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本书第二部分讲述的是在Wi n 3 2平台上的Wi n s o c k编程。对于众多的基层网络协议, Wi n s o c k是访问它们的首选接口。而且在每个Wi n 3 2平台上,Wi n s o c k都以不同的形式存在着。 Wi n s o c k是网络编程接口,而不是协议。它从U n i x平台的B e r k e l e y(B S D)套接字方案借鉴了 许多东西,后者能访问多种网络协议。在Wi n 3 2环境中,Wi n s o c k接口最终成为一个真正的 “与协议无关”接口,尤其是在Winsock 2发布之后。-book on the second part of the Wi n 3 2 on the platform's Wi n o c k programming. To many of the grass-roots network protocol, Wi n s o c k is to visit their preferred interface. But in each Wi n 3 2 platform, Wi n o c k's in different forms exist. Wi n s o c k network programming interface, rather than agreement. From U n i x platform B e r k e l e y (S B D) socket program draws many things, The latter would be able to visit a variety of network protocols. In Wi n 3 2 environment, Wi n o c k s interface will eventually become a real "agreement has nothing to do with the" interface, especially in the Winsock 2 was released.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 353.59kb Publisher : 楼洛阳

目标 设置组合键来触发某一菜单命令。例如,用A l t + D组合键删除视图中所选项目。 策略 首先,使用Developer Studio提供的加速键编辑器(Accelerator Editor)创建一项资源,当视 图被创建、使用、拥有输入焦点时该资源被装入。在视图没有输入焦点时或当我们想定制键 的处理时,我们也可以手工处理W M _ K E Y D O W N窗口命令。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 807byte Publisher : 旺老财

$(document).ready(function(){ //计算样式中心值 a横向中心点,b纵向log中心点 //cloud-carousel.1.0.5.js 文件中去掉了IE的倒影滤镜。FF支持得更好。 var e = 150; var a = $("#da-vinci-carousel").width() / 2; var c = $("#da-vinci-carousel").height() / 2; var b = Math.log(c) * (e / 10); $('#but1').css({top:(c / 2) - ($('#but1').height() / 2),left:70,zIndex:9999}); $('#but2').css({top:(c / 2) - ($('#but2').height() / 2),right:70,zIndex:9999}); $("#da-vinci-carousel").CloudCarousel( { minScale:0.25,//视线轴距 越大远处视觉越近 reflHeight: 40, //倒影透明度 reflGap:-2, //倒影距离 //titleBox: $('#da-vinci-title'), //altBox: $('#da-vinci-alt'), buttonLeft: $('#but1'), buttonRight: $('#but2'), yRadius:e, //Y轴距 调整轴距需要给DIV增加高度 xPos: a, //距离左侧边距 yPos: b, //距离顶部边距 speed:0.09, //滚动速度 mouseWheel:true //是否支持鼠标滚轴 }); $("#da-vinci-carousel img").css("border",0); //消除当前效果DIV中的img边框 });
Update : 2011-06-25 Size : 371.71kb Publisher :

// caculator.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include #include #include #include #include char e; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { do { float a,c,d; char b; printf("input first number\n"); scanf("%f",&a); printf("input operator\n"); getchar(); scanf("%c",&b); printf("input the second number\n"); scanf("%f",&c); switch(b) { case'+':d=a+c;break; case'-':d=a-c;break; case'*':d=a*c;break; case'%':if(c==0) { printf("error\n"); break;} else d=a/c;break; case'^':d=pow(a,c);break; default:printf("error\n"); } printf("%f\n",d); printf("do you want to continue y/n\n"); getchar(); scanf("%c",&e);} while(e=='y'); return 0; }
Update : 2011-11-05 Size : 875byte Publisher :

本书第二部分讲述的是在Wi n 3 2平台上的Wi n s o c k编程。对于众多的基层网络协议, Wi n s o c k是访问它们的首选接口。而且在每个Wi n 3 2平台上,Wi n s o c k都以不同的形式存在着。 Wi n s o c k是网络编程接口,而不是协议。它从U n i x平台的B e r k e l e y(B S D)套接字方案借鉴了 许多东西,后者能访问多种网络协议。在Wi n 3 2环境中,Wi n s o c k接口最终成为一个真正的 “与协议无关”接口,尤其是在Winsock 2发布之后。-book on the second part of the Wi n 3 2 on the platform's Wi n o c k programming. To many of the grass-roots network protocol, Wi n s o c k is to visit their preferred interface. But in each Wi n 3 2 platform, Wi n o c k's in different forms exist. Wi n s o c k network programming interface, rather than agreement. From U n i x platform B e r k e l e y (S B D) socket program draws many things, The latter would be able to visit a variety of network protocols. In Wi n 3 2 environment, Wi n o c k s interface will eventually become a real "agreement has nothing to do with the" interface, especially in the Winsock 2 was released.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 353kb Publisher : 楼洛阳

