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Description: 使用DirectX中DirectInput..抓取Keyboard並接受Keyboard的訊息
Platform: | Size: 159965 | Author: 楊啟彣 | Hits:

[OS DevelopDirectInput

Description: 個人開發,以 DirectInput 為基底包成的類別,可同時接收滑鼠、鍵盤、JOYSTICK等輸入裝置。-Personal development, to DirectInput basement into the type of packet, which can receive mouse, keyboard, JOYSTICK and other input devices.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 傑洛林 | Hits:

[OpenGL programHW_FinalProject

Description: 這是一個OpenGL程式,而使用DirectInput來做鍵盤、滑鼠以及Joystick手把的控制-This is an OpenGL program, but do use the DirectInput keyboard, mouse, and Joystick control of hand
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: 呂小澤 | Hits:


Description: DirectInput编程源代码,可以将鼠标、键盘和JoyStick按键进行映射,出就是重新定义各键的功能-DirectInput programming source code, can be a mouse, keyboard and Joystick button to map out the key is to redefine the function of
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: sss | Hits:

[Game EngineDirectInput

Description: direct9 sdk中的键盘鼠标相应事件基础代码-direct9 sdk of keyboard and mouse events based on the corresponding code
Platform: | Size: 3176448 | Author: zyc | Hits:


Description: 使用DirectX中DirectInput..抓取Keyboard並接受Keyboard的訊息-The use of DirectX in DirectInput .. crawl Keyboard and Keyboard to accept the message
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: 楊啟彣 | Hits:

[source in ebookDirectInput-key

Description: 用vc++结合directinput编程序实现键盘时间捕捉,实现小球运动。-With vc++ Combination programmed realize DirectInput to capture keyboard time, realize the ball movement.
Platform: | Size: 741376 | Author: zhang | Hits:


Description: 用VB编写DirectX7.0游戏   DirectX7.0终于出现了,同前面DirectX6相同,版本7也带了一个庞大(129M)的SDK开发库,同DirectX6 SDK库相比,DirectX7的SDK库提供了以下新的功能:   * 对于Visual Basic的支持。用户可以使用类库在Visual Basic环境下开发基于DirectX的程序。   * 提供更多DirectX3D立即模式(Immediate Mode)下的API函数,以支持DirectX7中新的3D特效,包括立体环境映射、顶点混合等。   * DirectMusic支持DownLoadable Sound Level 2标准。   * DirectInput支持8按键的游戏杆设备,同时支持Microsoft的力反馈摇杆。SDK库提供了读取力反馈效果文件的方法。同时提供了Force Editor程序来建立效果。   对于VB爱好者来说,新的SDK库终于提供了完整的对VB的支持,现在终于可以使用Visual Basic来编写DirectX的程序了。 -err
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 江福利 | Hits:


Description: 使用DirectX9.0的directinput写的键盘接受功能,控制一个红颜色的球在窗口中移动-DirectX9.0 use of the keyboard writing to accept directinput function, control of a red ball moving in the window
Platform: | Size: 3301376 | Author: lijiangtao | Hits:

[GIS programKeyboardIn

Description: 用Directinput对键盘事件进行处理-With Directinput processing of keyboard events
Platform: | Size: 705536 | Author: sunjianchao | Hits:


Description: 7.游戏杆和键盘输入。direct3d很好的教程7-7. Joystick and keyboard input. direct3d a good tutorial 7
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 利用 | Hits:

[Game ProgramDirectInput1

Description: 游戏编程,键盘输入接口,使用的是directinput,实际可用-Game programming, keyboard input, using directinput, the actual available
Platform: | Size: 741376 | Author: fxy | Hits:


Description: 详细描述了Direct9.0的鼠标键盘输入 是学习Direct9.0和游戏编程必不可少的内容-A detailed description of the mouse and keyboard input Direct9.0 Direct9.0 and games to learn the content of programming is essential 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 字典- 查看字典详细内容
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: hubill | Hits:


Description: 《DirectX 8 教程》及配套代码 第十二章:键盘与鼠标输入 Introduction (序) DirectInput Include and Library files (头文件与库文件) The Controls (控制方案) Initialising DirectInput (初始化DirectInput) Setting up the keyboard (设置键盘) Setting up the mouse (设置鼠标) Buffered and Immediate Data (缓冲数据与即时数据) Getting keyboard data (读取键盘数据) Getting mouse data (读取鼠标数据) Using the data (使用数据) Cleaning up (清理) Summary (摘要) -Chapter 12 of the " DirectX 8 tutorials and supporting code: keyboard and mouse input the Introduction (sequence) DirectInput Include and Library files (header files and library files) The Controls (control program) Initialising DirectInput (initialization DirectInput) Setting up the keyboard (set of keyboard) Setting up the mouse (to set mouse) Buffered and Immediate Data (buffer data and real-time data) Getting keyboard data (read keyboard data) Getting mouse data (read mouse data) Using the data (using the data) Cleaning up (cleanup) Summary (Abstract)
Platform: | Size: 79872 | Author: liuyan | Hits:

[Game Enginedx9cs_fps_controls

Description: Demonstrates how to manually modify the view matrix using mouse and keyboard input to create a First Person Shooter style control. This sample is very similar to the "First-Person-Shooter View Control" sample except this one uses no DirectInput. Check out the OpenGL source code page for the OpenGL equivalent of this sample.-Demonstrates how to manually modify the view matrix using mouse and keyboard input to create a First Person Shooter style control. This sample is very similar to the " First-Person-Shooter View Control" sample except this one uses no DirectInput. Check out the OpenGL source code page for the OpenGL equivalent of this sample.
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: wu | Hits:

[OpenGL programD3Ddemo15

Description: 一个综合型的Direct3D示例程序,用键盘上W,A,S,D,I,J,K,L,↑,↓,←,→12个键加上鼠标在美丽的三维空间中翱翔。包括了Direct3D初始化,DirectInput输入处理,顶点缓存,光照与材质,文字输出,颜色,纹理贴图,四大变换,网格模型,X文件载入等等知识(当然还有默认被开启的深度缓存)。-A comprehensive, Direct3D sample program using the keyboard W, A, S, D, I, J, K, L, ↑, ↓, ←, → 12 keys plus the mouse on a beautiful three-dimensional space soar. Including Direct3D initialization, DirectInput input processing, vertex buffers, light and texture, text output, color, texture mapping, the four transformation, mesh model, X file loading, etc. Knowledge (of course, the depth of the cache is turned on by default) .
Platform: | Size: 14854144 | Author: lqy | Hits:


Description: 一个综合型的Direct3D示例程序,用键盘上W,A,S,D,I,J,K,L,↑,↓,←,→12个键加上鼠标在美丽的三维空间中翱翔。包括了Direct3D初始化,DirectInput输入处理,顶点缓存,光照与材质,文字输出,颜色,纹理贴图,四大变换,网格模型,X文件载入等等知识(当然还有默认被开启的深度缓存)。-A comprehensive, Direct3D sample program using the keyboard W, A, S, D, I, J, K, L, ↑, ↓, ←, → 12 keys plus the mouse on a beautiful three-dimensional space soar. Including Direct3D initialization, DirectInput input processing, vertex buffers, light and texture, text output, color, texture mapping, the four transformation, mesh model, X file loading, etc. Knowledge (of course, the depth of the cache is turned on by default) .
Platform: | Size: 14851072 | Author: | Hits:

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