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Description: LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector Field.
LINEINTRGAL(X,Y,U,V,C) computes the line integral along the lines given in cell array C.
X and Y define the coordinates of a rectangular grid over which
U and V are defined. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid as
% produced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.-LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector-Fi eld. LINEINTRGAL (X, Y, U, V, C) computes the line integral along the lines gi ven in cell array C. X and Y coordinate define the s of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defi ned. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid% as pro duced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.
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Size: 1567 |
Author: 左贤君 |
Description: The dispersion relation and the optical transmittance of a two-dimensional photonic crystal composed of the
hexagonal array of cylindrical air holes fabricated in a dielectric slab were analyzed by group theory and the
numerical calculation based on the fi nite-difference time-domain method. The decay rate of the leaky modes
that exist above the light line ~the dispersion relation in air! in the band diagram was also evaluated, from
which the absence of the coupling between certain internal eigenmodes and the external radiation fi eld was
shown. This phenomenon was related to symmetry mismatching by the group-theoretical argument.
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Size: 185066 |
Author: Qtai |
Description: LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector Field.
LINEINTRGAL(X,Y,U,V,C) computes the line integral along the lines given in cell array C.
X and Y define the coordinates of a rectangular grid over which
U and V are defined. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid as
% produced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.-LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector-Fi eld. LINEINTRGAL (X, Y, U, V, C) computes the line integral along the lines gi ven in cell array C. X and Y coordinate define the s of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defi ned. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid% as pro duced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.
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Size: 1024 |
Author: 左贤君 |
Description: The dispersion relation and the optical transmittance of a two-dimensional photonic crystal composed of the
hexagonal array of cylindrical air holes fabricated in a dielectric slab were analyzed by group theory and the
numerical calculation based on the fi nite-difference time-domain method. The decay rate of the leaky modes
that exist above the light line ~the dispersion relation in air! in the band diagram was also evaluated, from
which the absence of the coupling between certain internal eigenmodes and the external radiation fi eld was
shown. This phenomenon was related to symmetry mismatching by the group-theoretical argument. -The dispersion relation and the optical transmittance of a two-dimensional photonic crystal composed of thehexagonal array of cylindrical air holes fabricated in a dielectric slab were analyzed by group theory and thenumerical calculation based on the
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Size: 184320 |
Author: Qtai |
Description: These are P-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate
power fi eld effect transistors. They are advanced power
MOSFETs designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand a
specifi ed level of energy in the breakdown avalanche mode
of operation. All of these power MOSFETs are designed for
applications such as switching regulators, switching
converters, motor drivers, relay drivers and drivers for other
high-power switching devices. The high input impedance
allows these types to be operated directly from integrated
circuits.-These are P-Channel enhancement mode silicon gatepower
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Size: 62464 |
Author: 李明 |
Description: economic load dispatch by quadratic programming
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Size: 35840 |
Author: saumyagautam2007 |
Description: 压缩传感是一个从2006年左右开始兴起的研究领域,它关注于如何采样信号,也就是信号的采样方式或者压缩方式。通过设计一种特殊的采样方案,可以使得采样频率降低为信号的“信息率”,而不是传统的奈奎斯特采样率,于是,实际的采样率可以大大低于奈奎斯特频率,却只损失很少的信息量,依然保持了充足的信息量足以恢复出采样前的原始信号。这个研究思想挑战了奈奎斯特频率的理论极限,会对整个信号处理领域产生极其深远的影响,同时,信号处理的许多应用领域也会随之发生根本性的发展和变化。
-Compressive sensing (CS) is an emerging fi eld based on the revelation that a small
collection of linear projections of a sparse signal contains enough information for sta-
ble, sub-Nyquist signal acquisition. When a statistical characterization of the signal
is available, Bayesian inference can complement conventional CS methods based on
linear programming or greedy algorithms. We perform approximate Bayesian infer-
ence using belief propagation (BP) decoding, which represents the CS encoding matrix
as a graphical model. Fast encoding and decoding is provided using sparse encoding
matrices, which also improve BP convergence by reducing the presence of loops in
the graph. To decode a length-N signal containing K large coeffi cients, our CS-BP
decoding algorithm uses O(K log(N)) measurements and O(N log2
(N)) computation.