目标 设置组合键来触发某一菜单命令。例如,用A l t + D组合键删除视图中所选项目。 策略 首先,使用Developer Studio提供的加速键编辑器(Accelerator Editor)创建一项资源,当视 图被创建、使用、拥有输入焦点时该资源被装入。在视图没有输入焦点时或当我们想定制键 的处理时,我们也可以手工处理W M _ K E Y D O W N窗口命令。-Goal Setting key combination to trigger a menu command. For example, A lt+ D key combination to delete the selected item view. Strategy First, use Developer Studio to provide the acceleration of key editor (Accelerator Editor) to create a resource, when the view is created, use, possession input focus when the resources are loaded. In view of the focus has not been entered or when we want to deal with custom keys, we can also deal with WM _ KEYDOWN manual command window.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 旺老财

一个基于GTK+的单词数值计算器,1、 按照规则计算单词的值,如果 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 26个字母(全部用大写)的值分别为 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26,如: WINJACK这个单词的值就为:W+I+N+J+A+C+K=23+9+14+1+3+11=71% HARDWORK=H+A+R+D+W+O+R+D=8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98% LOVE=L+O+V+E=12+15+22+5=54% LUCK=L+U+C+K=12+21+3+11=47% ATTITUDE= A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1+20+20+9+20+24+4+5=100% 2、对程序的界面布局参考如下图所示,在第一个单行文本框输入一个单词,点击“计算”按钮,按照以上算法计算出该单词的值。 3、如果在最下面的单行文本框输入一个文件路径,此文件每行记录一个单词,那么经过程序计算出各个单词的值,并把结果输出到当前目录下result.txt文件中。如果文件不存在,应该提示错误。 -err
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher :

hnbytfkmi tyyuik8u.ty ipo -[po" {y-hik ply /pi[l [
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.92mb Publisher : bab

psk ve qam nedir ne iş e y-psk ve qam nedir ne iş e yarar
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 393kb Publisher : denizinci

G P S和G S M 双定位终端的软硬件设计与实现 :随着移动定位技术的发展, 单纯的签子G P S 的定位终端或者荃于移动网络的定位终端都将无法浦足用户的俩求。前者的G P S定 位信号受地形及建筑物的影晌,会存在定位盲区 后者定位精度和定位能力受到移动网 络的限制。该文提出一种集成了G P S定位和G S M 网络定位技术的定位终端,阐述了它的软硬件的设计和实现。实验结果表明,该定位终端结合了G P S和G S M网络两种定位方式的优点,-D e s i g n a n d I m p l e me n t a t i o n o f t h e T r a c k i n g T e r mi n a l I n t e g r a t i n g GP S wi t h GS M P o s i t i o n i n g T e c h n o l o g y J I A NG X i r u i , C HE N G Z h e n l i n , F AN G J i n y u n , Z HA NG L i v n g ( I n s t i t u t e o f C o m p u t e T e c h n o l o g y , C h i n e s e A c a d e m y o f S c i e n c e s , B e i j i n g 1 0 0 0 8 0 ) b s t r a c t ] Th e t r a c k i n g t e r mi n a l p l a y s a n i mp o r a n t rl e i n t h e n a v i g a t i o n a n d p o s i t i o n i n g s y s t e m. Ho w t o t h e t r a c k i n g t e r mi n a l i s a k e y p rb l e m t o t h e d e s i g n e r a n d u s e r . T h i s p a p e r p r e s e n t s a me t h o d wh i c h i mpr v e t i n t e g r a t e s p e r f o r m a n c e a n d p r e c i s i o GP S wi 比GS M p o s i t i o n i n g h n o l o g y i n o n e t e r mi n a l , a n d s p e c i f i e s t h e s o f
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 264kb Publisher : JEFF

仿制IE在“解决方案资源管理器” 中,右键单击“TextBoxExt”项目,从弹出的菜单中选择“属性”,会弹出属性配置对话框,在左上角的“配置(C)”中选择“所有配置”,设置输出路径为“.."output”,注意,该输入有点特殊,两个小数点+反斜杠+output,意思是当前文件夹上一层的ouput文件夹(从VC过来的朋友可能比较熟悉这种方式)-IE private void lstBox_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { ListBox box=(ListBox)sender Point pt = new Point(e.X,e.Y) int n=box.IndexFromPoint(pt) if(n>=0) box.SelectedIndex=n }
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 144kb Publisher : 袁旋捷

