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Location : Home Search - DirectShowLib-2005.dll download
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Here s where to find things: - The documentation is located in docs\readme.rtf and can be read with WordPad, MS Word, etc. - A description of what has changed since the last version can be found in WhatsNew.txt. - A retail build of the library containing all tested interfaces can be found in lib. DirectShowLib.dll is for .NET 1.1, and DirectShowLib-2005.dll is for .NET 2.0 - The list of interfaces indicating which are tested or untested can be found in docs\interfaces.txt - The complete source code with definitions for all interfaces (tested and untested) can be found in src\*.* Licensed under Lesser General Public License. See license.txt for details.-Here's where to find things :- The documentation is located in docs \ readme. rtf and can be read with WordPad, MS Word, etc..- A description of what has changed since th e last version can be found in WhatsNew.txt.- A r etail build of the library containing all teste d interfaces can be found in lib. DirectShowLib . dll is for.NET 1.1, and DirectShowLib- 2005.dll is for.NET 2.0-Th e list of interfaces indicating which are teste d or untested can be found in docs \ interfaces.t QCD- The complete source code with definitions f or all interfaces (tested and untested) can be f ound in src \ ("*.*") Licensed under Lesser General P Situations License. See license.txt for details.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 358kb Publisher : 雪特朗
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