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级联码迭代译码Exit图分析, 包括outer code, inner code, middle code的Exit chart
Update : 2011-03-05 Size : 5.55kb Publisher : sean_1985

Introduction Tokenmon is a application that monitors and displays a variety of security-related activity taking place on a system. Tokenmon gets its name from the fact that Windows NT/2000 stores a process security information, including the user account context in which the process executes, in an object called a token. The security activity Tokenmon monitors includes the following: · Logon/logoff · Enabling and disabling of privileges · Impersonation · Process creation/exit Tokenmon has advanced filtering and search capabilities that make it a powerful tool for exploring the way NT works, seeing how applications use security functions, or tracking down problems in system or application configurations. Tokenmon works on NT 4.0 and Windows 2000.-Introduction Tokenmon is a application that monitors and displays a variety of security-related activity taking place on a system. Tokenmon gets its name from the fact that Windows NT/2000 stores a process security information, including the user account the context in which the process executes, in an object called a token. The security Tokenmon monitors activity includes the following : Logon/logoff Enabling and disabling of privileges Impersonation Process creation/exit Tokenmon has advanced filtering and search capabilities that make it a powerful tool for exploring the way NT works, seeing how applications use security functions, or tracking down problems in system or application configurations. Tokenmon works on NT 4.0 and Windows 2000.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 170kb Publisher : 哈哈

用EXIT图来分析卷积码组的特性,有详细的注释,对于研究和学习卷积吗很有帮助-EXIT chart used to analyze group characteristics of convolutional codes, have detailed notes, for research and study it very helpful convolution
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 彭坦

DL : 0
RunExp.m: -Changed script into a function. -Coded to accept the numberofRuns as an Argument. -Added code for automatic Exit from Matlab and Shutdown of WindowsPC.- RunExp.m: -Changed script into a function. -Coded to accept the numberofRuns as an Argument. -Added code for automatic Exit from Matlab and Shutdown of WindowsPC.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : LJH

AffineTransformation computes and applies the geometric affine transformation to a 2-D image. The program main functions are: - Load Image: Load the image to be transformed. - Transform Image: Computes the transformation matrix from the transformation parameters specified by the user, then it applies the transformation to the loaded image. - Save Image: Save the transformed image. - Quit: Exit the program. The transformation parameters are specified by the user by editing the values of the rotation, scale (x and y), and shear (x and y). The translation is not icluded because it can be easily (normalized or) removed from the image by subtracting the shape cetroid. The affine matrix and the affinr transformation are computed using Matlab Image Processing Toolbox functions: maketform and imtransform. So this program is only demonstrates and facilitates the computation and the applying of these functions to a 2-D image.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : chouchoumao

EXIT_CND_exact.c:exact closed-form solution for the EXIT curve of the check node decoder for the regular LDPC decoder, as in Sharon s paper. Used for the EXIT chart analysis of LDPC codes.-exact closed-form solution for the EXIT curve of the check node decoder for the regular LDPC decoder, as in Sharon s paper. Used for the EXIT chart analysis of LDPC codes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 查哲

non binary ldpc exit the paper is published in ISIT 05-nonbinary ldpc exit the paper is published in ISIT 05
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 667kb Publisher : mike zhou

本源码包参考英国Southampton大学Robert G. Maunder教授2008年的EXIT charts开源demo,给出了通用(分量码多项式可自定义)并行级联Turbo码的EXIT charts的作图源码。同时可完成迭代轨线、BER等值线的绘制等工作。 由于对于码块长较大的情形仿真需要较长时间,源码包也给出了部分分量码多项式的仿真结果,可直接用于绘图。 源码包还给出了最经典的S.Ten Brink介绍EXIT charts基本原理的参考文献,以及本人对通信系统中迭代译码过程分析技术综述的小论文,希望对大家有所帮助。-This source package comes after Professor Robert G. Maunder s open source demo about EXIT charts in 2008 from University Southampton, UK. It is designed for universal (constituent code generation polynomial can be customized) Parallel Concatenated Turbo Code EXIT charts. The iterative trajectories and BER contour drawing is also completed in this package. Since the long block case costs a lot of simulation time, some simulation results are included in the package. We also give the most classical introduction to the basic principles of EXIT charts from S. Ten Brink, as well as a document about analysis technologies for iterative decoding process in communication systems. Hope this will help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.34mb Publisher : 何飞

最经典的S.Ten Brink介绍EXIT charts基本原理的参考文献,以及本人对通信系统中迭代译码过程分析技术综述的小论文,希望对大家有所帮助-The most classical introduction to the basic principles of EXIT charts from S. Ten Brink, as well as a document about analysis technologies for iterative decoding process in communication systems. Hope this will help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.28mb Publisher : 何飞

EXIT图绘制过程中统计似然值分布并计算其与信息比特的互信息的两种算法-two algorithms for measuring the mutual information of likelihood values and symtematic information bits
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 何飞

EXIT图绘制中根据要求的互信息度量生成(高斯分布)先验似然值-generating (Gaussian) priori likelihood values for a given mutual information measurement
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 何飞