S u r f e r自动控制技术在气象资料 自动成图中的应用 -Ab s t r a c t : The ma i n f un c t i o n s o f Su r fe r s o f t wa r e,Ac t i v e X a u t o ma t i o n t e c h ni q ue a nd t he i n t e r fa c e o f VB a p p l i c a t i o n a n d S u r fe r a r e i nt r o— d u c e d i n t h i s p a p e r .I t i s a l s o i n t r o d u c e d h o w t o c o mb i n e t h e s t r o n g a b i l i t y o f d e v e l o p me n t u s i n g VB s o f t wa re a n d t he s t r o n g ma p p i n g i n Su r f e r b a s e d o n t he i n t e r fa c e.a nd t he k e y pr og r a m t o C a / T y o u t t h e i nt e r fa c e t e c hn i q u e a nd a c a s e o f a p pl i c a t i o n a ut o ma t i c ma p pi n g a r e pr e s e n t e d.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 228kb Publisher : wang

iar jlink v7 sch pcb binary
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 296kb Publisher : mohsen

这是一套完整的支持wimax 16e协议CTC的编译码程序, 主程序在demo.c 译码器:tcdecoder.c 编码器:tcencoder.c-/* This program simulates the classical turbo encoding-decoding system on PC.*/ /* It uses parallel concatenated convolutional codes described in Figure 2.9 in Chapter 2.*/ /* Two component RSC (Recursive Systematic Convolutional) encoders are used. */ /* First encoder is terminated with tails bits. (Info+ tail) bits are scrambled and */ /* passed to the second encoder, while second encoder is left open without tail bits. */ /* Random information bits are modulated into+1/-1, and transmitted through an AWGN channel.*/ /* Interleavers are randomly generated for each frame.*/ /* Log-MAP algorithm without quantization or approximation is used.*/ /* By making use of ln(e^x+e^y) = max (x,y)+ ln(1+e^(-abs(x-y))), */ /* the Log-MAP is simplified with a look-up table for the correction term.*/ /* When the approximation ln(e^x+e^y) = max (x,y) is, we have MAX-Log-MAP.*/ /* To set the number of iterations, change the globle variable "DECITER". To set the fr
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 26kb Publisher : bennytang

这是一个二维模态分解的一个程序。 一个美国佬写的。是分析图形的一个新的方法。- BEMD.m J.C. Nunes, Y. Bouaoune, E. Del閏helle, N. Oumar, and Ph. Bunel. "Image analysis by bidimensional empirical mode decomposition". Image and Vision Computing Journal (IVC), (to appear), 2003.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : chen

:本系统属于小型的局域网监控系统,可以对某一台计算机进行屏幕监控,本系统主要实现以下功能:  系统采用人机交互的方式,界面美观友好。  屏幕信息需要时时显示,网络延时不能大于1秒。  服务器端可以随时运行,只要客户端运行,就能够显示屏幕信息。  系统运行时占用内存不能大于10MB,以免影响系统性能。  客户端运行时需要隐藏显示窗口,起其感觉不到在运行。-dsfsfsdfsdfsdfefghghgfhdfssadshmgfhmfgm
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16.51mb Publisher : 理想

fit_maxwell_pdf - Non Linear Least Squares fit of the maxwellian distribution. given the samples of the histogram of the samples, finds the distribution parameter that fits the histogram samples. fits data to the probability of the form: p(r) = sqrt(2/pi)*(a^(-3/2))*(r^2)*exp(-(r^2)/(2*a)) with parameter: a format: result = fit_maxwell_pdf( x,y,W,hAx ) input: y - vector, samples of the histogram to be fitted x - vector, position of the samples of the histogram (i.e. y = f(x,a)) W - matrix or scalar, a square weighting matrix of the size NxN where N = length(y), or 0 to indicate no weighting is needed. hAx - handle of an axis, on which the fitted distribution is plotted if h is given empty, a figure is created. output: result - structure with the fields a - fitted parameter VAR - variance of the estimation type- weighted LS or not weighted LS iter- number of iteration for the solution- fit_maxwell_pdf - Non Linear Least Squares fit of the maxwellian distribution. given the samples of the histogram of the samples, finds the distribution parameter that fits the histogram samples. fits data to the probability of the form: p(r) = sqrt(2/pi)*(a^(-3/2))*(r^2)*exp(-(r^2)/(2*a)) with parameter: a format: result = fit_maxwell_pdf( x,y,W,hAx ) input: y - vector, samples of the histogram to be fitted x - vector, position of the samples of the histogram (i.e. y = f(x,a)) W - matrix or scalar, a square weighting matrix of the size NxN where N = length(y), or 0 to indicate no weighting is needed. hAx - handle of an axis, on which the fitted distribution is plotted if h is given empty, a figure is created. output: result - structure with the fields a - fitted parameter VAR - variance of the estimation type- weighted LS or not weighted LS iter- number of iteration for the solution
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : resident e

