform: | Size: 55181 | Author: 左手 | Hits:

[Hook apifilemon

Description: 纯汇编写的,主要拦截KERNEL32.DLL中的OpenFile、CreateFileA、CreateFileW、ReadFile、 ReadFileEx、WriteFile、WriteFileEx、DeviceIoControl等函数,HOOK到的数据未做过滤处理。 其中MYDLL利用了skyer的HOOKAPI LIB,放出源码,主程序的过程是创建进程后挂起,注入MYDLL后恢复进程,拦截过程中的相关函数
Platform: | Size: 1803 | Author: 张京 | Hits:


Description: DeviceIoControl:详细的讲解如何运用这个进行一些涉及硬件的编程,调用驱动等-DeviceIoControl : detailed explanation on how to use some of the hardware involved in the program, such as call-driven
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: 李志亮 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopdvKrnlData

Description: 该代码为我学习winnt内核时所写,主要功能是在ring3下通过DeviceIoControl与驱动进行通信,获取内核的数据以及sdt,idt信息等。并实现了hook NtQuerySystemInformation函数来实现进程隐藏的功能-The code for the kernel, I am learning winnt wrote, Its main function is in ring3 through DeviceIoControl communication with the driver. access to the kernel and sdt data, the information loop. And the achievement of the hook function to achieve NtQuerySystemInformation implicit process possession of the function
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 左手 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopHookDeviceIoControl2005.10.26scr

Description: 一个可以拦截DeviceIoControl的程序 -one can intercept procedures DeviceIoControl
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: aeno | Hits:

[Hook apiHookDeviceIoControl

Description: Hook DeviceIoControl 源码带硬盘ID模拟器-Hook DeviceIoControl source with hard disk ID Simulator
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: 任晓枫 | Hits:

[Hook apifilemonsrc

Description: 著名的filemon,使用钩子截获控制windows下文件操作的不错源码-Famous filemon, seized control of the use of hook windows file operations under the good source
Platform: | Size: 575488 | Author: 小江 | Hits:

[Hook apifilemon

Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张京 | Hits:

[Hook apihook

Description: hook DeviceIoControl
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: 与昂光 | Hits:

[Hook apiHookID

Description: 通过hook DeviceIoControl任意更改硬盘序列号.-Changed by hook DeviceIoControl any hard drive serial number.
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: 枚举 | Hits:

[Hook apivchook

Description: 【源码】通过hook DeviceIoControl任意更改硬盘序列号,VC源码-【Source】 changed by hook DeviceIoControl any hard drive serial number, VC source
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: qddalao | Hits:

[Hook api1

Description: 利用钩子 hook deviceiocontrol 修改硬盘序列号-hook deviceiocontrol
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 积累 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopPffiilemonu

Description: 纯汇开发的,主要拦截KERNEL32.DLL中的OpenFile、CreateFileA、CreateFileW、ReadFile、 ReadFileEx、WriteFile、WriteFileEx、、、DeviceIoControl等函数,HOOK到的数据未做过滤处理。其中MYDLL运用了skyer的HOOKAPI LIB,放出源码,主程序源码的过程是创建进程后挂起,注入MYDLL后恢复进程,拦截 -Pure exchange, the main interceptor in the OpenFile KERNEL32.DLL CreateFileA, CreateFileW the ReadFile, The ReadFileEx, the WriteFile, WriteFileEx,,, the DeviceIoControl and other functions, HOOK data without making the filter processing. Which MYDLL use the skyer the HOOKAPI the LIB release the source code, the main source of process creation process hang, injected into the recovery process after MYDLL intercept
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 追求 | Hits:

[OS programDeviceIOControl

Description: program to hook DeviceIOControl
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: mmt177 | Hits:

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