R3层 检 测 HideToolz的Delphi代码 原理很简单,检查系统托盘区内容是否包含"HideToolz"字串. 假如用HideToolz把Explorer.exe隐藏起来,那么上述代码就检测不到了. 此处复制内容到剪贴板代码: ToolBarHnd := FindWindowEx(0, 0, Shell_TrayWnd , nil) ToolBarHnd := FindWindowEx(ToolBarHnd, 0, TrayNotifyWnd , nil) ToolBarHnd := FindWindowEx(ToolBarHnd, 0, SysPager , nil) ToolBarHnd := FindWindowEx(ToolBarHnd, 0, ToolbarWindow32 , nil) if ToolBarHnd = 0 then begin Exit end 会跳出函数,当然你也可以跳出之前加入处理代码,防止Explorer.exe被隐藏. 完整的代码和测试包含在附件中,运行project1.exe,如果HideToolz开启会MessageBox否则没有任何提示安静的退出. -R3 layer testing of Delphi code HideToolz principle is very simple to check whether the system tray area contains " HideToolz" string. HideToolz If the Explorer.exe with hidden, then the code could not be detected above the. Here the code to copy the contents to the clipboard : ToolBarHnd: = FindWindowEx (0, 0, ' Shell_TrayWnd' , nil) ToolBarHnd: = FindWindowEx (ToolBarHnd, 0, ' TrayNotifyWnd' , nil) ToolBarHnd: = FindWindowEx (ToolBarHnd, 0, ' SysPager' , nil) ToolBarHnd : = FindWindowEx (ToolBarHnd, 0, ' ToolbarWindow32' , nil) if ToolBarHnd = 0 then begin Exit end will be out of function, of course, before you can jump out to deal with code, to prevent hidden Explorer.exe. complete code and test included in the Annex, the operation project1.exe, open HideToolz will MessageBox if there is no prompt or a quiet exit.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : r00tsh3ll

EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts are useful for characterizing the convergence properties and the performance of turbo receivers. Turbo receivers are generally constructed from two or more Soft Input Soft Output (SISO) modules. By simulating a single SISO module, the transfer characteristic of the SISO module can be obtained using the EXIT class. The transfer characteristics of two SISO modules represented on the same figure by switching the axes give the EXIT diagram.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : baktha

DL : 0
软件安装 #NoTrayIcon #Region **** 参数创建于 ACNWrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=zyb.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=软件安装 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-q #EndRegion **** 参数创建于 ACNWrapper_GUI **** #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) Opt("guicloseonesc", 0) 以下为检查配置文件设置 $soft_ini = FileOpen("Soft.ini", 0) If $soft_ini = -1 Then MsgBox(16, "错误", 请检查配置文件 & @ScriptDir & \"Soft.ini"是否存在! ) @ScriptDir为脚本所在目录 Exit-Software installation# NoTrayIcon# Region **** parameters established in ACNWrapper_GUI****# AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile = zyb.exe# AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression = 4# AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment = Software Installation# AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion = AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters =- q# EndRegion **** Parameters founded in ACNWrapper_GUI****# include <GUIConstants.au3># include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt ( " TrayOnEventMode" , 1) Opt ( " guicloseonesc" , 0) the following to check the configuration file to set $ soft_ini = FileOpen ( " Soft.ini" , 0) If $ soft_ini =-1 Then MsgBox (16, " Error" , ' Please check the configuration file' & @ ScriptDir & ' \ " Soft.ini" exists!' ) @ ScriptDir for the script directory Exit
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 金月

DL : 0
EXIT图,外信息转移图,对做迭代分析的非常有帮助。-EXIT chart, extrinsic information transfer chart, right to do iterative analysis very helpful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 张明

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包含linux园开发代码的对于进程处理函数的exit的各个核心部分,内容有注释说明-Linux Park contains the code for the process development function to the exit of each core of the content of explanatory notes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 胡晓云

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EXIT chart of LDPC code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : khas

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中继信道下 利用EXIT算法进行中继选择, Lajos Hanzo 实验室的成果(In this paper, we have proposed and investigated an attractive joint source coding, channel coding, and modulation (JSCM) scheme for a two-way relaying system. We commence by quantifying the achievable capacity of the corresponding two-way relay channel before proposing low-complexity source coding schemes for concatenation with bandwidth- and power-efficient coded modulation schemes. Extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts are used to investigate the decoding convergence of the joint source and channel decoder and for the overall system design. The quality of the decoded source signals is quantified using the bit error ratio (BER) metric. It is found that the two-way-relay-based JSCM scheme is capable of attaining a combined coding and relaying gain of 5.7 dB over the conventional noncooperative JSCM scheme when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels in an outdoor environment)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1mb Publisher : xmucecc

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使用matlab的EXIT图程序,生成卷积码的外信息转移曲线,可用作译码性能估计(Using the EXIT program of MATLAB, the external information transfer curve of the convolutional code is generated, which can be used for decoding performance estimation)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : anonymous1028

SAP 程序权限设定,Query的使用,CATT 、BDC 、BAPI、 User-Exit,SAP IDES安装攻略(SAP program permissions settings, Query usage, CATT, BDC, BAPI, User-Exit, SAP IDES installation strategy.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21.33mb Publisher : mark_rcw
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