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[Other resourceTDeintv1b4

Description: the De-interlace video processing developed with C++ enviroment in Motion adaptive in 3D and Bi-indirection ELA in 2D
Platform: | Size: 120785 | Author: Robert | Hits:


Description: the De-interlace video processing developed with C++ enviroment in Motion adaptive in 3D and Bi-indirection ELA in 2D
Platform: | Size: 120832 | Author: Robert | Hits:

[Special EffectsAn_Intrgrated_De-interlacing_Algorithm_Design

Description: 本篇論文提出的整合式解交錯(Integrated De-interlacing)的演算法,可以有效提昇移 動區域的畫面,但是當移動估計不正確時,反而會使移動補償後的畫面變得很差,為了 改善這種情況,因此結合移動可適性解交錯的優點,並將空間圖場內插(Spatial Interpolation)的方式改成ELA(Edge Line Average)來設計,經過電腦模擬的結果發現,不僅在視覺上提高畫面的解析度,在某些影像峰值訊號雜訊比(Peak Signal Noise Ratio , PSNR)也比線平均解交 錯(Line Average De-interlacing)多出好幾分貝的畫質增益。 此外,在整合式解交錯演算法中也增加影片偵測(Film Detection)和影像加強(Image Enhancement)的演算法設計,在這樣演算法的架構下,透過影片偵測的演算法,我們可 真實地還原3:2 Pull Down 的影片格式,而不會有鋸齒狀(Saw-Toothed)的畫面出現,而影 像加強的演算法,則可以在解交錯後,經過影像的調整,使輸出畫面呈現不同的效果, 達到消費者的需求。-The main theme of this thesis is an integrated de-interlacing system, which incorporates several known and improved techniques in a nice manner to produce good de-interlaced image quality. We first develop an accurate motion detector that classifies image regions into stationary, low-motion, and high-motion categories. The simple field merging method is applied to the stationary regions. The edge line average interpolation method is applied to the slow-motion regions. Finally, the motion-compensated interpolation is applied to the high-motion regions. In addition, hierarchical motion estimation and motion vector smoothing techniques are employed to enhance the quality of estimated motion vectors. Our computer simulation shows that the subjective image quality is improved by using the proposed scheme. Also, its PSNR measures are better than the conventional spatial or temporal interpolation schemes.
Platform: | Size: 1171456 | Author: robin | Hits:

[Delphi VCLBarcode

Description: A Classe TBarcode é uma descendente direta da classe TGraphicControl, sendo assim, ela possui todos os métodos e propriedades da classe ancestral. Este componente foi desenvilvido de forma que o programador manipule suas propriedades com muita simplicidade. Ele trabalha com os 3 principais padrõ es: Interleaved 2 of 5 usado em cartõ es de ponto e documentos bancários, Code 39 que além de codificar dígitos ,pode codificar letras e alguns símbolos, e finalmente o padrã o EAN-13, que é um padrã o mundial usado para codificar embalagens de produtos.
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: misterxqm | Hits:

[2D GraphicNID

Description: novel intra deinterlacing algorithm (NID) based on content adaptive interpolation. The NID consists of three steps: pre-processing, content classification, and content adaptive interpolation. There are also three main interpolation methods in our proposed NID, i.e. modified edge-based line averaging (M-ELA), gradient directed interpolation (GDI), and window matching method (WMM).
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: cho | Hits:


Description: 激活注册易语言源码,设计自己的程序编译发到网上-Activate the registration easy language source code, design your own program compiled posted online
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 苏德江 | Hits:

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