Finally, sparse encoding matrices and the CS-BP decoding algorithm can be modifi ed
to support a variety of signal models and measurement noi
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Size: 239616 |
Author: romman |
Description: KINEMATICS is a branch of dynamics that studies aspects of motion apart
from considerations of masses and forces. Essentially, Kinematics is a collection
of vector/matrix methods to describe positions, velocities and accelerations
of particles and rigid bodies, as viewed from various reference frames. The
sub-eld of Particle Kinematics considers only the motion of particles. This
in itself can be quite challenging at times.
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Size: 6382592 |
Author: simon |
Description: Decrete Mathematics
For most students, the fi rst and often only area of mathematics in college is calculus. And
it is true that calculus is the single most important fi eld of mathematics, whose emergence
in the 17th century signalled the birth of modern mathematics and was the key to the
successful applications of mathematics in the sciences.
But calculus (or analysis) is also very technical. It takes a lot of work even to introduce
its fundamental notions like continuity or derivatives (after all, it took 2 centuries just
to defi ne these notions properly). To get a feeling for the power of its methods, say by
describing one of its important applications in detail, takes years of study.
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Size: 698368 |
Author: bachu |
Description: Learning OpenCV--Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library
-Th is book provides a working guide to the Open Source Computer Vision Library
(OpenCV) and also provides a general background to the fi eld of computer vision suffi
cient to use OpenCV eff ectively.
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Size: 11653120 |
Author: Cheng |
Description: eld matlab code for solving optimization problem
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Size: 15360 |
Author: zammu |
Description: an introduction to wavelets
-Wavelets are mathematical functions that cut up data into di® erent frequency components,
and then study each component with a resolution matched to its scale. They have advantages
over traditional Fourier methods in analyzing physical situations where the signal contains
discontinuities and sharp spikes. Wavelets were developed independently in the ¯ elds of mathematics,
quantum physics, electrical engineering, and seismic geology. Interchanges between these ¯ elds
during the last ten years have led to many new wavelet applications such as image compression,
turbulence, human vision, radar, and earthquake prediction. This paper introduces wavelets to the
interested technical person outside of the digital signal processing ¯ eld. I describe the history of
wavelets beginning with Fourier, compare wavelet transforms with Fourier transforms, state properties
and other special aspects of wavelets, and ¯ nish with some interesting applications such as
image comp
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Size: 345088 |
Author: same |
Description: economic load dispatch
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Size: 1024 |
Author: jalagadugula |
Description: Robotics is a relatively young fi eld of modern technology that crosses tra-
ditional engineering boundaries. Understanding the complexity of robots and
their applications requires knowledge of electrical engineering, mechanical engi-
neering, systems and industrial engineering, computer science, economics, and
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Size: 5600256 |
Author: arif |
Description: A dynamic programming based fast computation Hopfi eld neural
network for unit commitment and economic dispatch
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Size: 316416 |
Author: gtre |
Description: Algorithms
Copyright c
2006 S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani
July 18, 2006-This book evolved over the past ten years from a set of lecture notes developed while teaching the undergraduate Algorithms course at Berkeley and U.C. San Diego. Our way of teaching this course evolved tremendously over these years in a number of directions, partly to address our students background (undeveloped formal skills outside of programming), and partly to rect the maturing of the eld in general, as we have come to see it. The notes increasingly crystallized into a narrative, and we progressively structured the course to emphasize the story line implicit in the progression of the material. As a result, the topics were carefully selected and clustered. No attempt was made to be encyclopedic, and this freed us to include topics traditionally de-emphasized or omitted from most Algorithms books.
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Size: 1681408 |
Author: lixiaobo |
Description: Customizable EasyLanguage trading strategy framework.
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Size: 3072 |
Author: Thomas Keough, III |
Description: Economic load dispatch
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Size: 1024 |
Author: Sungchul Hwang |
Description: GAMS coding for ELD, GAMS software
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Size: 1024 |
Author: wellyam |
Description: artificial bee colony for eld
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Size: 19456 |
Author: sathish |