fit_rayleigh_pdf - Non Linear Least Squares fit of the Rayleigh distribution. given the samples of the histogram of the samples, finds the distribution parameter that fits the histogram samples.fits data to the probability of the form: p(r)=r*exp(-r^2/(2*s))/s with parameter: s format:result = fit_rayleigh_pdf( x,y,W,hAx ) input: y - vector, samples of the histogram to be fitted x - vector, position of the samples of the histogram (i.e. y = f(x,a)) W - matrix or scalar, a square weighting matrix of the size NxN where N = length(y), or 0 to indicate no weighting is needed. hAx - handle of an axis, on which the fitted distribution is plotted output: result - structure with the fields s - fitted parameter VAR - variance of the estimation type- weighted LS or not weighted LS iter- number of iteration for the solution-fit_rayleigh_pdf - Non Linear Least Squares fit of the Rayleigh distribution. given the samples of the histogram of the samples, finds the distribution parameter that fits the histogram samples.fits data to the probability of the form: p(r)=r*exp(-r^2/(2*s))/s with parameter: s format:result = fit_rayleigh_pdf( x,y,W,hAx ) input: y - vector, samples of the histogram to be fitted x - vector, position of the samples of the histogram (i.e. y = f(x,a)) W - matrix or scalar, a square weighting matrix of the size NxN where N = length(y), or 0 to indicate no weighting is needed. hAx - handle of an axis, on which the fitted distribution is plotted output: result - structure with the fields s - fitted parameter VAR - variance of the estimation type- weighted LS or not weighted LS iter- number of iteration for the solution
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : resident e

$("#da-vinci-carousel").CloudCarousel( { minScale:0.25,//视线轴距 越大远处视觉越近 reflHeight: 40, //倒影透明度 reflGap:-2, //倒影距离 //titleBox: $( #da-vinci-title ), //altBox: $( #da-vinci-alt ), buttonLeft: $( #but1 ), buttonRight: $( #but2 ), yRadius:e, //Y轴距 调整轴距需要给DIV增加高度 xPos: a, //距离左侧边距 yPos: b, //距离顶部边距 speed:0.09, //滚动速度 mouseWheel:true //是否支持鼠标滚轴 }) $("#da-vinci-carousel img").css("border",0) //消除当前效果DIV中的img边框-$ (" # Da-vinci-carousel" ). CloudCarousel ({minScale: 0.25,// ​ ​ the greater the distance the visual line of sight wheelbase closer reflHeight: 40,// ​ ​ reflection transparency reflGap:-2,// ​ ​ reflection of the distance// titleBox: $ (' # da-vinci-title' ),// ​ ​ altBox: $ (' # da-vinci-alt' ), buttonLeft: $ (' # but1' ), buttonRight: $ (' # but2' ), yRadius: e,// ​ ​ Y wheelbase wheelbase adjustments need to increase the height of DIV xPos: a,// ​ ​ from the left margin yPos: b,// ​ ​ margin from the top of the speed: 0.09,// ​ ​ scrolling speed mouseWheel: true// whether to support the mouse roller}) $ (" # da-vinci-carousel img" ). css (" border" , 0) // eliminate the current effects of img border DIV
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 372kb Publisher : qp3db

Subroutine for continuous cross spectrum analysis of two one-dimensional series x(i) and y(i) (i=1,...,n). Input parameters and arrays: n,m, x(n), y(n), n: number of data m: biggest lag time length. Generally, m is between n/3 and n/10. x(n),y(n): raw series Output variables: ol(0:m): frequency array tl(0:m): periodic array px(0:m): power spectrum of x(n) py(0:m): power spectrum of y(n) pxy(0:m): co-spectrum between x and y qxy(0:m): quad-spectrum between x and y rxy(0:m): coherence spectrum between x and y (it is between 0 and 1) cxy(0:m): phase difference spectrum between x and y If cxy(i)>0, then x trails y for the wave i, i.e. y leads x. lxy(0:m): lag length spectrum between x and y rxy951(0:m): 95 F-test confidence upper limit for coherence spectrum rxy rxy952(0:m): 95 Goodman-test confidence upper limit for coherence spectrum rxy - By Dr. Li Jianping, September 6, 2001.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : Diana
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